RxJava 操作符一览

ReactiveX 系列文章目录


主要是参考 http://reactivex.io/documentation/operators.html 的分类。



  • Create
    • just
    • formArray/fromIterable
    • fromCallable
    • fromFuture
    • fromPublisher
    • defer
    • empty
    • never
    • error
    • generate
    • interval
    • intervalRange
    • range/rangeLong
    • timer
    • unsafeCreate
    • wrap
    • compose
    • repeat/repeatUntil/repeatWhen
  • Transform
    • buffer
    • window
    • blockingIterable
    • blockingForEach
    • blockingLatest
    • blockingMostRecent
    • blockingNext
    • blockingSubscribe
    • cast
    • map
    • flatMap
    • flatMapIterable
    • flatMapCompletable
    • flatMapMaybe
    • flatMapSingle
    • switchMap/switchMapDelayError/switchMapSingle/switchMapSingleDelayError
    • concatMap/concatMapEager
    • concatMapDelayError/concatMapEagerDelayError
    • concatMapIterable
    • concatMapCompletable
    • forEach
    • forEachWhile
    • groupBy
    • safeSubscribe
    • scan/scanWith
    • sorted
    • to
    • toList
    • toSortedList
    • toMap
    • toMultimap
    • toFlowable
    • toFuture
  • Filter
    • blockingFirst/blockingLast
    • blockingSingle
    • distinct
    • distinctUntilChanged
    • elementAt/elementAtOrError/firstElement/first/firstOrError/lastElement/last/lastOrError
    • filter
    • ofType
    • ignoreElements
    • singleElements
    • single/singleOrError
    • skip/skipLast/skipUntil/skipWhile
    • take/takeLast/takeUntil/takeWhile
    • debounce/throttleWithTimeout
    • sample/throttleLast
    • throttleFirst
  • Combine
    • combineLatest
    • combineLatestDelayError
    • withLatestFrom
    • merge/mergeDelayError/mergeArray/mergeArrayDelayError/mergeWith
    • switchOnNext/switchOnNextDelayError
    • zip/zipArray/zipIterable/zipWith
    • join/groupJoin
    • startWith/startWithArray
  • Error Handle
    • onErrorResumeNext
    • onErrorReturn/onErrorReturnItem
    • onExceptionResumeNext
    • retry/retryUntil/retryWhen
  • Utility
    • using
    • delay
    • delaySubscription
    • materialize/dematerialize
    • doOnSubscribe/doOnNext/doAfterNext/doOnTerminate/doAfterTerminate/doOnError/doOnComplete/doOnDispose/doFinally/doOnLifecycle/doOnEach
    • onTerminateDetach
    • serialize
    • subscribe/subscribeWith
    • timeInterval
    • timestamp
    • timeout
  • Conditional and Boolean
    • amb/ambArray/ambWith
    • sequenceEqual
    • all
    • any
    • contains
    • isEmpty
    • defaultIfEmpty
    • switchIfEmpty
  • Mathematical and Aggregate
    • concat/concatDelayError/concatArray/concatArrayDelayError
    • concatEager/concatArrayEager
    • concatWith
    • collect/collectInto
    • count
    • reduce/reduceWith
  • Connectable
    • cache/cacheWithInitialCapacity
    • publish
    • replay
    • share


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