

Ruby on Rails Guides的解释倒是不错:

Rest stands for Representational State Transfer and is the foundation of the RESTful architecture. This is generally considered to be Roy Fielding’s doctoral thesis, Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures. While you can read through the thesis, REST in terms of Rails boils down to two main principles:

  • Using resource identifiers such as URLs to represent resources.
  • Transferring representations of the state of that resource between system components.

For example, to a Rails application a request such as this:

DELETE /photos/17

would be understood to refer to a photo resource with the ID of 17, and to indicate a desired action – deleting that resource. REST is a natural style for the architecture of web applications, and Rails hooks into this shielding you from many of the RESTful complexities and browser quirks.

If you’d like more details on REST as an architectural style, these resources are more approachable than Fielding’s thesis:

  • A Brief Introduction to REST by Stefan Tilkov
  • An Introduction to REST (video tutorial) by Joe Gregorio
  • Representational State Transfer article in Wikipedia
  • How to GET a Cup of Coffee by Jim Webber, Savas Parastatidis & Ian Robinson
REST on Rails指南1:理解资源


我承认这有些费解,怎 么可能不是网页呢?事实上,确实不是,它是一个使用URL进行标识的资源,当我使用浏览器来访问它时,我得到了它的HTML表示,但维基百科可能还提供其 他形式的表示,比如一个PDF,一张JPG图片或者别的什么东西,而我之所以得到一个HTML,是因为我的Firefox发送了一个GET请求,并明确的 告诉了服务器,给我一个HTML表示。”

可以更费解一些: 这个地址代表资源,加上动作”GET", 加上资源表示“HTML”,返回的才是一个网页(网页包括了资源本身和HTML格式); 这个地址代表资源,加上动作”GET", 加上资源表示“XML”,返回的才是一个XML文件(资源及XML格式,注意这里格式也是信息或者资源的一部份); 这个地址代表资源,加上动作”DELETE“,结果就是删除资源


如果有学习过Rails的话,可以参考 REST on Rails指南5: respond_to 进一步了解 资源表现形式。
