Business Transactions in Controlling
Each component in Controlling uses specific business transactions (T-Code). When activating a CO component (you can do this successively), you must make sure that all business transactions used by the component have been assigned to number ranges. Otherwise you will not be able to call up the business transactions in the System.
The OKC1 transaction enables you to display all CO business transactions.
You define number ranges for each controlling area. The sample client 000 contains defaults for number ranges.
You combine transactions into transaction groups.
Create the plan and actual transactions in separate transaction groups (see also: Defining Number Ranges).
Business transactions, planning
The business transactions for planning are split up as follows:
Period-BasedT-Code Name
CPPP ABC Process Assessment: Plan
FIPA Automatic Payment Schedule
JVPL JV Planning Data Document
KAZP Plan Cost Center Accrual
KOAP Plan Settlement
KPPB Standard Cost Estimate
KSP0 Plan Splitting
KSPB Plan assessment to PA
KZPP Plan: Periodic overhead
KZRP Plan Interest Calculation
PAPL Plan Sales/Profit
RKPB Plan Periodic Reposting
RKPL Plan Indirect Activity Allocation
RKPP Primary Planning with Template
RKPQ Manual Cost Planning
RKPS Secondary Planning with Template
RKPU Plan Overhead Cost Assessment
RKPV Plan Overhead Cost Distribution
Business Transaction-Based
T-Code Name
RKP1 Planning Primary Costs
RKP2 Planning Activities
RKP3 Plan Secondary Costs
RKP4 Planning Statistical Key Figures
RKP5 Planning Revenue Elements
RKP6 Planning Activity-Dependent Primary Costs
RKP7 Planning Activity-Dependent Secondary Costs
RKP8 Planning Settlement Costs
RKP9 Planning Activity-Dependent Settlement Costs
RKPW Secondary order cost planning
RKPX Activity-dependent secondary order cost planning
RKPZ Planning overhead credits
Business transactions, actual postings
The business transactions for actual postings can be classified as follows:
Period-Based Transactions
T-Code Name
COIN CO through-posting from Financial Accounting
CPPA ABC Actual Process Assessment
JVIU JV Actual assessment
JVIV JV Actual Distribution
JVU1 JV Reposting Costs
KAMV Manual Cost Allocation
KAZI Actual Cost Center Accrual
KAZO Down payments
KGPD Distribution according to peg
KOAO Actual Settlement
KPIV Actual Distribution to Cost Objects
KSI0 Actual Split Costs
KSII Actual Price Calculation
KSOP Primary Target Cost Calculation
KSPA Assessment to CO-PA
KVAR Variance Calculation
KZPI Actual Periodic Overhead
KZRI Actual Interest Calculation
RKIB Actual Periodic Reposting
RKIL Actual Indirect Activity Allocation
RKIU Actual Overhead Assessment
RKIV Actual Overhead Distribution
RRIB Segment Adjustment: Actual Periodic Reposting
RRIU Segment Adjustment: Actual Assessment
RRIV Segment Adjustment: Actual Distribution
Business Transaction-Based T-Code Name
RKU1 Repost Costs
RKU2 Repost Revenues
RKU3 Repost CO Line Items
RKL Actual Activity Allocation
RKN Actual Non-Allocable Activities
RKLT Actual Process Allocation
RKLX Predistribution of Fixed Costs
RKS Enter Statistical Key Figures
Other Business Transactions
The remaining business transactions cannot be classified as plan or actual transactions:
Other Business Transactions
T-Code Name
KABG Automatic Accrual Calculation
KABM Manual Accrual Calculation
KAFM Payment Data
KAUS Calculate Scrap
KEKB Unit Costing
KEKZ Unit Costing (Overhead)
KFPI Fixed Price Allocation
KFPP Fixed Price Agreement
KPPZ Standard Costing (Overhead)
KSOS Secondary Target Cost Calculation
KSWP Primary Target Cost Calculation (WIP)
KSWS Secondary Target Cost Calculation (WIP)
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