



#ifndef MATH_H
#define MATH_H


struct Vector3
	Vector3() {};
	Vector3(float _x, float _y, float _z) { x = _x, y = _y, z = _z; }
	float x, y, z;

struct Ray
	Ray() {};
	Ray(float startingX, float startingY, float startingZ, float directionX, float directionY, float directionZ) 
		startingPoint.x = startingX;
		startingPoint.y = startingY;
		startingPoint.z = startingZ;
		direction.x = directionX;
		direction.y = directionY;
		direction.z = directionZ;
	Vector3 startingPoint, direction;	

struct Plane
	Plane(float ax, float ay, float az, float bx, float by, float bz, float cx, float cy, float cz)
		a = Vector3(ax, ay, az);
		b = Vector3(bx, by, bz);
		c = Vector3(cx, cy, cz);
	Vector3 a, b, c;
	Vector3 normal;
	float k;

class Math
		static float GetMagnitude(Vector3 _vector);
		static float GetDotProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2);
		static Vector3 GetPlaneNormal(Plane _plane);
		static float GetShortestAngle(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2);
		static Vector3 GetCrossProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2);
		static float GetTripleProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2, Vector3 _vector3);
		static float GetAntiClockwiseAngle(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2, Vector3 _viewVector);
		static float GetQuickSqrt(float _number);
		static float GetQuickMagnitude(Vector3 _vector);
		static Vector3 CheckForIntersection(Ray _Ray1, Ray _Ray2);
		static void WriteVector(Vector3 _vector);
		static Vector3 AddVectors(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2);
		static Vector3 SubtractVectors(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2);
		static Vector3 MultiplyVectorWithFloat(Vector3 _vector1, float _float);
		static bool CheckForPlaneIntersection(Plane _plane, Ray _ray, std::shared_ptr _intersectionPoint);
		static Plane SetupPlane(Plane _plane);





#include "Math.h"

float Math::GetQuickMagnitude(Vector3 _vector)
	return GetQuickSqrt(pow(_vector.x, 2) + pow(_vector.y, 2) + pow(_vector.z, 2));

float Math::GetMagnitude(Vector3 _vector)
	return pow(pow(_vector.x, 2) + pow(_vector.y, 2) + pow(_vector.z, 2), 0.5);

float Math::GetDotProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2)
	return (_vector1.x * _vector2.x) + (_vector1.y * _vector2.y) + (_vector1.z * _vector2.z);

float Math::GetShortestAngle(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2)
	return acos((GetDotProduct(_vector1, _vector2)) / (GetMagnitude(_vector1) * GetMagnitude(_vector2))) * 180 / 3.1459;

Vector3 Math::GetCrossProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2)
	Vector3 result(0, 0, 0);
	result.x = (_vector1.y * _vector2.z) - (_vector1.z * _vector2.y);
	result.y = (_vector1.z * _vector2.x) - (_vector1.x * _vector2.z);
	result.z = (_vector1.x * _vector2.y) - (_vector1.y * _vector2.x);
	return result;	

float Math::GetTripleProduct(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2, Vector3 _vector3)
	float result;
	Vector3 cross = GetCrossProduct(_vector1, _vector2);
	result = GetDotProduct(_vector3, cross);
	return result;

float Math::GetAntiClockwiseAngle(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2, Vector3 _viewVector)
	float result = GetShortestAngle(_vector1, _vector2);
	float tripleProduct = GetTripleProduct(_vector1, _vector2, _viewVector);
	if(tripleProduct < 0)
		result = 360 - result;

	return result;

float Math::GetQuickSqrt(float _number)
		float y = _number;
		long i = *(long *)&y;
		i = 0x1fbd1df5 + (i >> 1);
		return *(float *)&i;

