python编程 书籍_Python编程十大最佳书籍

python编程 书籍

Starting out with Python? Books are going to be your most reliable way to do so. Let’s find out the best books for Python programming today that will help you learn Python in the best possible way.

从Python开始? 书籍将成为您最可靠的方式。 现在,让我们找出最适合Python编程的书籍,这将帮助您以最好的方式学习Python。

Python编程最佳书籍 (The Best Books for Python Programming)

You can start exploring Journaldev’s Python archive if you want to know about specific Python modules and more. We continue to cover a lot of modules and programming examples on a very consistent basis.

如果您想了解特定的Python模块及其他内容,可以开始探索Journaldev的Python档案 。 我们将继续在非常一致的基础上涵盖许多模块和编程示例。

But as promised, let’s find out the best books for Python programming to make sure your Python journey is smooth and you can get up and running quickly.


1. Python速成课程第二版 (1. Python Crash Course 2nd Edition)

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Python Crash Course Python速成课程

For someone starting out, seeing the first few successful projects will help boost the motivation to continue learning this powerful programming language. And this is one of the best books for Python programming that I’d recommend starting out with.

对于刚起步的人来说,看到前几个成功的项目将有助于增强继续学习这种强大的编程语言的动力。 这是我推荐的Python编程最佳书籍之一。

The book is filled with practical examples and projects that you can work on and see your first successful project. Once you get a hang of things here, you can go to some of the more advanced books or dive into the Python documentation.

本书中包含许多实用的示例和项目,您可以进行研究并看到第一个成功的项目。 在这里掌握了很多知识之后,您可以阅读一些更高级的书籍或深入了解Python文档 。

2. 一种更聪明的Python学习方式:更快地学习它。 请记住更长的时间。 (2. A Smarter Way to Learn Python: Learn it faster. Remember it longer.)

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Smarter Way To Learn Python 学习Python的更智能方式

This is one of the unique books out there that teaches Python in a way that makes things very easy to consume and remember for the rest of the course.


Now if you’re looking for something that gives you a very detailed overview along and has a new teaching method compared to the other books and courses out there, give this book a shot.


It’s a good book for starters too.


3. 思考Python:如何像计算机科学家一样思考,第二版 (3. Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd edition)

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Think Python 1 认为Python 1

A programmers thought process is very different from a non-programmer. That’s because we see the underlying of all software technology very regularly.

程序员认为过程与非程序员非常不同。 这是因为我们非常定期地看到所有软件技术的基础。

This also helps us figure out ways to automate, speed up, and improve things that have the potential to be better.


But as a beginner, it is very difficult to imagine yourself looking at a piece of code and finding ways to improve it. That’s where this book is going to be your savior.

但是作为一个初学者,很难想象自己正在看一段代码并找到改进它的方法。 这就是这本书的救星。

It helps you think like a computer scientist (as the sub heading promises) and introduces you to the thought process of a programmer. This book is a little on the serious side but is going to be an easy ready anyway.

它可以帮助您像计算机科学家一样思考(如副标题所述),并向您介绍程序员的思考过程。 这本书虽然有点严肃,但反正准备很容易。

4. 为孩子们编码– Python:通过50种超赞的游戏学习编码 (4. Coding For Kids – Python: Learn to Code with 50 Awesome Games)

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Coding For Kids 1 儿童编码1

Giving your kids an upstart into coding is going to be one of the best decisions that you’ll make as a parent. And that’s simply because the world has tended in such a technological direction, that without knowing at least a little bit of coding, your kids will be left out later on.

为孩子提供编码方面的新手将是您作为父母做出的最佳决定之一。 这仅仅是因为世界趋向于这样的技术方向,即在至少不了解一些编码的情况下,以后您的孩子就会被排除在外。

Now this is not to say that you need to turn your kid into a programmer, but introducing it at a young age develops a different perspective for looking at things. You learn to break things down into pieces and understand their functioning very well.

现在,这并不是说您需要将您的孩子变成程序员,而是在年轻时就介绍它,这为看事物提供了不同的视角。 您将学习将事物分解成碎片,并很好地理解其功能。

So, if you’re looking for an interactive, image filled book to teach your kids programming, start with Python, and start with this book specifically.


5. 艰苦学习Python 3 (5. Learn Python 3 the Hard Way)

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Python The Hard Way Python的艰难之路

All the books around you want to teach you Python within just a few days but this book takes a different direction. This is the book for people who want to take the real route to learn Python – the difficult route – and understand the language in its entirety.

您周围的所有书籍都想在短短几天内教给您Python,但这本书却朝着不同的方向发展。 这本书适合那些想走真正的道路来学习Python(困难的道路)并全面理解该语言的人。

Though it may not be the easiest way (well that’s an obvious), it sure is the right way to learn the language. Recommended as a really great learning method by a lot of real programmers with decades of programming experience, this the book you want if you need to get your hands “very” dirty.

