

【年代】北宋/Northern song dynasty

【规格】直径69.21mm 重108.8克/The diameter is 69.21mm  The weight is 108.8g.


此枚古钱珍品大观通宝雕母背日月七星无论铸造工艺、书法造诣还是后人推崇,都可谓是北宋钱币的集大成者,也是中国古钱币的个中翘楚。距今已有余千年历史,而钱文“大观通宝”雕母是宋徽宗御书的瘦金体,形体劲挺,笔法生动。何为“雕母”, 即“其穿孔非前局人不能凿”,先取其精炼黄铜手工雕刻而成,再以雕母为样制成母钱,最后以母钱翻砂制成流通货币,所以雕母又称为祖钱。而近年来已很难发现开门见山雕母,有的或流出海外或进入博物馆,留在市场上的雕母,更是寥若晨星,所以雕母已成为古钱币收藏的最高层次。若有幸见到这此枚难得一见之雕母“大观通宝”背日月七星钱,实属人生之幸事。正面“大观通宝”特别是“大”字第三笔一笔长捺拉下,直至“通”字上方接近钱币外廓处。书法超长夸张,但是在方寸之地却显得挥洒自如,凭添了一种钱文书法整体布局的美感,今日观之,也不由令人赞叹不已。四个瘦金体钱文,铁画银钩,光辉闪烁,格外表现出瘦金书之美。整体均为手工雕磨,凸显北宋时期匠人的雕工之精致,对于研究北宋时期钱币的铸造工艺提供了学术研究价值。背面日月七星,大观年间相传有人夜观星象时忽然发现彗星闪过,叹为观止,宋徽宗认为是吉祥之兆,故而刻之。雕母“大观通宝”背日月七星满身遍布岁月之包浆,极其庄严雅俊。而铸造工艺极其精湛,字口深峻,地章光洁,内外廓设置得当,品相一流,实属难得罕见之珍品。

This precious piece of ancient coin, Daguan TongBao mother carved with the sun, moon and seven stars on the back, no matter in casting technique, calligraphy attainments or esteem of later generations, is a master of coins in the Northern Song Dynasty and one of the best Chinese coins. It is more than 1,000 years old, the characters on the "Daguan TongBao" mother carved is slender gold from Emperor Huizong of Song's imperial book, with a strong body and vivid brushwork. What is "carved mother", that is, "the hole must be chiseled by a person in the money bureau", is first carved by hand from refined brass, then made into mother money by taking carved mother as a sample, and finally made into currency by using mother money founding. Therefore, carved mother is also called ancestral money. However, in recent years, it has been difficult to find carved mothers who come straight to the point. Some of them have left overseas or entered museums. The carved mothers who remain in the market are even rarer. Therefore, carved mothers have become the highest level in Ancient coins collection. Especially the third stroke of the word "Da" is pressed down until the upper part of the word "Tong" is close to the outline of the coin. Calligraphy is extremely long and exaggerated, but it looks like drawn freely as one wished in every inch of land. It added a kind of aesthetic feeling to the overall layout of the characters’ calligraphy, which is still surprising at present. The four slender gold coin characters, with their silver hooks and iron paintings, are shining brilliantly, showing the beauty of thin gold books. All of them are manually carved, highlighting the exquisite workmanship of the craftsmen during the Northern Song Dynasty, and providing academic research value for the study of coin casting techniques of the Northern Song Dynasty. On the back, there are seven stars with the sun and moon. It is said that in the Year ‘Daguan’,someone noticed a comet passing in a sudden  while watching the stars at night and was very much amazed. Emperor Huizong of Song thought it was an auspicious sign, so he created the  mother carved "Daguan TongBao" . The coin carries the sun, moon and seven stars all over the time and was extremely solemn and elegant.  And its’ casting process is extremely exquisite, the inscription is deep and strict, while the ground seal is bright and clean, the internal and external profiles are properly set. Its’ quality belongs to first-class, which is a rare rarity.