Vector3 Math::CheckForIntersection(Ray _Ray1, Ray _Ray2)
	Ray tempRay1, tempRay2, totalRay;
	Vector3 interestionPoint;
	float sValue;	
	float tValue;
	//finds the multiplier
	float xMultiplier = _Ray1.direction.y;
	float yMultiplier = _Ray1.direction.x;
	//multiplies out the first 2 equations - similinatneous equations
	tempRay1.startingPoint.x = _Ray1.startingPoint.x * xMultiplier;
	tempRay1.direction.x = _Ray1.direction.x * xMultiplier;
	tempRay1.startingPoint.y = _Ray1.startingPoint.y * yMultiplier;	
	tempRay1.direction.y = _Ray1.direction.y * yMultiplier;
	tempRay2.startingPoint.x = _Ray2.startingPoint.x * xMultiplier;
	tempRay2.direction.x = _Ray2.direction.x * xMultiplier;
	tempRay2.startingPoint.y = _Ray2.startingPoint.y * yMultiplier;	
	tempRay2.direction.y = _Ray2.direction.y * yMultiplier;
	//finds out the value of the integerer on the right hand side
	float x = tempRay2.startingPoint.x - tempRay2.startingPoint.y;
	//works out the s value
	sValue = (tempRay1.startingPoint.x - tempRay1.startingPoint.y - x) / (tempRay2.direction.x - tempRay2.direction.y);
	//from the s value it can calculate the t value
	tValue = ((tempRay2.startingPoint.y + (tempRay2.direction.y * sValue)) - tempRay1.startingPoint.y) / tempRay1.direction.y;
	//checks with the 3rd equation to see if the intersect
	if((_Ray1.startingPoint.z + (_Ray1.direction.z * tValue)) == (_Ray2.startingPoint.z + (_Ray2.direction.z * sValue)))
		interestionPoint.x = _Ray1.startingPoint.x + (_Ray1.direction.x * tValue);
		interestionPoint.y = _Ray1.startingPoint.y + (_Ray1.direction.y * tValue);
		interestionPoint.z = _Ray1.startingPoint.z + (_Ray1.direction.z * tValue);

	//if they dont intersect
		//return 0, 0, 0
		interestionPoint = Vector3(0, 0, 0);
	return interestionPoint;	

void Math::WriteVector(Vector3 _vector)
	std::cout << "X Component: " << _vector.x << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Y Component: " << _vector.y << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Z Component: " << _vector.z << std::endl;

Vector3 Math::GetPlaneNormal(Plane _plane)
	Vector3 a = SubtractVectors(_plane.b, _plane.a);
	Vector3 b = SubtractVectors(_plane.c, _plane.a);
	Vector3 topVector = GetCrossProduct(a, b);
	float bottomVector = GetMagnitude(topVector);
	topVector.x = topVector.x / bottomVector;
	topVector.y = topVector.y / bottomVector;
	topVector.z = topVector.z / bottomVector;
	return topVector;

Vector3 Math::AddVectors(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2)
	Vector3 temp;
	temp.x = _vector1.x + _vector2.x;
	temp.y = _vector1.y + _vector2.y;
	temp.z = _vector1.z + _vector2.z;
	return temp;

Vector3 Math::SubtractVectors(Vector3 _vector1, Vector3 _vector2)
	Vector3 temp;
	temp.x = _vector1.x - _vector2.x;
	temp.y = _vector1.y - _vector2.y;
	temp.z = _vector1.z - _vector2.z;
	return temp;

Vector3 Math::MultiplyVectorWithFloat(Vector3 _vector1, float _float)
	Vector3 temp;
	temp.x = _vector1.x * _float;
	temp.y = _vector1.y * _float;
	temp.z = _vector1.z * _float;
	return temp;

bool Math::CheckForPlaneIntersection(Plane _plane, Ray _ray, std::shared_ptr _intersectionPoint)
	float top = _plane.k - GetDotProduct(_plane.normal, _ray.startingPoint);
	float bottom = GetDotProduct(_plane.normal, _ray.direction);
	float t = top / bottom;
		return false;
		Vector3 temp = AddVectors(_ray.startingPoint, MultiplyVectorWithFloat(_ray.direction, t));
		_intersectionPoint->x = temp.x;
		_intersectionPoint->y = temp.y;
		_intersectionPoint->z = temp.z;
		return true;

