
注:问号以及未注释部分 会在x265-1.9版本内更新

 * Copyright (C) 2013 x265 project
 * Authors: Steve Borho 
 *          Mandar Gurav 
 *          Mahesh Pittala 
 *          Min Chen 
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
 * This program is also available under a commercial proprietary license.
 * For more information, contact us at license @ x265.com.

#include "common.h"
#include "primitives.h"
#include "x265.h"

#include  // abs()

using namespace X265_NS;

namespace {
// place functions in anonymous namespace (file static)

/** 函数功能      : 计算SAD(8位)
/*\参数          lx:块的宽度
/*\参数          ly:块的高度
/*\参数        pix1:计算块的首地址
/*\参数 stride_pix1:计算块的步长
/*\参数        pix2:参考块的首地址
/*\参数 stride_pix2:参考块的步长
* \返回            :返回SAD值 */
int sad(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    int sum = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            sum += abs(pix1[x] - pix2[x]);

        pix1 += stride_pix1;
        pix2 += stride_pix2;

    return sum;

/** 函数功能      : 计算SAD(16位)
/*\参数          lx:块的宽度
/*\参数          ly:块的高度
/*\参数        pix1:计算块的首地址
/*\参数 stride_pix1:计算块的步长
/*\参数        pix2:参考块的首地址
/*\参数 stride_pix2:参考块的步长
* \返回            :返回SAD值 */
int sad(const int16_t* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const int16_t* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    int sum = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            sum += abs(pix1[x] - pix2[x]);

        pix1 += stride_pix1;
        pix2 += stride_pix2;

    return sum;
/** 函数功能      : 同时计算3个MV对应的3个SAD值
/*  调用范围      : ME中
/*\参数          lx:块的宽度
/*\参数          ly:块的高度
/*\参数        pix1:计算块的首地址
/*\参数        pix2:参考块的首地址
/*\参数        pix3:参考块的首地址
/*\参数        pix4:参考块的首地址
/*\参数  frefstride:参考块的步长
/*\参数         res:存储3个MV对应的3个SAD值
* \返回            :null */
void sad_x3(const pixel* pix1, const pixel* pix2, const pixel* pix3, const pixel* pix4, intptr_t frefstride, int32_t* res)
    res[0] = 0;
    res[1] = 0;
    res[2] = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            res[0] += abs(pix1[x] - pix2[x]);
            res[1] += abs(pix1[x] - pix3[x]);
            res[2] += abs(pix1[x] - pix4[x]);

        pix1 += FENC_STRIDE;  //搜索块统一步长都为64
        pix2 += frefstride;
        pix3 += frefstride;
        pix4 += frefstride;
/** 函数功能      : 同时计算4个MV对应的4个SAD值
/*  调用范围      : ME中
/*\参数          lx:块的宽度
/*\参数          ly:块的高度
/*\参数        pix1:计算块的首地址
/*\参数        pix2:参考块的首地址
/*\参数        pix3:参考块的首地址
/*\参数        pix4:参考块的首地址
/*\参数        pix5:参考块的首地址
/*\参数  frefstride:参考块的步长
/*\参数         res:存储4个MV对应的4个SAD值
* \返回            :null */
void sad_x4(const pixel* pix1, const pixel* pix2, const pixel* pix3, const pixel* pix4, const pixel* pix5, intptr_t frefstride, int32_t* res)
    res[0] = 0;
    res[1] = 0;
    res[2] = 0;
    res[3] = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            res[0] += abs(pix1[x] - pix2[x]);
            res[1] += abs(pix1[x] - pix3[x]);
            res[2] += abs(pix1[x] - pix4[x]);
            res[3] += abs(pix1[x] - pix5[x]);

        pix1 += FENC_STRIDE;//搜索块统一步长都为64
        pix2 += frefstride;
        pix3 += frefstride;
        pix4 += frefstride;
        pix5 += frefstride;

sse_ret_t sse(const T1* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const T2* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    sse_ret_t sum = 0;
    int tmp;

    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            tmp = pix1[x] - pix2[x];
            sum += (tmp * tmp);

        pix1 += stride_pix1;
        pix2 += stride_pix2;

    return sum;

#define BITS_PER_SUM (8 * sizeof(sum_t)) //占用的位数 一般为8*2=16

#define HADAMARD4(d0, d1, d2, d3, s0, s1, s2, s3) { \
        sum2_t t0 = s0 + s1; \
        sum2_t t1 = s0 - s1; \
        sum2_t t2 = s2 + s3; \
        sum2_t t3 = s2 - s3; \
        d0 = t0 + t2; \
        d2 = t0 - t2; \
        d1 = t1 + t3; \
        d3 = t1 - t3; \

// in: a pseudo-simd number of the form x+(y<<16)
// return: abs(x)+(abs(y)<<16)
/** 函数功能      :将值转换为绝对值
/*\参数       a   :哈达玛4x4变换后的值(一次含两个数高16位 低16位)
* \返回           :返回绝对值 */
inline sum2_t abs2(sum2_t a)
    sum2_t s = ((a >> (BITS_PER_SUM - 1)) & (((sum2_t)1 << BITS_PER_SUM) + 1)) * ((sum_t)-1);

    return (a + s) ^ s;//返回绝对值
/** 函数功能      :返回4x4块的SATD值/2
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回4x4块的SATD值/2 */
static int satd_4x4(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
       1  1
       1 -1
       h  h
       h -h
    R= A  B
       C  D
     a(0,0) a(0,1) a(0,2) a(0,3) 
     a(1,0) a(1,1) a(1,2) a(1,3) 
     a(2,0) a(2,1) a(2,2) a(2,3) 
     a(3,0) a(3,1) a(3,2) a(3,3) 

     H*R*H =  行变换     
         a(0,0)+a(0,1)+a(0,2)+a(0,3)      a(0,0)-a(0,1)+a(0,2)-a(0,3)      a(0,0)+a(0,1)-a(0,2)-a(0,3)      a(0,0)-a(0,1)-a(0,2)+a(0,3)      
      H* a(1,0)+a(1,1)+a(1,2)+a(1,3)      a(1,0)-a(1,1)+a(1,2)-a(1,3)      a(1,0)+a(1,1)-a(1,2)-a(1,3)      a(1,0)-a(1,1)-a(1,2)+a(1,3)      
         a(2,0)+a(2,1)+a(2,2)+a(2,3)      a(2,0)-a(2,1)+a(2,2)-a(2,3)      a(2,0)+a(2,1)-a(2,2)-a(2,3)      a(2,0)-a(2,1)-a(2,2)+a(2,3)      
         a(3,0)+a(3,1)+a(3,2)+a(3,3)      a(3,0)-a(3,1)+a(3,2)-a(3,3)      a(3,0)+a(3,1)-a(3,2)-a(3,3)      a(3,0)-a(3,1)-a(3,2)+a(3,3) 

