android 点击tab页实现当前页面的刷新



I implemented a TabActivity which implements the OnTabChangeListener. The activity will be notified on tab changes (onTabChanged(String tabId)).

Is it also possible to get notified if the user selects the current tab again?

I would like to use this event to perform a "refresh" of the current tab content instead of providing a refresh button on the tab or in the options menu.

That's the way I finally solved the problem - solution hint was in MisterSquonk answer.

(1) Define a OnTabReselectListener which must be implemented by an activity which represents a tab content and which will be notified on reselect events.

 * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a current selected tab
 * in a TabHost is selected again.
public interface OnTabReselectListener {

     * Called when a current visible tab is selected again. Will not be invoked
     * on tab changes.
    void onTabReselect();


(2) setOnTouchListener for each tabWidget child in onCreate() of the TabActivity (from MisterSquonk's answer)

for (int i = 0; i < tabWidget.getChildCount(); i++) {
    View v = tabWidget.getChildAt(i);

(3) Implement OnTouchListener.onTouch() in the TabActivity. Do some logic to decide if the current tab was selected again and notifiy the tab's activity.

 * @see android.view.View.OnTouchListener#onTouch(android.view.View,
 *      android.view.MotionEvent)
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    boolean consumed = false;
    // use getTabHost().getCurrentTabView to decide if the current tab is
    // touched again
    if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
            && v.equals(getTabHost().getCurrentTabView())) {
        // use getTabHost().getCurrentView() to get a handle to the view
        // which is displayed in the tab - and to get this views context
        View currentView = getTabHost().getCurrentView();
        Context currentViewContext = currentView.getContext();
        if (currentViewContext instanceof OnTabReselectListener) {
            OnTabReselectListener listener = (OnTabReselectListener) currentViewContext;
            consumed = true;
    return consumed;


  public interface OnTabReselectListener
    public void onTabReselect();



    mainTab = (RadioGroup) findViewById(;


  public void onClick(View v)

    View currentView = getTabHost().getCurrentView();
    Context currentViewContext = currentView.getContext();
    if (currentViewContext instanceof OnTabReselectListener)
      OnTabReselectListener listener = (OnTabReselectListener) currentViewContext;


 // 实现动态按钮的点击事件
  public void onTabReselect()

以上不完善的地方就是点击刷新时的顶部不能出现正在加载字样。但功能已实现,,能够刷新数据并显示android 点击tab页实现当前页面的刷新_第1张图片
