


  • Beijing smog: where it came from
  • Contributors to the toxic smog hovering over Beijing
  • Sources of the toxic smog haunting the capital


  • Some experts previously attributed the murky gray haze to vehicle exhausts, but the smog lingered on/didn’t go/remained out there even when roads in the capital were much less crowded/there was much less traffic on the road during the National Day holiday. As such, the claim proved wrong/the expert claim, in this sense, doesn’t hold water/ the expert claim is unjustified. What essentially contributes to the suffocating smog in the city then? Smog in the capital has aroused/arrested/captured worldwide attention, winning the city the nickname of “smoking section”. Let’s take a long, hard look at how Beijing has become infamous/notorious for its persistent smog.


  • Relevant data/figures/statistics show/suggest/indicate that motor vehicle emissions, the burning of coal and construction dusts combined contribute over 50% to PM2.5 (particulate matters with less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter), constituting the three leading pollutants behind Beijing’s poor AQI performance.

  • According to relevant data available, the top three pollutants to blame for Beijing’s poor AQI performance are vehicle exhausts, the burning of coal and construction dusts, which account for over 50% of PM2.5 combined.


  • Vehicle exhaust is not the one and only culprit for smog in the city. As the data suggests, the smog also came from industrial areas in its neighborhood.


  • Climate change experts argue/contend/claim/assert that the persistent smog settling/hovering over the city was largely attributable to the static stability of the weather and excessive overall emissions as autumn turned to winter.


  • Persistent static stability of the weather/the persistent lack of strong wind and high intensity of aerosol are what it takes to form/generate/give rise to a lingering smog. Once smog is formed, aerosols concentrate in the atmosphere to form more fog droplets that help sustain smog.


  • Other smog-causing factors: iron and steel mills


  • PM2.5 reading increased during the National Day holiday when there was much less traffic on the road, not least because North China relies heavily on coal-fired power generation. Beyond that/Alongside that/On top of that/additionally, hazardous/toxic coal dusts are unavoidably spread in the process of production, transportation and consumption. The National-Day increase in PM2.5 reading also came as a result of the fact that heavy industrial manufacturers went about their business as usual in neighboring Hebei Province, a major center for iron- and steel-making. Beijing was shrouded in the persistent smog for days running due to persistently windless, stagnant conditions with mountain barriers in its west and north. The same is true for Lanzhou City, north of Beijing, and Los Angeles in the US.


  • Approaches to fighting/battling smog


  • There has been much talk about the term "airpocalypse" or "airmageddon" coined by some media to describe the severe smog hovering over the city. Smog can be caused by multiple factors, including outdated/outmoded heavy-polluting industrial mix, huge/enormous coal consumption, numerous vehicles on the road/large car ownership, low/undemanding fuel and emission standards as well as smog-prone climate and terrain. Smog poses a critical threat to public health/smog is now a serious health threat/hazard. Smog treatment dictates industrial and energy upgrading, and governments at different levels must act in concert if this bout of smog is to disperse soon/quickly.