         =  列变换
         b(0,0) b(0,1) b(0,2) b(0,3) 
       H*b(1,0) b(1,1) b(1,2) b(1,3) 
         b(2,0) b(2,1) b(2,2) b(2,3) 
         b(3,0) b(3,1) b(3,2) b(3,3) 
         b(0,0)+b(1,0)+b(2,0)+b(3,0)      b(0,1)+b(1,1)+b(2,1)+b(3,1)      b(0,2)+b(1,2)+b(2,2)+b(3,2)      b(0,3)+b(1,3)+b(2,3)+b(3,3)      
         b(0,0)-b(1,0)+b(2,0)-b(3,0)      b(0,1)-b(1,1)+b(2,1)-b(3,1)      b(0,2)-b(1,2)+b(2,2)-b(3,2)      b(0,3)-b(1,3)+b(2,3)-b(3,3)      
         b(0,0)+b(1,0)-b(2,0)-b(3,0)      b(0,1)+b(1,1)-b(2,1)-b(3,1)      b(0,2)+b(1,2)-b(2,2)-b(3,2)      b(0,3)+b(1,3)-b(2,3)-b(3,3)      
         b(0,0)-b(1,0)-b(2,0)+b(3,0)      b(0,1)-b(1,1)-b(2,1)+b(3,1)      b(0,2)-b(1,2)-b(2,2)+b(3,2)      b(0,3)-b(1,3)-b(2,3)+b(3,3)   

    1     1     1     1
    1    -1     1    -1
    1     1    -1    -1
    1    -1    -1     1
    1     1     1     1
    1    -1     1    -1
    1     1    -1    -1
    1    -1    -1     1
    hadma*A*hadma' = 1     1     1     1       -1  -5  -2  -3      1     1     1     1
                     1    -1     1    -1   *   -4  -4  -1  -2  *   1    -1     1    -1
                     1     1    -1    -1       -2  -3  -5  -4      1     1    -1    -1
                     1    -1    -1     1        2  -3  -2  -3      1    -1    -1     1
                   = -42    12     2     8
                      -8    -2     4     2
                      -2     0   -14    -4
                       8    10     4     6
    求得矩阵的绝对值和为:Σabs(x) = 128 则satd = 128/2 = 64
    sum2_t tmp[4][2];//暂存行变换后的的值  实质存储四个 高16位和低16位分别存储
    sum2_t a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1;//用于临时存储残差值
    sum2_t sum = 0;//存储SATD值

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, pix1 += stride_pix1, pix2 += stride_pix2)//遍历每一行
        a0 = pix1[0] - pix2[0];//计算残差
        a1 = pix1[1] - pix2[1];//计算残差
        b0 = (a0 + a1) + ((a0 - a1) << BITS_PER_SUM);//暂存两个临时值 分别用高16位和低16位存储一个值
        a2 = pix1[2] - pix2[2];//计算残差
        a3 = pix1[3] - pix2[3];//计算残差
        b1 = (a2 + a3) + ((a2 - a3) << BITS_PER_SUM);//暂存两个临时值 分别用高16位和低16位存储
        tmp[i][0] = b0 + b1;//高位存储b(i,1) 低位存储 b(i,0)
        tmp[i][1] = b0 - b1;//高位存储b(i,3) 低位存储 b(i,2)
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)//遍历每一列 (一次遍历两列)
        HADAMARD4(a0, a1, a2, a3, tmp[0][i], tmp[1][i], tmp[2][i], tmp[3][i]);//作列变换
        a0 = abs2(a0) + abs2(a1) + abs2(a2) + abs2(a3);//当前当前列的绝对值和
        sum += ((sum_t)a0) + (a0 >> BITS_PER_SUM);//累加绝对值

    return (int)(sum >> 1);//因为所有的SATD值都是偶数  在此除以2并不影响精度
/** 函数功能      :返回4x4块的SATD值/2
/*\参数       pix1:残差块
/*\参数     i_pix1:残差块步长步长
* \返回           :返回4x4块的SATD值/2 */
static int satd_4x4(const int16_t* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1)
    int32_t tmp[4][4];
    int32_t s01, s23, d01, d23;
    int32_t satd = 0;
    int d;
    for (d = 0; d < 4; d++, pix1 += stride_pix1)
        s01 = pix1[0] + pix1[1];
        s23 = pix1[2] + pix1[3];
        d01 = pix1[0] - pix1[1];
        d23 = pix1[2] - pix1[3];

        tmp[d][0] = s01 + s23;
        tmp[d][1] = s01 - s23;
        tmp[d][2] = d01 - d23;
        tmp[d][3] = d01 + d23;
    for (d = 0; d < 4; d++)
        s01 = tmp[0][d] + tmp[1][d];
        s23 = tmp[2][d] + tmp[3][d];
        d01 = tmp[0][d] - tmp[1][d];
        d23 = tmp[2][d] - tmp[3][d];
        satd += abs(s01 + s23) + abs(s01 - s23) + abs(d01 - d23) + abs(d01 + d23);
    return (int)(satd / 2);

// x264's SWAR version of satd 8x4, performs two 4x4 SATDs at once
/** 函数功能      :返回8x4块的SATD值/2 (跟拆分成4x4计算相同)
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回8x4块的SATD值/2 */
static int satd_8x4(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    sum2_t tmp[4][4];
    sum2_t a0, a1, a2, a3;
    sum2_t sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++, pix1 += stride_pix1, pix2 += stride_pix2)//行变换
        a0 = (pix1[0] - pix2[0]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[4] - pix2[4]) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a1 = (pix1[1] - pix2[1]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[5] - pix2[5]) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a2 = (pix1[2] - pix2[2]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[6] - pix2[6]) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a3 = (pix1[3] - pix2[3]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[7] - pix2[7]) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        HADAMARD4(tmp[i][0], tmp[i][1], tmp[i][2], tmp[i][3], a0, a1, a2, a3);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//列变换
        HADAMARD4(a0, a1, a2, a3, tmp[0][i], tmp[1][i], tmp[2][i], tmp[3][i]);
        sum += abs2(a0) + abs2(a1) + abs2(a2) + abs2(a3);

    return (((sum_t)sum) + (sum >> BITS_PER_SUM)) >> 1;
/** 函数功能      : 将当前块拆分成4x4块并返回SATD值/2
/*\参数          w:块的宽度
/*\参数          h:块的高度
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回SATD值/2 */
// calculate satd in blocks of 4x4
int satd4(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    int satd = 0;

    for (int row = 0; row < h; row += 4)
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col += 4)
            satd += satd_4x4(pix1 + row * stride_pix1 + col, stride_pix1,
                             pix2 + row * stride_pix2 + col, stride_pix2); //拆分成4x4块计算

    return satd;//返回SATD值/2
/** 函数功能      : 将当前块拆分成8x4块并返回SATD值/2
/*\参数          w:块的宽度
/*\参数          h:块的高度
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回SATD值/2 */
// calculate satd in blocks of 8x4
int satd8(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride_pix2)
    int satd = 0;

    for (int row = 0; row < h; row += 4)
        for (int col = 0; col < w; col += 8)
            satd += satd_8x4(pix1 + row * stride_pix1 + col, stride_pix1,
                             pix2 + row * stride_pix2 + col, stride_pix2);//拆分成计算8x4块的SATD值/2 (跟拆分成4x4计算相同)

