许多同学对Cover letter 有些疑问, CareerSpeedy 职越整理了一些常见问题,在这里统一回答。
1. 提问:这玩意到底重不重要?投了简历还不够吗?
回答:在美国,HR的阅读顺序一般是先读cover letter - 再决定是否要继续阅读CV. 因此,Cover letter 的重要性不言而喻。
2. 那么在国内呢?还看不看Cover letter 了?
回答:Cover letter 在国内的重要性比在美国降低不少。国内更多时候是设置检索条件,直接去筛选简历,因为热门岗位投递的人数实在太多了,HR如果一封一封看过去能看瞎。但是在特定行业如管理咨询、外资投行,cover letter 仍然重要。
3. 看来伸头是一刀,缩头也是一刀了。也罢,cover letter 究竟要写些什么?
Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Last Name:
Opening paragraph: Clearly state why you are writing. If applying for a job, indicate the position title and where you saw it advertised. If you were referred to the position by someone within the organization, or by someone the addressee knows, mention that as well.
Middle paragraph(s): You should have one or two paragraphs that elaborate on how you have developed the relevant skills required for the job, and any relevant experiences or education you have acquired. Providing an example can help you emphasize your point. Of equal importance is your argument for how your interest in both the job and the organization developed. You will want to ensure that you include why it would be a logical decision on their part to hire you.
Closing paragraph: Thank them and include a follow up by expressing interest in speaking with the addressee further in a personal interview, and indicate that you will follow up within an appropriate time frame. Thank them for their time and consideration of your application.
4. 有时候我要用邮件去申请某个职位,这时候该把Cover letter 作为附件和简历一起发送过去吗?
回答:不不不,既然是邮件,那么你必须写正文。正文仅写四个字“请见附件”或者“Please find the attachment”是非常不合适的。在这种情况下,你需要将cover letter 中的内容稍做精简,放在邮件中作为正文,附件中仅发送简历就好。
5. 我应该在cover letter 中尽量多写简历中的内容吗?或许比简历中更详细?
回答:错误!你可以将Cover letter 看做一场默然无声的elevator pitch, 你——求职者——面对素未谋面的Hiring manager, 慷慨激昂地推销自己,说服对方你与这个职位是天作之合,并且让他们对你产生兴趣,仔细审视你的过往——也就是阅读你的CV.
如果你的cover letter 仅仅是CV 的简单重复,为什么对方不直接阅读你的CV 呢?你必须想明白这个问题。
6. 但我英文写作比较烂,词不达意怎么办?