Plane Math::SetupPlane(Plane _plane)
	_plane.normal = GetPlaneNormal(_plane);
	_plane.k = GetDotProduct(_plane.normal, _plane.a);
	return _plane;





// OBJ_Loader.h - A Single Header OBJ Model Loader

#pragma once

// Vector - STD Vector/Array Library


// String - STD String Library

// fStream - STD File I/O Library

// Print progress to console while loading (large models)

// Namespace: OBJL
// Description: The namespace that holds eveyrthing that
//	is needed and used for the OBJ Model Loader
namespace objl
	// Structure: Vector2
	// Description: A 2D Vector that Holds Positional Data
	struct Vector2
		// Default Constructor
			X = 0.0f;
			Y = 0.0f;
		// Variable Set Constructor
		Vector2(float X_, float Y_)
			X = X_;
			Y = Y_;
		// Bool Equals Operator Overload
		bool operator==(const Vector2& other) const
			return (this->X == other.X && this->Y == other.Y);
		// Bool Not Equals Operator Overload
		bool operator!=(const Vector2& other) const
			return !(this->X == other.X && this->Y == other.Y);
		// Addition Operator Overload
		Vector2 operator+(const Vector2& right) const
			return Vector2(this->X + right.X, this->Y + right.Y);
		// Subtraction Operator Overload
		Vector2 operator-(const Vector2& right) const
			return Vector2(this->X - right.X, this->Y - right.Y);
		// Float Multiplication Operator Overload
		Vector2 operator*(const float& other) const
			return Vector2(this->X *other, this->Y * other);

		// Positional Variables
		float X;
		float Y;

	// Structure: Vector3
	// Description: A 3D Vector that Holds Positional Data
	struct Vector3
		// Default Constructor
			X = 0.0f;
			Y = 0.0f;
			Z = 0.0f;
		// Variable Set Constructor
		Vector3(float X_, float Y_, float Z_)
			X = X_;
			Y = Y_;
			Z = Z_;
		// Bool Equals Operator Overload
		bool operator==(const Vector3& other) const
			return (this->X == other.X && this->Y == other.Y && this->Z == other.Z);
		// Bool Not Equals Operator Overload
		bool operator!=(const Vector3& other) const
			return !(this->X == other.X && this->Y == other.Y && this->Z == other.Z);
		// Addition Operator Overload
		Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& right) const
			return Vector3(this->X + right.X, this->Y + right.Y, this->Z + right.Z);
		// Subtraction Operator Overload
		Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& right) const
			return Vector3(this->X - right.X, this->Y - right.Y, this->Z - right.Z);
		// Float Multiplication Operator Overload
		Vector3 operator*(const float& other) const
			return Vector3(this->X *other, this->Y * other, this->Z - other);

		// Positional Variables
		float X;
		float Y;
		float Z;

	// Structure: Vertex
	// Description: Model Vertex object that holds
	//	a Position, Normal, and Texture Coordinate
	struct Vertex
		// Position Vector
		Vector3 Position;

		// Normal Vector
		Vector3 Normal;

		// Texture Coordinate Vector
		Vector2 TextureCoordinate;

	struct Material
			Ns = 0.0f;
			Ni = 0.0f;
			d = 0.0f;
			illum = 0;

		// Material Name
		std::string name;
		// Ambient Color
		Vector3 Ka;
		// Diffuse Color
		Vector3 Kd;
		// Specular Color
		Vector3 Ks;
		// Specular Exponent
		float Ns;
		// Optical Density
		float Ni;
		// Dissolve
		float d;
		// Illumination
		int illum;
		// Ambient Texture Map
		std::string map_Ka;
		// Diffuse Texture Map
		std::string map_Kd;
		// Specular Texture Map
		std::string map_Ks;
		// Specular Hightlight Map
		std::string map_Ns;
		// Alpha Texture Map
		std::string map_d;
		// Bump Map
		std::string map_bump;

