
To disable VSS quiesced application-based snapshots, use one of these options:

  • Disable VSS application quiescing using the vSphere Client:
  1. Power off the virtual machine.
  2. Log in to the vCenter Server or the ESXi/ESX host through the vSphere Client.
  3. Right-click the virtual machine and click Edit settings.
  4. Click the Options tab.
  5. Navigate to Advanced > General > Configuration Parameters.
  6. Add or modify the row disk.EnableUUID with the value FALSE.
  7. Click OK to save.
  8. Click OK to exit.
  9. Reboot the virtual machine for changes to take in effect.
  10. Unregister the virtual machine from the vCenter Server inventory.

    To un-register the virtual machine:
    1. Power off the virtual machine.
    2. Right-click the virtual machine.
    3. Click Remove from Inventory.
    4. Reregister the virtual machine back to the inventory.
  • Disable VSS application quiescing using VMware Tools:
    1. Open the C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools\Tools.conf file using a text editor.
    2. Create the file if it does not exist in the above said location
    3. Add these entries to the file:

      vss.disableAppQuiescing = true
    4. Save and close the file.
    5. Restart the VMware Tools Service.
      1. Click Start > Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
      2. Right-click the VMware Tools Service and click Restart.

