据BBC报道,当地时间7月14日,英国数字化、文化、媒体和体育大臣奥利弗·道登(Oliver Dowden)当天在英国议会下院宣布了英国政府的这项决定——英国通讯运营商自今年12月31日起禁止购买华为5G新设备;在2027年之前移除5G网络中的所有华为设备。
The British government announced on Tuesday that the UK will ban Chinese telecommunications company Huawei from supplying kit for 5G networks from the end of this year.
UK Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Oliver Dowden said in Parliament that the government has also committed to the removal of existing Huawei equipment from British networks by 2027.
道登称:“这不是一个轻松的决定, 但这是一个对英国电信网络、国家安全及经济方面,当下和长远发展来说正确的决定。”
"This has not been an easy decision, but it is the right one for the UK telecoms networks, for our national security and our economy, both now and indeed in the long run," Dowden said.
"The UK can no longer be confident it will be able to guarantee the security of future Huawei 5G equipment," Dowden said.
Dowden conceded that the move would come at great cost to the UK's economy and would significantly hold up 5G development. He estimated that the ban will delay the roll out of 5G in Britain by two to three years at a cost of 2 billion pounds.
“Our decisions in January had already set back that rollout by a year and cost up to a billion pounds. Today's decision to ban the procurement of new Huawei 5G equipment from the end of this year will delay rollout by a further year and will add up to half a billion pounds to costs.
“Requiring operators in addition to remove Huawei equipment from their 5G networks by 2027 will add hundreds of millions of pounds further to the cost and further delay rollout. ”
针对英国政府作出的决定,华为英国发言人爱德华·布鲁斯特(Edward Brewster)很快在社交媒体发表了声明回应:
Ed Brewster, a spokesperson for Huawei UK, said: "This disappointing decision is bad news for anyone in the UK with a mobile phone. It threatens to move Britain into the digital slow lane, push up bills and deepen the digital divide."
"Instead of 'levelling up' the government is levelling down and we urge them to reconsider. We remain confident that the new US restrictions would not have affected the resilience or security of the products we supply to the UK."
"Regrettably our future in the UK has become politicized, this is about US trade policy and not security. Over the past 20 years, Huawei has focused on building a better connected UK. As a responsible business, we will continue to support our customers as we have always done."
"We will conduct a detailed review of what today’s announcement means for our business here and will work with the UK government to explain how we can continue to contribute to a better connected Britain."
据BBC报道,下议院发言期间,工党议员、影子内阁产业政策发言人昂乌拉(Chi Onwurah)形容这项针对华为的决定,对英国数字经济发展的影响“如同车祸现场,即便从外太空也清晰可见(This is a car crash for our digital economy, but one which could have been visible from outer space.)”。
Shadow digital minster Chi Onwurah said that the government's handling of Huawei had created a "car crash for the digital economy, but one that would have been visible from outer space".
英国电信公司(BT)首席执行官詹森(Philip Jansen)也警告称,如果在5G网络升级建设过程中,英国通讯业被要求削减与华为的业务网络,可能会造成英国“通讯中断”,并带来安全隐患。
BT Chief ExecutivePhilip Jansenalso warned of “outages” and possible security risks if the sector was told to curtail all business with the Chinese technology company during the building of the 5G network upgrade.
图源:Sky News
"We convinced many countries. I did this myself for the most part, not to use Huawei, because we think it's an unsafe security risk. It's a big security risk.", Trump said.
“If they want to do business with us, they can't use it.”
刘晓明指出,“如果你们选择将华为排除在外,就发出了一个非常错误的信息,破坏了英国自由贸易的形象”, “这也会向中国商界发出非常糟糕的信息。他们都在关注你们如何对待华为” 。
“如果英国没有独立的政策,而是看他国脸色,如何称得上是‘大’不列颠?”(If you do not have an independent policy,you have to dance to the tune of other countries. How could you claim to be a 'Great' Britain?)
“英国对华为的决定是 ‘失望’和‘错误’的。英国还能否为来自其他国家的公司提供开放、公平和非歧视性的商业环境这一点令人质疑。”