	// Structure: Mesh
	// Description: A Simple Mesh Object that holds
	//	a name, a vertex list, and an index list
	struct Mesh
		// Default Constructor

		// Variable Set Constructor
		Mesh(std::vector& _Vertices, std::vector& _Indices)
			Vertices = _Vertices;
			Indices = _Indices;
		// Mesh Name
		std::string MeshName;
		// Vertex List
		std::vector Vertices;
		// Index List
		std::vector Indices;

		// Material
		Material MeshMaterial;

	// Namespace: Math
	// Description: The namespace that holds all of the math
	//	functions need for OBJL
	namespace math
		// Vector3 Cross Product
		Vector3 CrossV3(const Vector3 a, const Vector3 b)
			return Vector3(a.Y * b.Z - a.Z * b.Y,
				a.Z * b.X - a.X * b.Z,
				a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X);

		// Vector3 Magnitude Calculation
		float MagnitudeV3(const Vector3 in)
			return (sqrtf(powf(in.X, 2) + powf(in.Y, 2) + powf(in.Z, 2)));

		// Vector3 DotProduct
		float DotV3(const Vector3 a, const Vector3 b)
			return (a.X * b.X) + (a.Y * b.Y) + (a.Z * b.Z);

		// Angle between 2 Vector3 Objects
		float AngleBetweenV3(const Vector3 a, const Vector3 b)
			float angle = DotV3(a, b);
			angle /= (MagnitudeV3(a) * MagnitudeV3(b));
			return angle = acosf(angle);

	// Namespace: Algorithm
	// Description: The namespace that holds all of the
	// Algorithms needed for OBJL
	namespace algorithm
		// Vector3 Multiplication Opertor Overload
		Vector3 operator*(const float& left, const Vector3& right)
			return Vector3(right.X * left, right.Y * left, right.Z * left);

		// Check to see if a Vector3 Point is within a 3 Vector3 Triangle
		bool inTriangle(Vector3 point, Vector3 tri1, Vector3 tri2, Vector3 tri3)
			// Starting vars
			Vector3 u = tri2 - tri1;
			Vector3 v = tri3 - tri1;
			Vector3 w = point - tri1;
			Vector3 n = math::CrossV3(u, v);

			float y = (math::DotV3(math::CrossV3(u, w), n) / math::DotV3(n, n));
			float b = (math::DotV3(math::CrossV3(u, w), n) / math::DotV3(n, n));
			float a = 1 - y - b;

			// Projected point
			Vector3  p = (a * tri1) + (b * tri2) + (y * tri3);

			if (a >= 0 && a <= 1
				&& b >= 0 && b <= 1
				&& y >= 0 && y <= 1)
				return true;
				return false;

		// Split a String into a string array at a given token
		inline void split(const std::string &in,
			std::vector &out,
			std::string token)

			std::string temp;

			for (int i = 0; i < int(in.size()); i++)
				std::string test = in.substr(i, token.size());

				if (test == token)
					if (!temp.empty())
						i += (int)token.size() - 1;
				else if (i + token.size() >= in.size())
					temp += in.substr(i, token.size());
					temp += in[i];

		// Get tail of string after first token and possibly following spaces
		inline std::string tail(const std::string &in)
			size_t token_start = in.find_first_not_of(" \t");
			size_t space_start = in.find_first_of(" \t", token_start);
			size_t tail_start = in.find_first_not_of(" \t", space_start);
			size_t tail_end = in.find_last_not_of(" \t");
			if (tail_start != std::string::npos && tail_end != std::string::npos)
				return in.substr(tail_start, tail_end - tail_start + 1);
			else if (tail_start != std::string::npos)
				return in.substr(tail_start);
			return "";

		// Get first token of string
		inline std::string firstToken(const std::string &in)
			if (!in.empty())
				size_t token_start = in.find_first_not_of(" \t");
				size_t token_end = in.find_first_of(" \t", token_start);
				if (token_start != std::string::npos && token_end != std::string::npos)
					return in.substr(token_start, token_end - token_start);
				else if (token_start != std::string::npos)
					return in.substr(token_start);
			return "";

