postgres=# \d+ pg_attribute;
数据表 "pg_catalog.pg_attribute"
栏位 | 类型 | 可空的 | 存储 | 描述
attrelid | oid | not null | plain |列所属的表
attname | name | not null | plain |列名
atttypid | oid | not null | plain |列的数据类型
attstattarget | integer | not null | plain |attstattarget控制由ANALYZE对此列收集的统计信息的细节层次。
attlen | smallint | not null | plain |本列类型的pg_type.typlen一个拷贝
attnum | smallint | not null | plain |列的编号
attndims | integer | not null | plain |如果该列是一个数组类型,这里就是其维度数;否则为0。
attcacheoff | integer | not null | plain |在存储中总是为-1
atttypmod | integer | not null | plain |atttypmod记录了在表创建时提供的类型相关数据
attbyval | boolean | not null | plain |该列类型的pg_type.typbyval的一个拷贝
attstorage | "char" | not null | plain |通常是该列类型的pg_type.typstorage的一个拷贝
attalign | "char" | not null | plain |通常是该列类型的pg_type.typalign的一个拷贝该列类型的pg_type.typstorage的一个拷贝。
attnotnull | boolean | not null | plain |这表示一个非空约束
atthasdef | boolean | not null | plain |该列有一个默认值,在此情况下在pg_attrdef目录中会有一个对应项来真正记录默认值。
atthasmissing | boolean | not null | plain |该列在行中完全缺失时会用到这个列的值
attidentity | "char" | not null | plain |如果是一个零字节(''),则不是一个标识列。否则,a =总是生成,d = 默认生成。
attisdropped | boolean | not null | plain |该列被删除且不再有效。
attislocal | boolean | not null | plain |该列是由关系本地定义的。
attinhcount | integer | not null | plain |该列的直接祖先的编号。
attcollation | oid | not null | plain |该列被定义的排序规则,如果该列不是一个可排序数据类型则为0。
attacl | aclitem[] | | extended |列级访问权限
attoptions | text[] | | extended |属性级选项,以“keyword=value”形式的字符串
attfdwoptions | text[] | | extended |属性级的外部数据包装器选项,以“keyword=value”形式的字符串
这个列中是一个含有 一个元素的数组,其中的值被用于该列在行中完全缺失时,
如果在行创建之后增加一个有非易失DEFAULT值的列,就会发生这种情况attmissingval | anyarray | | extended |
"pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index" UNIQUE, btree (attrelid, attname)
"pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index" UNIQUE, btree (attrelid, attnum)
postgres=# \d+ pg_constraint;
数据表 "pg_catalog.pg_constraint"
栏位 | 类型 | 可空的 | 存储 |描述
conname | name | not null | plain |约束名字(不需要唯一!)
connamespace | oid | not null | plain | 包含此约束的名字空间的OID
contype | "char" | not null | plain |c = 检查约束, f =外键约束, p = 主键约束, u = 唯一约束, t = 约束触发器, x = 排他约束
condeferrable | boolean | not null | plain |该约束是否能被延迟
condeferred | boolean | not null | plain |该约束是否默认被延迟
convalidated | boolean | not null | plain |此约束是否被验证过
conrelid | oid | not null | plain 该约束所在的表,如果不是表约束则为0
contypid | oid | not null | plain |该约束所在的域,如果不是域约束则为0
conindid | oid | not null | plain |如果该约束是唯一、主键、外键或排他约束,此列表示支持此约束的索引,否则为0
conparentid | oid | not null | plain |如果这是一个分区中的约束,则是父分区表中对应的约束;否则为0
confrelid | oid | not null | plain |如果此约束是一个外键约束,此列为被引用的表,否则为0
confupdtype | "char" | not null | plain |
confdeltype | "char" | not null | plain |
confmatchtype | "char" | not null | plain |
conislocal | boolean | not null | plain |
coninhcount | integer | not null | plain |
connoinherit | boolean | not null | plain |
conkey | smallint[] | | extended |
confkey | smallint[] | | extended |
conpfeqop | oid[] | | extended |
conppeqop | oid[] | | extended |
conffeqop | oid[] | | extended |
conexclop | oid[] | | extended |
conbin | pg_node_tree | | extended |
consrc | text | | extended |
"pg_constraint_conrelid_contypid_conname_index" UNIQUE, btree (conrelid, contypid, conname)
"pg_constraint_oid_index" UNIQUE, btree (oid)
"pg_constraint_conname_nsp_index" btree (conname, connamespace)
"pg_constraint_conparentid_index" btree (conparentid)
"pg_constraint_contypid_index" btree (contypid)
有 OIDs:yes
select table_catalog as 数据库名,
table_schema as 模式名,
table_name as 表名,
column_name as 字段名,
data_type as 字段类型,
character_maximum_length as 字段类型长度,
ordinal_position aS 表字段排序,
numeric_precision as 数据类型精度,
numeric_scale as 数据类型小数点后精度,
a.datetime_precision as 时间类型精度,
a.is_nullable as 是否位空值
from information_schema.columns a
where a.table_schema ='public'
order by
pg_class.relname as pl_table,
pg_attribute.attname as colname,
pg_type.typname as tyepname,
pg_constraint.conname as pk_name
from pg_constraint
join pg_class on pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_class.oid
join pg_attribute on pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid
and pg_attribute.attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[1]
join pg_type on pg_type.oid = pg_attribute.atttypid
where pg_constraint.contype = 'p'
order by pg_class.relname;
select c.relname,c.relkind from pg_class c where c.relkind = 'S';
SELECT a.schemaname,
from pg_am b
left join pg_class f on b.oid = f.relam
left join pg_stat_all_indexes e on f.oid = e.indexrelid
left join pg_index c on e.indexrelid = c.indexrelid
left join pg_description D on c.indexrelid = d.objoid,
pg_indexes A
where a.schemaname = e.schemaname
and a.tablename = e.relname
and a.indexname = e.indexrelname
and e.schemaname = 'public';