    return satd;
/** 函数功能      :返回8x8的SATD值
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回8x8的SATD值 */
inline int _sa8d_8x8(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t i_pix2)
    //sum2_t类型:typedef uint32_t sum2_t;
    -1  -5  -2  -3  -7  -4  -3  -8 
    -4  -4  -1  -2  -6  -8  -9  -5 
    -2  -3  -5  -4  -5  -8  -7  -4 
    2  -3  -2  -3  -6  -2   0   1 
    1  -1  -5  -7  -5  -6  -4  -3 
    0  -5  -8  -3  -5  -1  -1  -5 
    -3  -9  -3  -5  -5  -5  -8  -7 
    -10 -2   2  -3  -5  -7  -6   1 
    H H
    H -H
    H8*R*H8 = 
    -256    10   -12    14    50    32    22     4
    -36    26    32     6    14     0     2    12
    -4    10    28    -6    10   -12    10    36
    44    -2   -20   -26    -6     8    26   -16
    10     4    -6     4    28     2     4    10
    -2   -12   -10   -12    -8   -22    -8     2
    -38     0   -34   -12    24     2   -60   -34
    18    20    14    -8   -24    14    -4    74
    绝对值和SATD = 1316
    sum2_t tmp[8][4];
    sum2_t a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, b0, b1, b2, b3;
    sum2_t sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, pix1 += i_pix1, pix2 += i_pix2)//行变换
        a0 = pix1[0] - pix2[0];
        a1 = pix1[1] - pix2[1];
        b0 = (a0 + a1) + ((a0 - a1) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a2 = pix1[2] - pix2[2];
        a3 = pix1[3] - pix2[3];
        b1 = (a2 + a3) + ((a2 - a3) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a4 = pix1[4] - pix2[4];
        a5 = pix1[5] - pix2[5];
        b2 = (a4 + a5) + ((a4 - a5) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        a6 = pix1[6] - pix2[6];
        a7 = pix1[7] - pix2[7];
        b3 = (a6 + a7) + ((a6 - a7) << BITS_PER_SUM);
        HADAMARD4(tmp[i][0], tmp[i][1], tmp[i][2], tmp[i][3], b0, b1, b2, b3);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//列变换
        HADAMARD4(a0, a1, a2, a3, tmp[0][i], tmp[1][i], tmp[2][i], tmp[3][i]);
        HADAMARD4(a4, a5, a6, a7, tmp[4][i], tmp[5][i], tmp[6][i], tmp[7][i]);
        b0  = abs2(a0 + a4) + abs2(a0 - a4);
        b0 += abs2(a1 + a5) + abs2(a1 - a5);
        b0 += abs2(a2 + a6) + abs2(a2 - a6);
        b0 += abs2(a3 + a7) + abs2(a3 - a7);
        sum += (sum_t)b0 + (b0 >> BITS_PER_SUM);

    return (int)sum;
/** 函数功能      :返回8x8的SATD值除以4
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回8x8的SATD值除以4 */
inline int sa8d_8x8(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t i_pix2)
    return (int)((_sa8d_8x8(pix1, i_pix1, pix2, i_pix2) + 2) >> 2);
/** 函数功能      :返回8x8的SATD值
/*\参数       pix1:残差块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:残差块步长
* \返回           :返回8x8的SATD值 */
inline int _sa8d_8x8(const int16_t* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1)
    int32_t tmp[8][8];
    int32_t a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
    int32_t sum = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, pix1 += i_pix1)//行变换
        a0 = pix1[0] + pix1[1];
        a1 = pix1[2] + pix1[3];
        a2 = pix1[4] + pix1[5];
        a3 = pix1[6] + pix1[7];
        a4 = pix1[0] - pix1[1];
        a5 = pix1[2] - pix1[3];
        a6 = pix1[4] - pix1[5];
        a7 = pix1[6] - pix1[7];
        tmp[i][0] = (a0 + a1) + (a2 + a3);
        tmp[i][1] = (a0 + a1) - (a2 + a3);
        tmp[i][2] = (a0 - a1) + (a2 - a3);
        tmp[i][3] = (a0 - a1) - (a2 - a3);
        tmp[i][4] = (a4 + a5) + (a6 + a7);
        tmp[i][5] = (a4 + a5) - (a6 + a7);
        tmp[i][6] = (a4 - a5) + (a6 - a7);
        tmp[i][7] = (a4 - a5) - (a6 - a7);

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)//列变换
        a0 = (tmp[0][i] + tmp[1][i]) + (tmp[2][i] + tmp[3][i]);
        a2 = (tmp[0][i] + tmp[1][i]) - (tmp[2][i] + tmp[3][i]);
        a1 = (tmp[0][i] - tmp[1][i]) + (tmp[2][i] - tmp[3][i]);
        a3 = (tmp[0][i] - tmp[1][i]) - (tmp[2][i] - tmp[3][i]);
        a4 = (tmp[4][i] + tmp[5][i]) + (tmp[6][i] + tmp[7][i]);
        a6 = (tmp[4][i] + tmp[5][i]) - (tmp[6][i] + tmp[7][i]);
        a5 = (tmp[4][i] - tmp[5][i]) + (tmp[6][i] - tmp[7][i]);
        a7 = (tmp[4][i] - tmp[5][i]) - (tmp[6][i] - tmp[7][i]);
        a0 = abs(a0 + a4) + abs(a0 - a4);
        a0 += abs(a1 + a5) + abs(a1 - a5);
        a0 += abs(a2 + a6) + abs(a2 - a6);
        a0 += abs(a3 + a7) + abs(a3 - a7);
        sum += a0;

    return (int)sum;
/** 函数功能      :返回8x8的SATD值除以4
/*\参数       pix1:残差块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:残差块步长
* \返回           :返回8x8的SATD值除以4 */
static int sa8d_8x8(const int16_t* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1)
    return (int)((_sa8d_8x8(pix1, i_pix1) + 2) >> 2);
/** 函数功能      :将当前块拆分成8x8分别计算SATD的累加值和再除以4
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回SATD值除以4 */
static int sa8d_16x16(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t i_pix2)
    int sum = _sa8d_8x8(pix1, i_pix1, pix2, i_pix2)
        + _sa8d_8x8(pix1 + 8, i_pix1, pix2 + 8, i_pix2)
        + _sa8d_8x8(pix1 + 8 * i_pix1, i_pix1, pix2 + 8 * i_pix2, i_pix2)
        + _sa8d_8x8(pix1 + 8 + 8 * i_pix1, i_pix1, pix2 + 8 + 8 * i_pix2, i_pix2);//将当前16x16块拆分四个8x8分别计算SATD值

    // This matches x264 sa8d_16x16, but is slightly different from HM's behavior because
    // this version only rounds once at the end
    return (sum + 2) >> 2;//返回SATD值除以4

