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Beyond the Door(Part 5)门后的“布谷鸟”

ByPhilip K. Dick

Larry pushed the front door open,grunting咕哝着说.He set his briefcase down andtook off his hat. Then he saw Bob for the first time.


"Chambers. I'll be damned(v.使……失败;ad.该死)." His eyes narrowed."What are you doing here?" He came into the dining-room. Doris drewher robe(长袍,睡袍) about her helplessly, backingaway.

"I—" Bob began."That is, we—" He broke off打断(谈话), glancing at Doris. Suddenly theclock began to whirr(呼呼的飞/转;呼的一声). The cuckoo came rushing out, bursting into sound. Larry movedtoward him.

"Shut that din(嘈杂声) off," he said. He raisedhis fist toward the clock. The cuckoo snapped into silence and retreated(后退,撤退). The door closed. "That'sbetter." Larry studied Doris and Bob, standing mutely together.

“Chambers.我真倒霉。”眼睛眯起来问道“你们在这干什么”他来到卧室。Doris拉着她的睡袍,无助的回过头来。‘我” Bob回应道“额……我们”他说不下去了,盯着Doris。突然,布谷鸟钟开始忽的飞出来报时。布谷鸟冲出来叫起来。Larry走向布谷鸟。“关掉那个该死的噪音,”他说着,挥起拳头向时钟砸去。布谷鸟一下子静音了,然后退了回去,时钟的门也关上了。“这样好多了。”Larry打量着D&B,所有人都陷入沉默。

"I came over to look at theclock," Bob said. "Doris told me that it's a rare antique andthat—"


"Nuts(<俚>发疯的,傻的). I bought it myself." Larry walked up to him. "Getout of here." He turned to Doris. "You too. And take that damn clockwith you."


Hepaused, rubbing his chin(摸着他的下巴). "No. Leave the clock here.It's mine; I bought it and paid for it."


In the weeks that followed afterDoris left, Larry and the cuckoo clock got along even worse than before. Forone thing, the cuckoo stayed inside most of the time, sometimes even at twelveo'clock when he should have been busiest. And if he did come out at all heusually spoke only once or twice, never the correct number of times. And therewas a sullen(不高兴的), uncooperative note in hisvoice, a jarring(vi.发出刺耳的声音) sound that made Larry uneasy and a little angry.


But he kept the clock wound,because the house was very still and quiet and it got on his nerves(get on one’snerves 使人心烦,使人不安) not to hear someone running around, talking and droppingthings. And even the whirring of a clock sounded good to him.


Buthe didn't like the cuckoo at all. And sometimes he spoke to him.



By Philip K. Dick是一位知名科幻小说家,这篇文章是他一个短篇的节选,原文整个故事讲述了Larry(男主角)给妻子(Doris)买了一个有问题的布谷鸟报时钟(a cuckoo clock),而因为这个报时钟引发了一系列的麻烦和妻子的抱怨,故事已经升级到小三出现了。用布谷鸟与男主人的相处,侧面描写内心,表达故事主线,很有意思的短篇。