		// Get element at given index position
		inline const T & getElement(const std::vector &elements, std::string &index)
			int idx = std::stoi(index);
			if (idx < 0)
				idx = int(elements.size()) + idx;
			return elements[idx];

	// Class: Loader
	// Description: The OBJ Model Loader
	class Loader
		// Default Constructor


		// Load a file into the loader
		// If file is loaded return true
		// If the file is unable to be found
		// or unable to be loaded return false
		bool LoadFile(std::string Path)
			// If the file is not an .obj file return false
			if (Path.substr(Path.size() - 4, 4) != ".obj")
				return false;

			std::ifstream file(Path);

			if (!file.is_open())
				return false;


			std::vector Positions;
			std::vector TCoords;
			std::vector Normals;

			std::vector Vertices;
			std::vector Indices;

			std::vector MeshMatNames;

			bool listening = false;
			std::string meshname;

			Mesh tempMesh;

			const unsigned int outputEveryNth = 1000;
			unsigned int outputIndicator = outputEveryNth;

			std::string curline;
			while (std::getline(file, curline))
				if ((outputIndicator = ((outputIndicator + 1) % outputEveryNth)) == 1)
					if (!meshname.empty())
							<< "\r- " << meshname
							<< "\t| vertices > " << Positions.size()
							<< "\t| texcoords > " << TCoords.size()
							<< "\t| normals > " << Normals.size()
							<< "\t| triangles > " << (Vertices.size() / 3)
							<< (!MeshMatNames.empty() ? "\t| material: " + MeshMatNames.back() : "");

				// Generate a Mesh Object or Prepare for an object to be created
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "o" || algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "g" || curline[0] == 'g')
					if (!listening)
						listening = true;

						if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "o" || algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "g")
							meshname = algorithm::tail(curline);
							meshname = "unnamed";
						// Generate the mesh to put into the array

						if (!Indices.empty() && !Vertices.empty())
							// Create Mesh
							tempMesh = Mesh(Vertices, Indices);
							tempMesh.MeshName = meshname;

							// Insert Mesh

							// Cleanup

							meshname = algorithm::tail(curline);
							if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "o" || algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "g")
								meshname = algorithm::tail(curline);
								meshname = "unnamed";
					std::cout << std::endl;
					outputIndicator = 0;
				// Generate a Vertex Position
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "v")
					std::vector spos;
					Vector3 vpos;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), spos, " ");

					vpos.X = std::stof(spos[0]);
					vpos.Y = std::stof(spos[1]);
					vpos.Z = std::stof(spos[2]);

				// Generate a Vertex Texture Coordinate
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "vt")
					std::vector stex;
					Vector2 vtex;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), stex, " ");

					vtex.X = std::stof(stex[0]);
					vtex.Y = std::stof(stex[1]);

				// Generate a Vertex Normal;
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "vn")
					std::vector snor;
					Vector3 vnor;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), snor, " ");

					vnor.X = std::stof(snor[0]);
					vnor.Y = std::stof(snor[1]);
					vnor.Z = std::stof(snor[2]);

				// Generate a Face (vertices & indices)
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "f")
					// Generate the vertices
					std::vector vVerts;
					GenVerticesFromRawOBJ(vVerts, Positions, TCoords, Normals, curline);

					// Add Vertices
					for (int i = 0; i < int(vVerts.size()); i++)


					std::vector iIndices;

					VertexTriangluation(iIndices, vVerts);

					// Add Indices
					for (int i = 0; i < int(iIndices.size()); i++)
						unsigned int indnum = (unsigned int)((Vertices.size()) - vVerts.size()) + iIndices[i];

						indnum = (unsigned int)((LoadedVertices.size()) - vVerts.size()) + iIndices[i];

				// Get Mesh Material Name
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "usemtl")

