(1)0Bunit3big bad bug 汉语:牙牙学语下第一/第二单元
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-8单元
(4)重点句型:chase that big bad bug ,make it go away
(5)fhield trip:补上周生病,去前面小游乐场玩merry-go-round,延伸小火车,碰碰车,等游乐设施.户外观察蚂蚁的蜘蛛等4种虫子
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw
3.1英语:0Bunit1 jack-in-the-box-unit12seesaw
5、Game time
5.1 I am a little bee
M :Look,what's this ,
M:Let's play a game !Now I am the little bee buzz...buzz...Waylon come here you are a bear .
M:Look ,what's this ,yes, this is honey
M:Ok ,Now I put the honey jar on the table ,you are going to get the honey .And I am hide behind the table .If you get too close to the table ,I will jump out and chase you away.Do you want to play this game .
M :ready set go .
chase that big bad bear ,make it go away shoo!
chase that big bad bear ,make it go away shoo!shoo!
chase that big bad bear ,make it go away shoo!shoo!shoo!
M :Ok ,Now it's your turn to pretend the little bee.
M:Now I am bear ,I am very strong and I very like honey.I want to eat the honey .
5.2Finger game
M :Look,what I got for you Babyl
W:Mum,what is this?
M This is a big bud bug.
Mum:Well done,I am the wiggly worm. wiggly wiggly worm.Look where is the wiggle worm?
Mum:Where is the worm now.It's on your arm.
Murn:When my the worm now?It's on your shoulders.I want to going to your nose .
W: nose边尖叫边跑了
Murn:And where is the worm now?it's want going to your bottom.
5.3 family time
M:Let's play a game!haha,Look what do I have ?
M:Look A big bad bug!!!It's really scared me !but I know ,it is not really one.
M:Haha,right it is not really,Let's play a game .
M:chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!
chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!
chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!不会唱,听了好久的音频了,继续玩游戏让他在游戏中去学习。
M:It's your turn.
M:Let's play it in another,Look what do I have ?what are these?
M:Use this maraca pretend a hammers .these is hammers ,I am going to move the fake bug,and you are going to hit the big bad bug.Do you want to play this game ,hit the big bad bug .
M:Ready set go .
M::chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!
chase that big bad bug, make it go away ,shoo!shoo!
chase that big bad bug , make it go away ,shoo!shoo!shoo!
M:Hit this big bad bug ,make it go away ,hurry up !the bug goes away .
M:It's mommy turn .
今日总结:前几天生病,没办法去做field trip,只能这周抽时间去补,能感觉到孩子的理解能力提升,一些没说过的句子,和单词,讲的时候配合动作能够理解。今天蜜蜂追小熊的游戏没引起他的兴趣,好像不太会玩,接下几天,要继续玩玩,wiggle wrom 新的分级引起他的兴趣,今天读分级还是配合的。