Python - Importing Modules

Python has two ways of importing modules. Both are useful, and you should know when to use each. One way is import module,The other way is From Module Import  to accomplishes the same thing, but it has subtle and important differences.


  • From Module Import

  The attributes and methods of the imported module types are imported directly into the local namespace, so they are available directly, without qualification by module name.

  1. If you will be accessing attributes and methods often and don't want to type the module name over and over, use from module import.
  2. If you want to selectively import some attributes and methods but not others, use from module import.
  3. If the module contains attributes or functions with the same name as ones in your module, you must use import module to avoid name conflicts. 


  •  Import Module

   The attributes and methods of the imported module types are NOT imported directly into the local namespace, so they are unavailable directly, you can use it by module name.
