drop database if exists newTest;
create database newTest;
use newTest;
create table student(
sno varchar(10) primary key,
sname varchar(20),
sage int,
ssex varchar(5)
create table teacher(
tno varchar(10) primary key,
tname varchar(20)
create table course(
cno varchar(10),
cname varchar(20),
tno varchar(20),
constraint pk_course primary key (cno,tno)
create table sc(
sno varchar(10),
cno varchar(10),
score decimal(4,2),
constraint pk_sc primary key (sno,cno)
insert into student values (‘s001’,’张三’,23,’男’);
insert into student values (‘s002’,’李四’,23,’男’);
insert into student values (‘s003’,’吴鹏’,25,’男’);
insert into student values (‘s004’,’琴沁’,20,’女’);
insert into student values (‘s005’,’王丽’,20,’女’);
insert into student values (‘s006’,’李波’,21,’男’);
insert into student values (‘s007’,’刘玉’,21,’男’);
insert into student values (‘s008’,’萧蓉’,21,’女’);
insert into student values (‘s009’,’陈萧晓’,23,’女’);
insert into student values (‘s010’,’陈美’,22,’女’);
insert into teacher values (‘t001’, ‘刘阳’);
insert into teacher values (‘t002’, ‘谌燕’);
insert into teacher values (‘t003’, ‘胡明星’);
insert into course values (‘c001’,’J2SE’,’t002’);
insert into course values (‘c002’,’Java Web’,’t002’);
insert into course values (‘c003’,’SSH’,’t001’);
insert into course values (‘c004’,’Oracle’,’t001’);
insert into course values (‘c005’,’SQL SERVER 2005’,’t003’);
insert into course values (‘c006’,’C#’,’t003’);
insert into course values (‘c007’,’JavaScript’,’t002’);
insert into course values (‘c008’,’DIV+CSS’,’t001’);
insert into course values (‘c009’,’PHP’,’t003’);
insert into course values (‘c010’,’EJB3.0’,’t002’);
insert into sc values (‘s001’,’c001’,78.9);
insert into sc values (‘s002’,’c001’,80.9);
insert into sc values (‘s003’,’c001’,81.9);
insert into sc values (‘s004’,’c001’,60.9);
insert into sc values (‘s001’,’c002’,82.9);
insert into sc values (‘s002’,’c002’,72.9);
insert into sc values (‘s003’,’c002’,81.9);
insert into sc values (‘s001’,’c003’,59);
select s.sno from sc c,sc s
where c.sno=s.sno
and c.cno= ‘c001’ and s.cno = ‘c002’ and c.score>s.score;
select sno,avg(score) from sc group by sno
having avg(score)>60;
select s.sno,s.sname,count(c.cno),sum(c.score)
from student s left join sc c on s.sno=c.sno group by sno;
select s.sno,s.sname,t.cno_count,t.total_score
from student s
left join (
select sno, count(cno) cno_count, sum(score) total_score
from sc
group by sno) t on s.sno=t.sno;
select count(*)from teacher where tname like ‘刘%’;
select sno,sname from student where sno not in(
select distinct st.sno from teacher t
join course c on t.tno=c.tno
join sc s on c.cno=s.cno
join student st on s.sno=st.sno
where t.tname=’谌燕’);
select sno ,sname from student s where sno not in(
select sc.sno from sc ,teacher t,course c where sc.cno=c.cno and c.tno=t.tno and t.tname=’谌燕’);
select sno,sname from student
where sno in (select sno from sc where sno in
(select sno from sc where cno=’c001’)and cno=’c002’);
select a.sno,s.sname from sc a,sc b ,student s
where a.sno=b.sno and b.sno=s.sno
and a.cno=’c001’ and b.cno=’c002’;
select distinct st.sno,st.sname
from teacher t join course c on t.tno=c.tno
join sc s on c.cno=s.cno
join student st on s.sno=st.sno
where t.tname=’谌燕’ group by s.sno having count(s.cno)=4;
select count(c.cno) from teacher t
join course c on t.tno=c.tno where t.tname=’谌燕’;
select s.sno,s.sname
from student s join sc c on s.sno=c.sno
group by sno having max(score)<60;
select t.sno,t.sname from student t
join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
join course c on s.cno=c.cno
group by s.sno having count(s.cno)<10;
select count(course.cname)from course ;
select distinct s.sno,s.sname from sc,student s where sc.cno in(
select cno from sc where sno=’s001’)
and sc.sno=s.sno and sc.sno!=’s001’;
update sc a join (select cno,round(avg(score),2) ascore from sc group by cno) b on a.cno=b.cno
set a.score = b.ascore
where a.cno in (select cno from course c join teacher t on c.tno=t.tno and t.tname=’谌燕’) ;