// Calculate sa8d in blocks of 8x8
int sa8d8(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t i_pix2)
    int cost = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < h; y += 8)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x += 8)
            cost += sa8d_8x8(pix1 + i_pix1 * y + x, i_pix1, pix2 + i_pix2 * y + x, i_pix2);

    return cost;
/** 函数功能      :将当前块拆分成16x16分别计算SATD的累加值和再除以4
/*\参数          w:块的宽度
/*\参数          h:块的高度
/*\参数       pix1:原始块地址
/*\参数     i_pix1:原始块步长
/*\参数       pix2:预测块地址
/*\参数     i_pix2:预测块步长
* \返回           :返回当前块拆分成16x16分别计算SATD的累加值和再除以4 */
// Calculate sa8d in blocks of 16x16
int sa8d16(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t i_pix1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t i_pix2)
    int cost = 0;//初始化为0
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y += 16)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x += 16)
            cost += sa8d_16x16(pix1 + i_pix1 * y + x, i_pix1, pix2 + i_pix2 * y + x, i_pix2);//将当前块拆分成16x16分别计算SATD的累加值和再除以4

    return cost;//返回当前块拆分成16x16分别计算SATD的累加值和再除以4

int pixel_ssd_s_c(const int16_t* a, intptr_t dstride)
    int sum = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            sum += a[x] * a[x];

        a += dstride;
    return sum;

void blockfill_s_c(int16_t* dst, intptr_t dstride, int16_t val)
    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            dst[y * dstride + x] = val;
/** 函数功能      :将残差数据进行左移操作(左移15- TU尺寸)
/*\参数       size:当前变换块大小
/*\参数        dst:存储移位后的TU数据
/*\参数        src:残差块数据
/*\参数  srcStride:残差块步长
/*\参数      shift:变换需要移位的位数:7- TU尺寸
* \返回           :null*/
void cpy2Dto1D_shl(int16_t* dst, const int16_t* src, intptr_t srcStride, int shift)
    X265_CHECK(((intptr_t)dst & 15) == 0, "dst alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK((((intptr_t)src | (srcStride * sizeof(*src))) & 15) == 0 || size == 4, "src alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(shift >= 0, "invalid shift\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            dst[j] = src[j] << shift;//左移7- TU尺寸

        src += srcStride;
        dst += size;

void cpy2Dto1D_shr(int16_t* dst, const int16_t* src, intptr_t srcStride, int shift)
    X265_CHECK(((intptr_t)dst & 15) == 0, "dst alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK((((intptr_t)src | (srcStride * sizeof(*src))) & 15) == 0 || size == 4, "src alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(shift > 0, "invalid shift\n");

    int16_t round = 1 << (shift - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            dst[j] = (src[j] + round) >> shift;

        src += srcStride;
        dst += size;

void cpy1Dto2D_shl(int16_t* dst, const int16_t* src, intptr_t dstStride, int shift)
    X265_CHECK((((intptr_t)dst | (dstStride * sizeof(*dst))) & 15) == 0 || size == 4, "dst alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(((intptr_t)src & 15) == 0, "src alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(shift >= 0, "invalid shift\n");

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            dst[j] = src[j] << shift;

        src += size;
        dst += dstStride;

void cpy1Dto2D_shr(int16_t* dst, const int16_t* src, intptr_t dstStride, int shift)
    X265_CHECK((((intptr_t)dst | (dstStride * sizeof(*dst))) & 15) == 0 || size == 4, "dst alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(((intptr_t)src & 15) == 0, "src alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(shift > 0, "invalid shift\n");

    int16_t round = 1 << (shift - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < size; j++)
            dst[j] = (src[j] + round) >> shift;

        src += size;
        dst += dstStride;
/** 函数功能             : 获取残差数据
* \参数 fenc             : 原始块地址
* \参数 pred             : 预测块地址
* \参数 residual         : 残差块地址
* \参数 stride           : 原始块步长
* \返回                  : null */
void getResidual(const pixel* fenc, const pixel* pred, int16_t* residual, intptr_t stride)
    for (int y = 0; y < blockSize; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < blockSize; x++)
            residual[x] = static_cast(fenc[x]) - static_cast(pred[x]);//获取残差

        fenc += stride;
        residual += stride;
        pred += stride;
/** 函数功能             : copy原始块数据(置换存储)
* \参数 blockSize        : 目标块大小
* \参数 dst              : 目标块存储位置
* \参数 src              : 原始块存储位置
* \参数 stride           : 原始块步长
* \返回                  : null */
void transpose(pixel* dst, const pixel* src, intptr_t stride)
    for (int k = 0; k < blockSize; k++)
        for (int l = 0; l < blockSize; l++)
            dst[k * blockSize + l] = src[l * stride + k];//copy数据

static void weight_sp_c(const int16_t* src, pixel* dst, intptr_t srcStride, intptr_t dstStride, int width, int height, int w0, int round, int shift, int offset)
    int x, y;

    const int correction = (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - X265_DEPTH);
    X265_CHECK(!((w0 << 6) > 32767), "w0 using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
    X265_CHECK(!(round > 32767), "round using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
    X265_CHECK((shift >= correction), "shift must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");

    for (y = 0; y <= height - 1; y++)
        for (x = 0; x <= width - 1; )
            // note: width can be odd
            dst[x] = x265_clip(((w0 * (src[x] + IF_INTERNAL_OFFS) + round) >> shift) + offset);

        src += srcStride;
        dst += dstStride;
/** 函数功能             : P帧加权参考帧获取
/*  调用范围             : 只在MotionReference::applyWeight、LookaheadTLD::weightCostLuma、LookaheadTLD::weightsAnalyse和weightCost函数中被调用
* \参数 src              : 原始P参考帧
* \参数 dst              : 加权后P参考帧
* \参数 stride           : 步长
* \参数 width            : 宽度
* \参数 height           : 高度
* \参数 w0               : 加权系数
* \参数 round            : 四舍五入操作
* \参数 shift            : 右移位数(前面为提高精度左移位,现在恢复原有精度)
* \参数 offset           : offset信息 整帧所有像素偏移值
* \返回                  : null */
static void weight_pp_c(const pixel* src, pixel* dst, intptr_t stride, int width, int height, int w0, int round, int shift, int offset)
    int x, y;

    const int correction = (IF_INTERNAL_PREC - X265_DEPTH);

    X265_CHECK(!(width & 15), "weightp alignment error\n");
    X265_CHECK(!((w0 << 6) > 32767), "w0 using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
    X265_CHECK(!(round > 32767), "round using more than 16 bits, asm output will mismatch\n");
    X265_CHECK((shift >= correction), "shift must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");
    X265_CHECK(!(round & ((1 << correction) - 1)), "round must be include factor correction, please update ASM ABI\n");

    for (y = 0; y <= height - 1; y++)
        for (x = 0; x <= width - 1; )
            // simulating pixel to short conversion
            int16_t val = src[x] << correction;
            dst[x] = x265_clip(((w0 * (val) + round) >> shift) + offset);

        src += stride;
        dst += stride;
/** 函数功能             : 获取两块的平均值
/*\参数                lx:块的宽度
/*\参数                ly:块的高度
* \参数 dst              :平均后像素存储位置
* \参数 dstride          :步长
* \参数 src0             :块0首地址
* \参数 sstride0         :块0步长
* \参数 src1             :块1首地址
* \参数 sstride1         :块1步长
* \返回                  : null */
void pixelavg_pp(pixel* dst, intptr_t dstride, const pixel* src0, intptr_t sstride0, const pixel* src1, intptr_t sstride1, int)//获取两块的平均值 
    for (int y = 0; y < ly; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < lx; x++)
            dst[x] = (src0[x] + src1[x] + 1) >> 1;

        src0 += sstride0;
        src1 += sstride1;
        dst += dstride;
/** 函数功能    :将64x64的intraPU的周边参考像素下采样
* \参数 dst     :目标存储位置
* \参数 src     :源数据地址
* \返回值       : null
static void scale1D_128to64(pixel *dst, const pixel *src)
    int x;
    const pixel* src1 = src;
    const pixel* src2 = src + 128;

    pixel* dst1 = dst;
    pixel* dst2 = dst + 64/*128*/;

    for (x = 0; x < 128; x += 2)
        // Top pixel
        pixel pix0 = src1[(x + 0)];
        pixel pix1 = src1[(x + 1)];

