MethodInjection 动态方法替换原理



例如A的scope是 Singleton ,B的scope是Prototype,当A依赖B时,B实例会在第一次初始化请求创建,之后的对A的调用间接依赖的B仍旧是同一实例,这并非B所声明的scope=Prototype含义。[/size]
// a class that uses a stateful Command-style class to perform some processing

// Spring-API imports
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.Applicationcontext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;

public class CommandManager implements ApplicationContextAware {

private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

public Object process(Map commandState) {
// grab a new instance of the appropriate Command
Command command = createCommand();
// set the state on the (hopefully brand new) Command instance
return command.execute();

protected Command createCommand() {
// notice the Spring API dependency!
return this.applicationContext.getBean("command", Command.class);

public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

[size=medium]上述createCommand方法里调用了getBean方法改变了依赖注入方式。但是还有一点“瑕疵”:依赖了ApplicationContext。这种任务Spring也提供了,因为诞生初衷就是为了减少代码的耦合程度,所以有了后来的控制反转。Look up method解决了这个问题。只要对每个要使用getBean代码的方法配置一个Bean(不支持一个方法对应多个Bean),注意替换的方法是无参的[/size]


// no more Spring imports!

public abstract class CommandManager {

public Object process(Object commandState) {
// grab a new instance of the appropriate Command interface
Command command = createCommand();
// set the state on the (hopefully brand new) Command instance
return command.execute();

// okay... but where is the implementation of this method?
protected abstract Command createCommand();

[size=medium]很少使用但很强大的同宗replace method
lookup method只是替换了getBean这样的简单代码,而replace method它将深入到指定bean之后的方法调用中,即MethodReplacer的方法reimplement,这里可以做更多的事,显然它支持并且一定比较可能重载的方法。[/size]

/** meant to be used to override the existing computeValue(String)
implementation in MyValueCalculator
public class ReplacementComputeValue implements MethodReplacer {

public Object reimplement(Object o, Method m, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
// get the input value, work with it, and return a computed result
String input = (String) args[0];
return ...;



public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, String beanName, BeanFactory owner) {
// Don't override the class with CGLIB if no overrides.
if (beanDefinition.getMethodOverrides().isEmpty()) {
Constructor constructorToUse;
synchronized (beanDefinition.constructorArgumentLock) {
constructorToUse = (Constructor) beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
if (constructorToUse == null) {
final Class clazz = beanDefinition.getBeanClass();
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface");
try {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
constructorToUse = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction() {
public Constructor run() throws Exception {
return clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null);
else {
constructorToUse = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null);
beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = constructorToUse;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", ex);
return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse);
else {
// Must generate CGLIB subclass.
return instantiateWithMethodInjection(beanDefinition, beanName, owner);

lookup method 该方法使用lookup method
replace method 改方法使用replace method
not found 不对方法拦截
public Object instantiate(Constructor ctor, Object[] args) {
Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
enhancer.setCallbackFilter(new CallbackFilterImpl());
enhancer.setCallbacks(new Callback[] {
new LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor(),
new ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor()

return (ctor == null) ?
enhancer.create() :
enhancer.create(ctor.getParameterTypes(), args);

[size=medium]lookup method拦截[/size]
private class LookupOverrideMethodInterceptor extends CglibIdentitySupport implements MethodInterceptor {

public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy mp) throws Throwable {
// Cast is safe, as CallbackFilter filters are used selectively.
LookupOverride lo = (LookupOverride) beanDefinition.getMethodOverrides().getOverride(method);
return owner.getBean(lo.getBeanName());

[size=medium]replace method拦截[/size]
private class ReplaceOverrideMethodInterceptor extends CglibIdentitySupport implements MethodInterceptor {

public Object intercept(Object obj, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy mp) throws Throwable {
ReplaceOverride ro = (ReplaceOverride) beanDefinition.getMethodOverrides().getOverride(method);
// TODO could cache if a singleton for minor performance optimization
MethodReplacer mr = (MethodReplacer) owner.getBean(ro.getMethodReplacerBeanName());
return mr.reimplement(obj, method, args);
