Client can NOT call EJB direct, but through mediator
JMS in case of MDB(Message Driven Bean)
Container provides class implementing bean's interface:  component interface &  home interface
Instance of class implementing component interface is called  EJBObject
client call EJB through two player:  EJBObject &  container
  • statless bean is put in a pool serving many client
  • statful bean serves one client only and destroyed after one session ends
Things to remember - Inside a Bean
  • Do not directly read/write File Descriptor
  • Never try to obstain security policy of source code
  • Never use object substitute or subclass feature of java serializable protocol
  • Never pass  this as parametor or return 
  • Do not implement Bean as Server-like activity e.g. listener, multicasting on a socket
  • Never create/set/access classloader
  • Never set/create security manager
  • Never try to stop JVM
  • Never try to change input/output , error stream
  • Never try to set factory that is used by Server socket, and stream handle factory that is used by URL
  • Never
    • start, stop, resume a thread
    • change priority of a thread
    • change name of a thread
  • Must not define a class
  • Not try to acess security configuration object such as identifier, Signer, provider, security
Same Bean can not define two env entries with same name
Different Bean can defined same env entries with same name, as when they access from bean it get its own variable
EJB communicate with container through SessionContext & SessionBean Interface
Home interface has create() and remove() method, create() needs to be defined, but remove() is inherited from parent

Create method in EJB

StateFul StateLess
declare mandatory, no argument method
at least one create() is mandatory, e.g.
Bean instance creation create a new bean get bean from pooling
Common property argument must be serializable, primitive argument must be serializable,primitive

Remove method in EJB
Entity StateFul StateLess
1. Remove(PrimaryKey)
2. Remove(Handle)
1  2. will remove instance
2. no effect, will go back to pool 
 Common  Contaner event, client can not call  Contaner event, client can not call
There is exactly one Object for each Session Bean Type, Multi EJBObject
e.g. 100 clients have 1 HomeInterface, but 100 EJbObject
method starting with ejbMethodA...() is container callback method
method can not throw RunTimeException(...)

isdential() method of EJBObject

  • stateful bean never been true
  • stateless bean return true, if referenced the client's handled by the same homeInterface
  • EjbObject are compared by isIdentical(), NOT equals()


EJBObject's remove() doesnt have argument, remove itself

HomeInterface's remove(...) has argument, as it needs argument to determine which one to remove


HomeLocalInterface does NOT have method for Handler & metaDate( in save JVM, information of method can be abtained from reflection)


Local HomeInterface doesn't have remove(handler), remove can be done directly call the LocalEJBOBject to remove itself

Remove sessionbean client can remove via RemoteHomeInterface & remote EJBObject


LocalHomeInterface can NOT be passed to remove call


In Bean method, dont declare throw RemoteException


setEntityContext and setSessionContext are used to setup sessionBean to interact with container


For stateful bean, when user call create(), createABC() in home Interface, EJB container will call ejbCreate() or ejbCreateABC() defined in session Bean respectively


EntityContext & SessionContext

  • One difference is that the entityContext has getPrimaryKey()
  • setSessionContext() can call two method of container: get Home Interface, and JNDI access
  • following method ejbCreate().


remove method call for statelss bean is ignored


Container will not passivate if session is in Transaction


remove is not call under:

  1. time out in passivate state
  2. bean throw exception
  3. server crashes


 Entity Bean

  • If can not find single entity, throw ObjectNotFoundException
  • If can not find group entity, return empty collection


For CMP, don't need write find method

For BMP, each findXXX method in Home Interface, must have a match ejbFindXXX in Bean Class


 Home Interface can implement business logic which is not entity related

 for each method, you are required to write ejbHomeXXX method in Bean


 Each Bean Type has its own pool


 Entity bean can only use ONLY CMT demartation, can NEVER use getUserTransaction method


 Only difference between EntityContext & SessionContext is getPrimaryKey() defined in EntityContext

EJB Remote interface is closely related to RMI-IIOP protocol
Parameter passed into EJB method must be RMI-IIOP conpatible
EJB Object - Container generated Remote Interface Implementation
Local Object - Container generated local interface implementation
Home Object - Container generated home interface implementation
Loca home Object - Container generated local home interface implementation
System exception - Container will process it
Application excepton - should throw back to client/ the only exception for remote EJB thrown back is REMOTE or its subClass
EJB bean is called via EJB Object, thus if your bean calls another bean, you must pass reference to your bean's EJB Object rather than reference of your bean; Just like another client, everything must go through EJB Object
When bean is passivated, it might hold reference to container-implemented object, the following object will be passivated as well
  1. EJB Object reference
  2. Home Object reference
  3. EJB context reference
  4. JNDI naming context
Stateless can define a few overloaded ejbCreate(...)
Stateful can only define one empty ejbCreate()
The biggest difference between the stateful session bean and the other bean types is that stateful session beans don't use  instance pooling.