        // Left pixel
        pixel pix2 = src2[(x + 0)];
        pixel pix3 = src2[(x + 1)];
        int sum1 = pix0 + pix1;
        int sum2 = pix2 + pix3;

        dst1[x >> 1] = (pixel)((sum1 + 1) >> 1);
        dst2[x >> 1] = (pixel)((sum2 + 1) >> 1);
/** 函数功能    :将64x64的intraPU下采样到32x32
* \参数 dst     :目标存储位置
* \参数 src     :源数据地址
* \参数 dsth    :源数据步长
* \返回值       : null
static void scale2D_64to32(pixel* dst, const pixel* src, intptr_t stride)
    uint32_t x, y;
    a b
    c d

    for (y = 0; y < 64; y += 2)
        for (x = 0; x < 64; x += 2)
            pixel pix0 = src[(y + 0) * stride + (x + 0)];
            pixel pix1 = src[(y + 0) * stride + (x + 1)];
            pixel pix2 = src[(y + 1) * stride + (x + 0)];
            pixel pix3 = src[(y + 1) * stride + (x + 1)];
            int sum = pix0 + pix1 + pix2 + pix3;//求和

            dst[y / 2 * 32 + x / 2] = (pixel)((sum + 2) >> 2);//取平均

/** 函数功能    :将原始帧视频亮度作1/2下采样
/*  调用范围    :只在Lowres::init函数中被调用
* \参数 src0    :原始视频帧亮度首地址:origPic->m_picOrg[0]
* \参数 dst0    :lowresPlane[0]
* \参数 dsth    :lowresPlane[1]
* \参数 dstv    :lowresPlane[2]
* \参数 dstc    :lowresPlane[3]
* \参数 src_stride:原始帧亮度步长
* \参数 dst_stride:下采样视频亮度步长
* \参数 width     :下采样视频的宽度
* \参数 heigh     :下采样视频的高度
* \返回值         : null
void frame_init_lowres_core(const pixel* src0, pixel* dst0, pixel* dsth, pixel* dstv, pixel* dstc,
                            intptr_t src_stride, intptr_t dst_stride, int width, int height)
    /* downscale and generate 4 hpel planes for lookahead */
    /* 这样做的目的是更好的通过1/2下采样视频的编码估计原始视频编码状态
       82  89  86  86  93 
       85  89  99 101 113 
       96  97  97 100 104 
       106 108 107 111 109 
       127 156 133 139 137       
       0: 在行列选择偶数像素点为基准并选择相邻的右边、下边、右下机本身4个点作平均
       * * + +
       * * + +
       - - # #
       - - # #
       87  94
       102 104
       87 = ((((82 + 85 + 1) >> 1) + ((89 + 89 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1)
       94 = ((((86 + 99 + 1) >> 1) + ((86 + 101 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1)
       102= ((((96 + 106 + 1) >> 1) + ((97 + 108 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1)
       104 = ((((97 + 107 + 1) >> 1) + ((100 + 111 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1)
       h: 在行选择偶数像素点,在列选择奇数像素点为基准并选择相邻的右边、下边、右下机本身4个点作平均
       = * * = + +
       = * * = + +
       = - - = # #
       = - - = # #
       91  99 
       103 107 
       91 = ((((89 + 89 + 1) >> 1) + ((86 + 99 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1) 
       99 = ((((86 + 101 + 1) >> 1) + ((93 + 113 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1) 

       v: 在行选择奇数像素点,在列选择偶数像素点为基准并选择相邻的右边、下边、右下机本身4个点作平均
       = = = =
       * * + +
       * * + +
       = = = =
       - - # #
       - - # #
       92 100 
       125 123 
       92 = ((((85 + 96 + 1) >> 1) + ((89 + 97 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1) 
       = = = = = =
       = * * = + +
       = * * = + +
       = = = = = =
       = - - = # #
       = - - = # #
       96 105
       126 124
       96 = ((((89 + 97 + 1) >> 1) + ((99 + 97 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1) 
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
        const pixel* src1 = src0 + src_stride;
        const pixel* src2 = src1 + src_stride;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
            // slower than naive bilinear, but matches asm
#define FILTER(a, b, c, d) ((((a + b + 1) >> 1) + ((c + d + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1)
            dst0[x] = FILTER(src0[2 * x], src1[2 * x], src0[2 * x + 1], src1[2 * x + 1]);
            dsth[x] = FILTER(src0[2 * x + 1], src1[2 * x + 1], src0[2 * x + 2], src1[2 * x + 2]);
            dstv[x] = FILTER(src1[2 * x], src2[2 * x], src1[2 * x + 1], src2[2 * x + 1]);
            dstc[x] = FILTER(src1[2 * x + 1], src2[2 * x + 1], src1[2 * x + 2], src2[2 * x + 2]);
#undef FILTER
        src0 += src_stride * 2;
        dst0 += dst_stride;
        dsth += dst_stride;
        dstv += dst_stride;
        dstc += dst_stride;

/* structural similarity metric */
static void ssim_4x4x2_core(const pixel* pix1, intptr_t stride1, const pixel* pix2, intptr_t stride2, int sums[2][4])
    for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
        uint32_t s1 = 0, s2 = 0, ss = 0, s12 = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < 4; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
                int a = pix1[x + y * stride1];
                int b = pix2[x + y * stride2];
                s1 += a;
                s2 += b;
                ss += a * a;
                ss += b * b;
                s12 += a * b;

        sums[z][0] = s1;
        sums[z][1] = s2;
        sums[z][2] = ss;
        sums[z][3] = s12;
        pix1 += 4;
        pix2 += 4;

static float ssim_end_1(int s1, int s2, int ss, int s12)
/* Maximum value for 10-bit is: ss*64 = (2^10-1)^2*16*4*64 = 4286582784, which will overflow in some cases.
 * s1*s1, s2*s2, and s1*s2 also obtain this value for edge cases: ((2^10-1)*16*4)^2 = 4286582784.
 * Maximum value for 9-bit is: ss*64 = (2^9-1)^2*16*4*64 = 1069551616, which will not overflow. */