					// Create new Mesh, if Material changes within a group
					if (!Indices.empty() && !Vertices.empty())
						// Create Mesh
						tempMesh = Mesh(Vertices, Indices);
						tempMesh.MeshName = meshname;
						int i = 2;
						while(1) {
							tempMesh.MeshName = meshname + "_" + std::to_string(i);

							for (auto &m : LoadedMeshes)
								if (m.MeshName == tempMesh.MeshName)

						// Insert Mesh

						// Cleanup

					outputIndicator = 0;
				// Load Materials
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "mtllib")
					// Generate LoadedMaterial

					// Generate a path to the material file
					std::vector temp;
					algorithm::split(Path, temp, "/");

					std::string pathtomat = "";

					if (temp.size() != 1)
						for (int i = 0; i < temp.size() - 1; i++)
							pathtomat += temp[i] + "/";

					pathtomat += algorithm::tail(curline);

					std::cout << std::endl << "- find materials in: " << pathtomat << std::endl;

					// Load Materials

			std::cout << std::endl;

			// Deal with last mesh

			if (!Indices.empty() && !Vertices.empty())
				// Create Mesh
				tempMesh = Mesh(Vertices, Indices);
				tempMesh.MeshName = meshname;

				// Insert Mesh


			// Set Materials for each Mesh
			for (int i = 0; i < MeshMatNames.size(); i++)
				std::string matname = MeshMatNames[i];

				// Find corresponding material name in loaded materials
				// when found copy material variables into mesh material
				for (int j = 0; j < LoadedMaterials.size(); j++)
					if (LoadedMaterials[j].name == matname)
						LoadedMeshes[i].MeshMaterial = LoadedMaterials[j];

			if (LoadedMeshes.empty() && LoadedVertices.empty() && LoadedIndices.empty())
				return false;
				return true;

		// Loaded Mesh Objects
		std::vector LoadedMeshes;
		// Loaded Vertex Objects
		std::vector LoadedVertices;
		// Loaded Index Positions
		std::vector LoadedIndices;
		// Loaded Material Objects
		std::vector LoadedMaterials;

		// Generate vertices from a list of positions, 
		//	tcoords, normals and a face line
		void GenVerticesFromRawOBJ(std::vector& oVerts,
			const std::vector& iPositions,
			const std::vector& iTCoords,
			const std::vector& iNormals,
			std::string icurline)
			std::vector sface, svert;
			Vertex vVert;
			algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(icurline), sface, " ");

			bool noNormal = false;

			// For every given vertex do this
			for (int i = 0; i < int(sface.size()); i++)
				// See What type the vertex is.
				int vtype;

				algorithm::split(sface[i], svert, "/");

				// Check for just position - v1
				if (svert.size() == 1)
					// Only position
					vtype = 1;

				// Check for position & texture - v1/vt1
				if (svert.size() == 2)
					// Position & Texture
					vtype = 2;

				// Check for Position, Texture and Normal - v1/vt1/vn1
				// or if Position and Normal - v1//vn1
				if (svert.size() == 3)
					if (svert[1] != "")
						// Position, Texture, and Normal
						vtype = 4;
						// Position & Normal
						vtype = 3;

				// Calculate and store the vertex
				switch (vtype)
				case 1: // P
					vVert.Position = algorithm::getElement(iPositions, svert[0]);
					vVert.TextureCoordinate = Vector2(0, 0);
					noNormal = true;
				case 2: // P/T
					vVert.Position = algorithm::getElement(iPositions, svert[0]);
					vVert.TextureCoordinate = algorithm::getElement(iTCoords, svert[1]);
					noNormal = true;
				case 3: // P//N
					vVert.Position = algorithm::getElement(iPositions, svert[0]);
					vVert.TextureCoordinate = Vector2(0, 0);
					vVert.Normal = algorithm::getElement(iNormals, svert[2]);
				case 4: // P/T/N
					vVert.Position = algorithm::getElement(iPositions, svert[0]);
					vVert.TextureCoordinate = algorithm::getElement(iTCoords, svert[1]);
					vVert.Normal = algorithm::getElement(iNormals, svert[2]);