select t.sno,t.sname from sc,student t where cno in
(select cno from sc where sc.sno=’s001’) and t.sno!=’s001’ and t.sno=sc.sno
group by sc.sno having count(cno)=(select count(cno) from sc where sc.sno=’s001’)
and count(cno)=(select count(cno) from sc b where b.sno=sc.sno group by sno );
delete from sc where cno in
(select c.cno from course c,teacher t where c.tno=t.tno and t.tname=’谌燕’);
select cno,max(score),min(score) from sc group by cno;
select cno,100*sum(case when score>60 then 1 else 0 end)/
count(sno) rate from sc group by cno order by rate desc;
select sno,cno,score
from sc r1
where (select count(1) from sc r2
where r2.cno=r1.cno and r2.score >= r1.score) <=3;
select c.cno,count(s.sno)
from course c left join sc s on c.cno=s.cno group by cno;
select t.sno,t.sname from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno group by sno having count(s.cno)=1;
select m.boy_count,n.girl_count
select count(*) boy_count from student where ssex=’男’) m,(
select count(*) girl_count from student where ssex=’女’ ) n;
select count(*) from student group by ssex;
select * from student where sname like ‘张%’;
select s.sname,count(s.sno) from student s join(
select distinct a.sno, a.sname, a.ssex from student a,student b
where a.sname = b.sname and a.sno!=b.sno and a.ssex=b.ssex) b on s.sno=b.sno
where s.sname=b.sname
group by s.sname;?
select * from student where year(current_timestamp)-‘1981’=sage;
select *from student where year(date_sub(now(),interval sage year)) =1994;
select distinct sc.cno,b.a from sc
join (select cno, avg(score) a from sc group by cno) b
on sc.cno=b.cno order by b.a asc,sc.cno desc;
select cno, avg(score) from sc group by cno order by avg(score) asc,cno desc;
select t.sno,t.sname,avg(s.score)
from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno group by sno
having avg(score)>85;
select t.sname,s.score
from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
join course c on c.cno=s.cno where c.cname=’数据库’ and s.score<60;
select t.sno,t.sname,t.sage,t.ssex,c.cname from
student t left join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
left join course c on c.cno=s.cno;
select t.sname,c.cname,s.score
from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
join course c on c.cno=s.cno and s.score>70;
select cno
from sc where score<60 order by cno desc;
select t.sno,t.sname,s.score
from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
where s.cno=’c001’ and s.score>80;
select count(b.sno) from(
select distinct sno from sc) b;
select t.sname,max(s.score)
from student t join sc s on t.sno=s.sno
join course c on c.cno=s.cno
join teacher h on h.tno=c.tno where h.tname=’谌燕’group by s.sno;
select c.cno,c.cname,count(s.sno)
from course c left join sc s on c.cno=s.cno group by c.cno;
select sno,cno,score
from sc r1
where (select count(1) from sc r2
where r2.cno=r1.cno and r2.score >= r1.score) <=2;
select sc.cno, b.a from sc join(
select cno,sno,count(sno) a from sc group by cno having count(sno)>10) b
on sc.cno=b.cno group by sc.cno having count(sc.sno)=count(b.sno)
order by b.a desc,sc.cno asc ;
select cno,sno,count(sno) from sc group by cno having count(sno)>10
order by count(sno) desc,cno asc ;
select sno from sc group by sno having count(cno)>=2;
select c.cno,c.cname from course c join sc s on c.cno=s.cno
group by s.cno having count(s.sno)=(
select count(sno)from student);
select sname from student where sno not in(
select distinct st.sno from teacher t
join course c on t.tno=c.tno
join sc s on c.cno=s.cno
join student st on s.sno=st.sno
where t.tname=’谌燕’);
select c.sno,avg(c.score) from(select s.sno,s.cno,s.score from sc s where s.score<60
group by s.cno) c group by c.sno having count(c.cno)>=2;
select sc.sno,avg(sc.score) from sc where sc.score<60 group by sno having count(c.cno)>=2;
select sno from sc
where cno=’c004’ and score<60 order by score desc;
delete from sc where sno=’s002’ and cn0=’c001’;