#define PIXEL_MAX ((1 << X265_DEPTH) - 1)
    X265_CHECK((X265_DEPTH == 10) || (X265_DEPTH == 12), "ssim invalid depth\n");
#define type float
    static const float ssim_c1 = (float)(.01 * .01 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64);
    static const float ssim_c2 = (float)(.03 * .03 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64 * 63);
    X265_CHECK(X265_DEPTH == 8, "ssim invalid depth\n");
#define type int
    static const int ssim_c1 = (int)(.01 * .01 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64 + .5);
    static const int ssim_c2 = (int)(.03 * .03 * PIXEL_MAX * PIXEL_MAX * 64 * 63 + .5);
    type fs1 = (type)s1;
    type fs2 = (type)s2;
    type fss = (type)ss;
    type fs12 = (type)s12;
    type vars = (type)(fss * 64 - fs1 * fs1 - fs2 * fs2);
    type covar = (type)(fs12 * 64 - fs1 * fs2);
    return (float)(2 * fs1 * fs2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(2 * covar + ssim_c2)
           / ((float)(fs1 * fs1 + fs2 * fs2 + ssim_c1) * (float)(vars + ssim_c2));
#undef type
#undef PIXEL_MAX

static float ssim_end_4(int sum0[5][4], int sum1[5][4], int width)
    float ssim = 0.0;

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
        ssim += ssim_end_1(sum0[i][0] + sum0[i + 1][0] + sum1[i][0] + sum1[i + 1][0],
                           sum0[i][1] + sum0[i + 1][1] + sum1[i][1] + sum1[i + 1][1],
                           sum0[i][2] + sum0[i + 1][2] + sum1[i][2] + sum1[i + 1][2],
                           sum0[i][3] + sum0[i + 1][3] + sum1[i][3] + sum1[i + 1][3]);

    return ssim;
/** 函数功能    :返回一个64位整数,低32位存储当前nxn所有元素的和,高32位存储当前nxn所有元素的平方和
/*  调用范围    :只在Lowres::init函数中被调用
* \参数 pix     :待计算的块
* \参数 i_stride:步长
* \返回值       :返回一个64位整数,低32位存储当前nxn所有元素的和,高32位存储当前nxn所有元素的平方和
uint64_t pixel_var(const pixel* pix, intptr_t i_stride)
    uint32_t sum = 0, sqr = 0;

    for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
            sum += pix[x];
            sqr += pix[x] * pix[x];

        pix += i_stride;

    return sum + ((uint64_t)sqr << 32);

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant

int psyCost_pp(const pixel* source, intptr_t sstride, const pixel* recon, intptr_t rstride)
    static pixel zeroBuf[8] /* = { 0 } */;

    if (size)
        int dim = 1 << (size + 2);
        uint32_t totEnergy = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i += 8)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j+= 8)
                /* AC energy, measured by sa8d (AC + DC) minus SAD (DC) */
                int sourceEnergy = sa8d_8x8(source + i * sstride + j, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(source + i * sstride + j, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
                int reconEnergy =  sa8d_8x8(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);

                totEnergy += abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);
        return totEnergy;
        /* 4x4 is too small for sa8d */
        int sourceEnergy = satd_4x4(source, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) - (sad<4, 4>(source, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        int reconEnergy = satd_4x4(recon, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) - (sad<4, 4>(recon, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        return abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);

int psyCost_ss(const int16_t* source, intptr_t sstride, const int16_t* recon, intptr_t rstride)
    static int16_t zeroBuf[8] /* = { 0 } */;

    if (size)
        int dim = 1 << (size + 2);
        uint32_t totEnergy = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i += 8)
            for (int j = 0; j < dim; j+= 8)
                /* AC energy, measured by sa8d (AC + DC) minus SAD (DC) */
                int sourceEnergy = sa8d_8x8(source + i * sstride + j, sstride) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(source + i * sstride + j, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
                int reconEnergy =  sa8d_8x8(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride) - 
                                   (sad<8, 8>(recon + i * rstride + j, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);

                totEnergy += abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);
        return totEnergy;
        /* 4x4 is too small for sa8d */
        int sourceEnergy = satd_4x4(source, sstride) - (sad<4, 4>(source, sstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        int reconEnergy = satd_4x4(recon, rstride) - (sad<4, 4>(recon, rstride, zeroBuf, 0) >> 2);
        return abs(sourceEnergy - reconEnergy);

/** 函数功能    :将对应块大小的数据拷贝到对应缓冲区 调用方式(dst, dst步长, src, src步长)
* \参数 bx      :宽度
* \参数 by      :高度
* \参数 a       :目标存储位置
* \参数 stridea :目标存储位置stride
* \参数 b       :源数据地址
* \参数 strideb :源数据stride
* \返回值       :null
void blockcopy_pp_c(pixel* a, intptr_t stridea, const pixel* b, intptr_t strideb)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            a[x] = b[x];//copy数据

        a += stridea;
        b += strideb;

void blockcopy_ss_c(int16_t* a, intptr_t stridea, const int16_t* b, intptr_t strideb)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            a[x] = b[x];

        a += stridea;
        b += strideb;

void blockcopy_sp_c(pixel* a, intptr_t stridea, const int16_t* b, intptr_t strideb)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            X265_CHECK((b[x] >= 0) && (b[x] <= ((1 << X265_DEPTH) - 1)), "blockcopy pixel size fail\n");
            a[x] = (pixel)b[x];

        a += stridea;
        b += strideb;
/** 函数功能    :将对应块大小的数据拷贝到对应位置
* \参数 bx      :宽度
* \参数 by      :高度
* \参数 a       :目标存储位置
* \参数 stridea :目标存储位置stride
* \参数 b       :源数据地址
* \参数 strideb :源数据stride
* \返回值       :null
void blockcopy_ps_c(int16_t* a, intptr_t stridea, const pixel* b, intptr_t strideb)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            a[x] = (int16_t)b[x];//copy数据

        a += stridea;
        b += strideb;

void pixel_sub_ps_c(int16_t* a, intptr_t dstride, const pixel* b0, const pixel* b1, intptr_t sstride0, intptr_t sstride1)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            a[x] = (int16_t)(b0[x] - b1[x]);

        b0 += sstride0;
        b1 += sstride1;
        a += dstride;

void pixel_add_ps_c(pixel* a, intptr_t dstride, const pixel* b0, const int16_t* b1, intptr_t sstride0, intptr_t sstride1)
    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x++)
            a[x] = x265_clip(b0[x] + b1[x]);

        b0 += sstride0;
        b1 += sstride1;
        a += dstride;

void addAvg(const int16_t* src0, const int16_t* src1, pixel* dst, intptr_t src0Stride, intptr_t src1Stride, intptr_t dstStride)
    int shiftNum, offset;

    shiftNum = IF_INTERNAL_PREC + 1 - X265_DEPTH;
    offset = (1 << (shiftNum - 1)) + 2 * IF_INTERNAL_OFFS;

    for (int y = 0; y < by; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < bx; x += 2)
            dst[x + 0] = x265_clip((src0[x + 0] + src1[x + 0] + offset) >> shiftNum);
            dst[x + 1] = x265_clip((src0[x + 1] + src1[x + 1] + offset) >> shiftNum);

        src0 += src0Stride;
        src1 += src1Stride;
        dst  += dstStride;

static void planecopy_cp_c(const uint8_t* src, intptr_t srcStride, pixel* dst, intptr_t dstStride, int width, int height, int shift)
    for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
            dst[c] = ((pixel)src[c]) << shift;

        dst += dstStride;
        src += srcStride;

static void planecopy_sp_c(const uint16_t* src, intptr_t srcStride, pixel* dst, intptr_t dstStride, int width, int height, int shift, uint16_t mask)
    for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
            dst[c] = (pixel)((src[c] >> shift) & mask);

        dst += dstStride;
        src += srcStride;

static void planecopy_sp_shl_c(const uint16_t* src, intptr_t srcStride, pixel* dst, intptr_t dstStride, int width, int height, int shift, uint16_t mask)
    for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
            dst[c] = (pixel)((src[c] << shift) & mask);

        dst += dstStride;
        src += srcStride;

