
1, Visual Servoing Platform。

2. 计算机视觉中,目前有哪些经典的目标跟踪算法?

3, optitrack

4  MXR Toolkit. 新加坡国立

5, AVA Group


  Public Software Developed by the AVA Group

  • SPM-SLAM: Real time creation of marker maps
  • MarkerMapper: Cost-effective localization system using squared markers
  • ArUco: a minimal library for Augmented Reality applications based on OpenCV
  • Keypoint descriptor fusion with Dempster–Shafer theory
  • OpenCV-Unicap2: OpenCV 2.2 unicap camera driver using the call-back interface
  • cvsba: an OpenCV wrapper for sba library
  • raspicam:c++ library for using the Raspberry pi camera with/without OpenCV
  • OpenGL and OpenCv: how to integrate OpenGL rendering into OpenCv
  • OpenNI2 and OpenCv: class for using OpenNI2 with OpenCv very esily
  • Stereo Pictorial Structure for 2D Articulated Human Pose Estimation

6  Among the leading groups of companies that sell positioning and
orientation devices, the major actors are A.R.T1 and Vicon2, both of which
offer solutions based on optical technology. These high-end systems offer
high-precision (millimetric) tracking, high robustness and low latency.

Let us also mention the company Natural Point3, which offers a mid-range
set of cameras called Optitrak that carries out the same functions as the systems
described above.
The companies 4D Views4 and Organic Motion5 offer basic solutions
based on “traditional” video cameras, without any targets positioned on the
user. Their approach consists of extracting silhouettes from the images taken
by the cameras and then combining them to construct, in real-time, a 3D
model of the human body, either in minimalist form (a simplified skeleton) or

1 http://www.ar-tracking.com/
2 https://www.vicon.com/
3 https://www.naturalpoint.com/    https://optitrack.com/
4 https://www.4dviews.com/
5 http://www.organicmotion.com/