			// take care of missing normals
			// these may not be truly acurate but it is the 
			// best they get for not compiling a mesh with normals	
			if (noNormal)
				Vector3 A = oVerts[0].Position - oVerts[1].Position;
				Vector3 B = oVerts[2].Position - oVerts[1].Position;

				Vector3 normal = math::CrossV3(A, B);

				for (int i = 0; i < int(oVerts.size()); i++)
					oVerts[i].Normal = normal;

		// Triangulate a list of vertices into a face by printing
		//	inducies corresponding with triangles within it
		void VertexTriangluation(std::vector& oIndices,
			const std::vector& iVerts)
			// If there are 2 or less verts,
			// no triangle can be created,
			// so exit
			if (iVerts.size() < 3)
			// If it is a triangle no need to calculate it
			if (iVerts.size() == 3)

			// Create a list of vertices
			std::vector tVerts = iVerts;

			while (true)
				// For every vertex
				for (int i = 0; i < int(tVerts.size()); i++)
					// pPrev = the previous vertex in the list
					Vertex pPrev;
					if (i == 0)
						pPrev = tVerts[tVerts.size() - 1];
						pPrev = tVerts[i - 1];

					// pCur = the current vertex;
					Vertex pCur = tVerts[i];

					// pNext = the next vertex in the list
					Vertex pNext;
					if (i == tVerts.size() - 1)
						pNext = tVerts[0];
						pNext = tVerts[i + 1];

					// Check to see if there are only 3 verts left
					// if so this is the last triangle
					if (tVerts.size() == 3)
						// Create a triangle from pCur, pPrev, pNext
						for (int j = 0; j < int(tVerts.size()); j++)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pCur.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pPrev.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pNext.Position)

					if (tVerts.size() == 4)
						// Create a triangle from pCur, pPrev, pNext
						for (int j = 0; j < int(iVerts.size()); j++)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pCur.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pPrev.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pNext.Position)

						Vector3 tempVec;
						for (int j = 0; j < int(tVerts.size()); j++)
							if (tVerts[j].Position != pCur.Position
								&& tVerts[j].Position != pPrev.Position
								&& tVerts[j].Position != pNext.Position)
								tempVec = tVerts[j].Position;

						// Create a triangle from pCur, pPrev, pNext
						for (int j = 0; j < int(iVerts.size()); j++)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pPrev.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == pNext.Position)
							if (iVerts[j].Position == tempVec)


					// If Vertex is not an interior vertex
					float angle = math::AngleBetweenV3(pPrev.Position - pCur.Position, pNext.Position - pCur.Position) * (180 / 3.14159265359);
					if (angle <= 0 && angle >= 180)

					// If any vertices are within this triangle
					bool inTri = false;
					for (int j = 0; j < int(iVerts.size()); j++)
						if (algorithm::inTriangle(iVerts[j].Position, pPrev.Position, pCur.Position, pNext.Position)
							&& iVerts[j].Position != pPrev.Position
							&& iVerts[j].Position != pCur.Position
							&& iVerts[j].Position != pNext.Position)
							inTri = true;
					if (inTri)

					// Create a triangle from pCur, pPrev, pNext
					for (int j = 0; j < int(iVerts.size()); j++)
						if (iVerts[j].Position == pCur.Position)
						if (iVerts[j].Position == pPrev.Position)
						if (iVerts[j].Position == pNext.Position)

					// Delete pCur from the list
					for (int j = 0; j < int(tVerts.size()); j++)
						if (tVerts[j].Position == pCur.Position)
							tVerts.erase(tVerts.begin() + j);

					// reset i to the start
					// -1 since loop will add 1 to it
					i = -1;

				// if no triangles were created
				if (oIndices.size() == 0)

				// if no more vertices
				if (tVerts.size() == 0)

		// Load Materials from .mtl file
		bool LoadMaterials(std::string path)
			// If the file is not a material file return false
			if (path.substr(path.size() - 4, path.size()) != ".mtl")
				return false;

			std::ifstream file(path);

			// If the file is not found return false
			if (!file.is_open())
				return false;