/** 函数功能       :计算每行的8x8的传播cost(累加传播cost + 加权intracost)*(intracost-最优cost)/intracost
/*  调用范围       :只在Lookahead::estimateCUPropagate函数中被调用
/*\参数         dst: 存储当前行每个8x8的传播cost
/*\参数 propagateIn:当前行的传播cost存储首地址
/*\参数  intraCosts:当前行的intracost
/*\参数  interCosts:当前行的intercost
/*\参数  invQscales:当前行的AQ offsets
/*\参数   fpsFactor:当前帧的帧率因子(一般为1.0)
/*\参数         len:当前行的长度
* \返回            :返回SAD值 */
/* Estimate the total amount of influence on future quality that could be had if we
 * were to improve the reference samples used to inter predict any given CU. */
static void estimateCUPropagateCost(int* dst, const uint16_t* propagateIn, const int32_t* intraCosts, const uint16_t* interCosts,
                             const int32_t* invQscales, const double* fpsFactor, int len)
    double fps = *fpsFactor / 256;   //因为invQscales存储扩大256倍的整数数据,这里除以256目的是缩放数据

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        double intraCost       = intraCosts[i] * invQscales[i]; //获取当前8x8块 加权intra cost
        double propagateAmount = (double)propagateIn[i] + intraCost * fps; //累加传播cost 加上加权fps因子之后的intra cost
        double propagateNum    = (double)intraCosts[i] - (interCosts[i] & ((1 << 14) - 1));//获取最优cost与intracost的差值  高14位的数字:0 表示 intra  1 表示前向搜索  2表示后向搜索  3 表示bi搜索
        double propagateDenom  = (double)intraCosts[i];                                    //当前8x8块 intra cost
        dst[i] = (int)(propagateAmount * propagateNum / propagateDenom + 0.5);//(累加传播cost + 加权intracost)*(intracost-最优cost)/intracost
}  // end anonymous namespace

namespace X265_NS {
// x265 private namespace

/* Extend the edges of a picture so that it may safely be used for motion
 * compensation. This function assumes the picture is stored in a buffer with
 * sufficient padding for the X and Y margins */
/** 函数功能    :将视频帧进行扩边,便于插值和ME搜索
/*  调用范围    :只在weightAnalyse和Lowres::init函数中被调用
* \参数 pic     :需要进行插值的视频帧数据 
* \参数 stride  :视频帧步长 
* \参数 width   :视频帧宽度 
* \参数 height  :视频帧高度 
* \参数 marginX :两边需要扩边的宽度 
* \参数 marginY :上下需要扩边的高度 
* \返回值       : null
void extendPicBorder(pixel* pic, intptr_t stride, int width, int height, int marginX, int marginY)
    /* extend left and right margins */
    primitives.extendRowBorder(pic, stride, width, height, marginX); //asm 代码,快速实现一行扩边

    /* copy top row to create above margin */
    pixel* top = pic - marginX;
    for (int y = 0; y < marginY; y++)
        memcpy(top - (y + 1) * stride, top, stride * sizeof(pixel));

    /* copy bottom row to create below margin */
    pixel* bot = pic - marginX + (height - 1) * stride;
    for (int y = 0; y < marginY; y++)
        memcpy(bot + (y + 1) * stride, bot, stride * sizeof(pixel));

/* Initialize entries for pixel functions defined in this file */
void setupPixelPrimitives_c(EncoderPrimitives &p)
#define LUMA_PU(W, H) \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_pp = blockcopy_pp_c; \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].addAvg = addAvg; \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].sad = sad; \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].sad_x3 = sad_x3; \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].sad_x4 = sad_x4; \
    p.pu[LUMA_ ## W ## x ## H].pixelavg_pp = pixelavg_pp;

    以上宏定义获取相应的函数指针,以LUMA_PU(8, 8);为例:
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].copy_pp = blockcopy_pp_c<8, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].addAvg = addAvg<8, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].sad = sad<8, 8>; 
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].sad_x3 = sad_x3<8, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].sad_x4 = sad_x4<8, 8>; 
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].pixelavg_pp = pixelavg_pp<8, 8>;

#define LUMA_CU(W, H) \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].sub_ps        = pixel_sub_ps_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].add_ps        = pixel_add_ps_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_sp       = blockcopy_sp_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ps       = blockcopy_ps_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ss       = blockcopy_ss_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].blockfill_s   = blockfill_s_c;  \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].cpy2Dto1D_shl = cpy2Dto1D_shl; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].cpy2Dto1D_shr = cpy2Dto1D_shr; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].cpy1Dto2D_shl = cpy1Dto2D_shl; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].cpy1Dto2D_shr = cpy1Dto2D_shr; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].psy_cost_pp   = psyCost_pp; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].psy_cost_ss   = psyCost_ss; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].transpose     = transpose; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].ssd_s         = pixel_ssd_s_c; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].var           = pixel_var; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].calcresidual  = getResidual; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].sse_pp        = sse; \
    p.cu[BLOCK_ ## W ## x ## H].sse_ss        = sse;

    LUMA_PU(4, 4);
    LUMA_PU(8, 8);
    LUMA_PU(16, 16);
    LUMA_PU(32, 32);
    LUMA_PU(64, 64);
    LUMA_PU(4, 8);
    LUMA_PU(8, 4);
    LUMA_PU(16,  8);
    LUMA_PU(8, 16);
    LUMA_PU(16, 12);
    LUMA_PU(12, 16);
    LUMA_PU(16,  4);
    LUMA_PU(4, 16);
    LUMA_PU(32, 16);
    LUMA_PU(16, 32);
    LUMA_PU(32, 24);
    LUMA_PU(24, 32);
    LUMA_PU(32,  8);
    LUMA_PU(8, 32);
    LUMA_PU(64, 32);
    LUMA_PU(32, 64);
    LUMA_PU(64, 48);
    LUMA_PU(48, 64);
    LUMA_PU(64, 16);
    LUMA_PU(16, 64);

    p.pu[LUMA_4x4].satd   = satd_4x4;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x8].satd   = satd8<8, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x4].satd   = satd_8x4;
    p.pu[LUMA_4x8].satd   = satd4<4, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x16].satd = satd8<16, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x8].satd  = satd8<16, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x16].satd  = satd8<8, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x12].satd = satd8<16, 12>;
    p.pu[LUMA_12x16].satd = satd4<12, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x4].satd  = satd8<16, 4>;
    p.pu[LUMA_4x16].satd  = satd4<4, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_32x32].satd = satd8<32, 32>;
    p.pu[LUMA_32x16].satd = satd8<32, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x32].satd = satd8<16, 32>;
    p.pu[LUMA_32x24].satd = satd8<32, 24>;
    p.pu[LUMA_24x32].satd = satd8<24, 32>;
    p.pu[LUMA_32x8].satd  = satd8<32, 8>;
    p.pu[LUMA_8x32].satd  = satd8<8, 32>;
    p.pu[LUMA_64x64].satd = satd8<64, 64>;
    p.pu[LUMA_64x32].satd = satd8<64, 32>;
    p.pu[LUMA_32x64].satd = satd8<32, 64>;
    p.pu[LUMA_64x48].satd = satd8<64, 48>;
    p.pu[LUMA_48x64].satd = satd8<48, 64>;
    p.pu[LUMA_64x16].satd = satd8<64, 16>;
    p.pu[LUMA_16x64].satd = satd8<16, 64>;