尽管这可能不是最简单的方法(很明显),但这肯定是学习语言的正确方法。 被拥有数十年编程经验的许多真正的程序员推荐为一种非常好的学习方法,如果您需要“非常”肮脏的手,这本书是您想要的。

6. 使用Python自动完成无聊的工作:初学者实用编程 (6. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Beginners)

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Automate Boring Stuff Python 自动化无聊的Python

Automation geeks arise! This book is for people who hate repeating the same things over and over again. If you have been looking for better ways to automate your tasks that macros and hotkeys, take up this book and get automating a lot more things than you can imagine right now.

自动化怪胎兴起! 本书适合那些讨厌一遍又一遍重复相同内容的人。 如果您一直在寻找更好的方法来自动化宏和热键的任务,那么请读这本书,并实现比现在想象的更多的自动化工作。

I am a complete automation geek (see bio if you don’t believe me) and anytime there’s a task that takes <5 minutes but is very repetitive, I will automate that thing.


And with Python + Selenium + Autohotkeys + Macros = You walk away from your PC and the PC does the work for you.

并且使用Python + Selenium + Autohotkeys +宏=您离开了PC,PC为您完成了工作。

7. 高级Python编程 (7. Advanced Python Programming)

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Advanced Python 进阶Python

Already done with the basics? Want to move ahead and just can’t find where to start learning advanced python? This is one of the best books for python programming if you want to move to the advanced stuff.

已经完成基本操作了吗? 想要前进,而找不到从哪里开始学习高级python? 如果您想学习高级内容,这是关于python编程的最佳书籍之一。

The book goes into the depths of explaining concurrent and multi-threaded application design using some of the design templates available.


8. 掌握面向对象的Python (8. Mastering Object-Oriented Python)

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Python Object Oriented 面向对象的Python

You understand the context, the syntax, and are able to use functional Python easily? Time to move on the Object-oriented programming which is what Python is actually made for. This is one of the best books for Python programming once you have gained a solid understanding of the language.

您了解上下文,语法,并且能够轻松使用功能性Python吗? 是时候进行面向对象编程了,这实际上就是Python的目的。 一旦您对语言有深入的了解,这就是关于Python编程的最佳书籍之一。

OOPs is a completely different way of thinking and coding compared to functional programming. So if you’re coming from a functionally programmed language like C, you’ll need some time to adjust to “objects”.

与功能编程相比,OOP是一种完全不同的思维和编码方式。 因此,如果您来自像C这样的功能编程语言,则需要一些时间来适应“对象”。

But nonetheless, the book does a great job at introducing and explaining the concepts of object oriented programming in Python.


9. 专家Python编程:Python 3.7 (9. Expert Python Programming: Python 3.7)

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Expert Python Programming 专家Python编程

By the time you finish the book, you’ll have developed a solid understanding of the best practices of coding in Python and a lot of the advanced Python programming concepts.


You’ll learn how to implement multi-environment code and how to handle dependencies within your code. But that’s not where it ends. It goes into the depths of teaching how to create Python libraries using C, C++, etc.

您将学习如何实现多环境代码以及如何处理代码中的依赖关系。 但这不是终点。 它深入教导了如何使用C,C ++等创建Python库。

So you can consider yourself a full-fledged Python programmer after absorbing this book.


10. 使用SkLearn,Keras和TensorFlow进行动手机器学习 (10. Hands-On Machine Learning with SkLearn, Keras, and TensorFlow)

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Machine Learning Python 机器学习Python

What’s learning Python without using the vast array of Machine learning libraries that are available for the language? I’d consider a Python programmer incomplete without knowing data-science and/or machine learning as their Python foundations.

在不使用大量可用的机器学习库的情况下,如何学习Python? 我会认为不了解数据科学和/或机器学习作为其Python基础的Python程序员是不完整的。

If you look at the popularity of Python, you’ll also notice that Python started picking up in popularity when Machine learning started becoming mainstream.


So, finish your Python learning, and become a complete Python programmer with an in-demand programming skill – Machine Learning.


是时候阅读… (Time to read…)

That’s it for this article. I’ve covered some of the best books for Python programming here. I hope this post helps you decide which book to go with.

本文就是这样。 我在这里介绍了一些有关Python编程的最佳书籍。 我希望这篇文章可以帮助您决定要搭配哪本书。

If you’re having a hard time deciding which book to start working on first, just go with the first one that’s in the list. Except the first 5 books (which is where you can pick up any book to start with), the list is organized based on the level of Python you’d be at.

如果您很难决定要先开始哪本书,那么就选择清单中的第一本书。 除了前5本书(您可以从中挑选任何一本书开始)之外,该列表是根据您所使用的Python级别进行组织的。

Hope this helps!



python编程 书籍

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