			Material tempMaterial;

			bool listening = false;

			// Go through each line looking for material variables
			std::string curline;
			while (std::getline(file, curline))
				// new material and material name
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "newmtl")
					if (!listening)
						listening = true;

						if (curline.size() > 7)
						{ = algorithm::tail(curline);
						{ = "none";
						// Generate the material

						// Push Back loaded Material

						// Clear Loaded Material
						tempMaterial = Material();

						if (curline.size() > 7)
						{ = algorithm::tail(curline);
						{ = "none";
				// Ambient Color
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "Ka")
					std::vector temp;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), temp, " ");

					if (temp.size() != 3)

					tempMaterial.Ka.X = std::stof(temp[0]);
					tempMaterial.Ka.Y = std::stof(temp[1]);
					tempMaterial.Ka.Z = std::stof(temp[2]);
				// Diffuse Color
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "Kd")
					std::vector temp;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), temp, " ");

					if (temp.size() != 3)

					tempMaterial.Kd.X = std::stof(temp[0]);
					tempMaterial.Kd.Y = std::stof(temp[1]);
					tempMaterial.Kd.Z = std::stof(temp[2]);
				// Specular Color
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "Ks")
					std::vector temp;
					algorithm::split(algorithm::tail(curline), temp, " ");

					if (temp.size() != 3)

					tempMaterial.Ks.X = std::stof(temp[0]);
					tempMaterial.Ks.Y = std::stof(temp[1]);
					tempMaterial.Ks.Z = std::stof(temp[2]);
				// Specular Exponent
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "Ns")
					tempMaterial.Ns = std::stof(algorithm::tail(curline));
				// Optical Density
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "Ni")
					tempMaterial.Ni = std::stof(algorithm::tail(curline));
				// Dissolve
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "d")
					tempMaterial.d = std::stof(algorithm::tail(curline));
				// Illumination
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "illum")
					tempMaterial.illum = std::stoi(algorithm::tail(curline));
				// Ambient Texture Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_Ka")
					tempMaterial.map_Ka = algorithm::tail(curline);
				// Diffuse Texture Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_Kd")
					tempMaterial.map_Kd = algorithm::tail(curline);
				// Specular Texture Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_Ks")
					tempMaterial.map_Ks = algorithm::tail(curline);
				// Specular Hightlight Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_Ns")
					tempMaterial.map_Ns = algorithm::tail(curline);
				// Alpha Texture Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_d")
					tempMaterial.map_d = algorithm::tail(curline);
				// Bump Map
				if (algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_Bump" || algorithm::firstToken(curline) == "map_bump")
					tempMaterial.map_bump = algorithm::tail(curline);

			// Deal with last material

			// Push Back loaded Material

			// Test to see if anything was loaded
			// If not return false
			if (LoadedMaterials.empty())
				return false;
			// If so return true
				return true;






#include "OBJ_Loader.h"
#include "Math.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	objl::Loader loader;
	std::vector triangles;	
	Ray ray(0, 1, 5, 0, 0, 1);
	std::shared_ptr intersectionPoint(new Vector3);
	for(int i = 0; i < loader.LoadedIndices.size() / 3; i++)
		int n = i * 3;
		float x, y, z;
		x = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n]].Position.X;
		y = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n]].Position.Y;
		z = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n]].Position.Z;
		float g, h, j;
		g = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 1]].Position.X;
		h = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 1]].Position.Y;
		j = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 1]].Position.Z;
		float c, v, b;
		c = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 2]].Position.X;
		v = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 2]].Position.Y;
		b = loader.LoadedVertices[loader.LoadedIndices[n + 2]].Position.Z;

		Plane plane(x, y, z, g, h, j, c, v, b);
		plane = Math::SetupPlane(plane);
	for(int i = 0; i < triangles.size(); i++)
		if(Math::CheckForPlaneIntersection(triangles[i], ray, intersectionPoint))
			Math::WriteVector(Vector3(intersectionPoint->x, intersectionPoint->y, intersectionPoint->z)); 

	return 0;