    LUMA_CU(4, 4);
    LUMA_CU(8, 8);
    LUMA_CU(16, 16);
    LUMA_CU(32, 32);
    LUMA_CU(64, 64);

    p.cu[BLOCK_4x4].sa8d   = satd_4x4;
    p.cu[BLOCK_8x8].sa8d   = sa8d_8x8;
    p.cu[BLOCK_16x16].sa8d = sa8d_16x16;
    p.cu[BLOCK_32x32].sa8d = sa8d16<32, 32>;
    p.cu[BLOCK_64x64].sa8d = sa8d16<64, 64>;

#define CHROMA_PU_420(W, H) \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].addAvg  = addAvg;         \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_pp = blockcopy_pp_c; \
    以上宏定义获取相应的函数指针,以CHROMA_PU_420(4, 4);为例:
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x4].addAvg = addAvg<4, 4>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x4].copy_pp = blockcopy_pp_c<4, 4>;
    CHROMA_PU_420(2, 2);
    CHROMA_PU_420(2, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_420(4, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(16, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_420(32, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_420(4, 2);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_420(4, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8, 6);
    CHROMA_PU_420(6, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8, 2);
    CHROMA_PU_420(2, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(16, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8,  16);
    CHROMA_PU_420(16, 12);
    CHROMA_PU_420(12, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_420(16, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_420(4,  16);
    CHROMA_PU_420(32, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_420(16, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_420(32, 24);
    CHROMA_PU_420(24, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_420(32, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_420(8,  32);

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_2x2].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x4].satd   = satd_4x4;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x8].satd   = satd8<8, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_16x16].satd = satd8<16, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_32x32].satd = satd8<32, 32>;

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x2].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_2x4].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x4].satd   = satd_8x4;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x8].satd   = satd4<4, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_16x8].satd  = satd8<16, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x16].satd  = satd8<8, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_32x16].satd = satd8<32, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_16x32].satd = satd8<16, 32>;

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x6].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_6x8].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x2].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_2x8].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_16x12].satd = satd4<16, 12>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_12x16].satd = satd4<12, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_16x4].satd  = satd4<16, 4>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x16].satd  = satd4<4, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_32x24].satd = satd8<32, 24>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_24x32].satd = satd8<24, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_32x8].satd  = satd8<32, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_8x32].satd  = satd8<8, 32>;

#define CHROMA_CU_420(W, H) \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].sse_pp  = sse; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_sp = blockcopy_sp_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ps = blockcopy_ps_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ss = blockcopy_ss_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].sub_ps = pixel_sub_ps_c;  \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_420_ ## W ## x ## H].add_ps = pixel_add_ps_c;

    CHROMA_CU_420(2, 2)
    CHROMA_CU_420(4, 4)
    CHROMA_CU_420(8, 8)
    CHROMA_CU_420(16, 16)
    CHROMA_CU_420(32, 32)

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_8x8].sa8d   = p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].pu[CHROMA_420_4x4].satd;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_16x16].sa8d = sa8d8<8, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_32x32].sa8d = sa8d16<16, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I420].cu[BLOCK_64x64].sa8d = sa8d16<32, 32>;

#define CHROMA_PU_422(W, H) \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].addAvg  = addAvg;         \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_pp = blockcopy_pp_c; \

    CHROMA_PU_422(2, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_422(4, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(16, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_422(32, 64);
    CHROMA_PU_422(4, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_422(2, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_422(4, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8, 12);
    CHROMA_PU_422(6, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8, 4);
    CHROMA_PU_422(2, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(16, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_422(16, 24);
    CHROMA_PU_422(12, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_422(16, 8);
    CHROMA_PU_422(4,  32);
    CHROMA_PU_422(32, 32);
    CHROMA_PU_422(16, 64);
    CHROMA_PU_422(32, 48);
    CHROMA_PU_422(24, 64);
    CHROMA_PU_422(32, 16);
    CHROMA_PU_422(8,  64);

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_2x4].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_4x8].satd   = satd4<4, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x16].satd  = satd8<8, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_16x32].satd = satd8<16, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_32x64].satd = satd8<32, 64>;

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_4x4].satd   = satd_4x4;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_2x8].satd   = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x8].satd   = satd8<8, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_4x16].satd  = satd4<4, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_16x16].satd = satd8<16, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x32].satd  = satd8<8, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_32x32].satd = satd8<32, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_16x64].satd = satd8<16, 64>;

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x12].satd  = satd4<8, 12>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_6x16].satd  = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x4].satd   = satd4<8, 4>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_2x16].satd  = NULL;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_16x24].satd = satd8<16, 24>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_12x32].satd = satd4<12, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_16x8].satd  = satd8<16, 8>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_4x32].satd  = satd4<4, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_32x48].satd = satd8<32, 48>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_24x64].satd = satd8<24, 64>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_32x16].satd = satd8<32, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_8x64].satd  = satd8<8, 64>;

#define CHROMA_CU_422(W, H) \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].sse_pp  = sse; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_sp = blockcopy_sp_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ps = blockcopy_ps_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].copy_ss = blockcopy_ss_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].sub_ps = pixel_sub_ps_c; \
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_422_ ## W ## x ## H].add_ps = pixel_add_ps_c;

    CHROMA_CU_422(2, 4)
    CHROMA_CU_422(4, 8)
    CHROMA_CU_422(8, 16)
    CHROMA_CU_422(16, 32)
    CHROMA_CU_422(32, 64)

    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_8x8].sa8d   = p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].pu[CHROMA_422_4x8].satd;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_16x16].sa8d = sa8d8<8, 16>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_32x32].sa8d = sa8d16<16, 32>;
    p.chroma[X265_CSP_I422].cu[BLOCK_64x64].sa8d = sa8d16<32, 64>;

    p.weight_pp = weight_pp_c;
    p.weight_sp = weight_sp_c;

    p.scale1D_128to64 = scale1D_128to64;
    p.scale2D_64to32 = scale2D_64to32;
    p.frameInitLowres = frame_init_lowres_core;
    p.ssim_4x4x2_core = ssim_4x4x2_core;
    p.ssim_end_4 = ssim_end_4;

    p.planecopy_cp = planecopy_cp_c;
    p.planecopy_sp = planecopy_sp_c;
    p.planecopy_sp_shl = planecopy_sp_shl_c;
    p.propagateCost = estimateCUPropagateCost;

