MyBatis源码简读——1.1 简单的基础支持模块


  • 注解类(annotations包);
  • 绑定模块类(binding包);
  • 配置解析(builder包);
  • 缓存(cache包);
  • 数据源(datasource包);
  • 异常(exceptions包);
  • JDBC(jdbc包);
  • 日志(logging包);
  • IO(IO包);
  • 反射(reflection包);
  • 事务(transaction包);
  • 类型转换(type包);


缓存 (cache包)


public interface Cache {

   * @return The identifier of this cache
   * 获得缓存的标识
  String getId();

   * 保存数据
  void putObject(Object key, Object value);

   * 查询数据
  Object getObject(Object key);

   * 移除数据
  Object removeObject(Object key);

   * 清空缓存
  void clear();

  int getSize();

   * 获取读写锁
   * @return A ReadWriteLock
  ReadWriteLock getReadWriteLock();



public class TransactionalCacheManager {

  // Cache 和 TransactionalCache 的映射
  private final Map transactionalCaches = new HashMap<>();

  // 清空
  public void clear(Cache cache) {

  // 取值
  public Object getObject(Cache cache, CacheKey key) {
    return getTransactionalCache(cache).getObject(key);

  // 存放
  public void putObject(Cache cache, CacheKey key, Object value) {
    getTransactionalCache(cache).putObject(key, value);

  // 提交,循环值获得事务,执行提交
  public void commit() {
    for (TransactionalCache txCache : transactionalCaches.values()) {

  // 回滚,循环值获得事务,执行回滚
  public void rollback() {
    for (TransactionalCache txCache : transactionalCaches.values()) {

  private TransactionalCache getTransactionalCache(Cache cache) {
    return transactionalCaches.computeIfAbsent(cache, TransactionalCache::new);



  • BlockingCache:实现 Cache 接口,阻塞的 Cache 实现类
  • FifoCache:基于先进先出的淘汰机制的 Cache 实现类
  • LoggingCache:支持日志打印的缓存实现
  • LruCache:基于最少使用的淘汰机制的 Cache 实现类
  • ScheduledCache:定时清空整个容器的 Cache 实现类
  • SerializedCache:支持序列化值的 Cache 实现类
  • SoftCache:基于 java.lang.ref.SoftReference 的 Cache 实现类
  • SynchronizedCache:同步的 Cache 实现类
  • TransactionalCache: 实现 Cache 接口,支持事务的 Cache 实现类,主要用于二级缓存中
  • WeakCache:弱引用缓存
  • PerpetualCache:永不过期的 Cache 实现类



public interface DataSourceFactory {

  // 设置数据源
  void setProperties(Properties props);

  // 获得数据源
  DataSource getDataSource();



  • UnpooledDataSource:实现 DataSourceFactory 接口,非池化的 DataSourceFactory 实现类
  • UnpooledDataSourceFactory:非池化的 DataSource 对象
  • PooledDataSource:实现 DataSource 接口,池化的 DataSource 实现类
  • PooledDataSourceFactory:继承 UnpooledDataSourceFactory 类,池化的 DataSourceFactory 实现类



public class PooledDataSourceFactory extends UnpooledDataSourceFactory {

  public PooledDataSourceFactory() {
    this.dataSource = new PooledDataSource();



public PooledDataSource() {
    dataSource = new UnpooledDataSource();


  // 记录状态
  private final PoolState state = new PoolState(this);

 * 连接池状态,记录空闲和激活的 PooledConnection 集合
 * @author Clinton Begin
public class PoolState {

  // 数据源对象
  protected PooledDataSource dataSource;
  // 空闲的数据源
  protected final List idleConnections = new ArrayList<>();
  // 激活的数据源
  protected final List activeConnections = new ArrayList<>();
  // 获取连接的次数
  protected long requestCount = 0;
  // 获取连接的时间
  protected long accumulatedRequestTime = 0;
  // 获取到连接非超时 + 超时的占用时长
  protected long accumulatedCheckoutTime = 0;
  // 获取到连接超时的次数
  protected long claimedOverdueConnectionCount = 0;
  // 获取到连接超时的占用时长
  protected long accumulatedCheckoutTimeOfOverdueConnections = 0;
  // 等待连接的时间
  protected long accumulatedWaitTime = 0;
  // 等待连接的次数
  protected long hadToWaitCount = 0;
  // 获取到坏的连接的次数
  protected long badConnectionCount = 0;





  • reflection 包:ReflectionException
  • logging 包:LogException
  • builder 包:BuilderException、IncompleteElementException
  • scripting 包:ScriptingException
  • binding 包:BindingException
  • type 包:TypeException
  • session 包:SqlSessionException
  • cache 包:CacheException
  • transaction 包:TransactionException
  • datasource 包:DataSourceException
  • executor 包:ResultMapException、ExecutorException、BatchExecutorException
  • plugin 包:PluginException





 static {
    // 逐个尝试,判断使用哪个 Log 的实现类,
    // 即初始化 logConstructor 属性
     tryImplementation(LogFactory::useSlf4jLogging) 等价于
      tryImplementation(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {


MyBatis源码简读——1.1 简单的基础支持模块_第1张图片



 * A class to wrap access to multiple class loaders making them work as one
 * ClassLoader 包装器。可使用多个 ClassLoader 加载对应的资源,直到有一成功后返回资源。
 * @author Clinton Begin
public class ClassLoaderWrapper {

  // 默认的类加载器
  ClassLoader defaultClassLoader;
  // 系统的类加载器
  ClassLoader systemClassLoader;




DefaultVFS:继承 VFS 抽象类,默认的 VFS 实现类
JBoss6VFS:继承 VFS 抽象类,默认的 VFS 实现类(JBoss版本)
ResolverUtil:解析器工具类Resources:Resource 工具类
VFS:虚拟文件系统( Virtual File System )抽象类,用来查找指定路径下的的文件们





public class Reflector {
  // 对应的类
  private final Class type;
  // 可读属性数组
  private final String[] readablePropertyNames;
  // 可写属性集合
  private final String[] writablePropertyNames;
  // 属性对应的 setting 方法的映射。
  // key 为属性名称 value 为 Invoker 对象
  private final Map setMethods = new HashMap<>();
  // 属性对应的 getting 方法的映射。
  // key 为属性名称 value 为 Invoker 对象
  private final Map getMethods = new HashMap<>();
  // 属性对应的 getting  方法的方法参数类型的映射。{@link #setMethods}
  // key 为属性名称 value 为 参数类型 对象
  private final Map> setTypes = new HashMap<>();
  // 属性对应的 setting 方法的方法参数类型的映射。{@link #setMethods}
  // key 为属性名称 value 为 参数类型 对象
  private final Map> getTypes = new HashMap<>();
  // 默认构造器
  private Constructor defaultConstructor;
  // 不区分大小写的属性集合
  private Map caseInsensitivePropertyMap = new HashMap<>();

  // 每一个类对应一个反射器
  public Reflector(Class clazz) {

    // 设置对应的类
    type = clazz;
    // 初始化 defaultConstructor
    // 初始化 getMethods 和 getTypes ,通过遍历 getting 方法
    // 初始化 setMethods 和 setTypes ,通过遍历 setting 方法。
    // 初始化 getMethods + getTypes 和 setMethods + setTypes ,通过遍历 fields 属性。
    // readablePropertyNames、writeablePropertyNames、caseInsensitivePropertyMap 属性
    readablePropertyNames = getMethods.keySet().toArray(new String[getMethods.keySet().size()]);
    writablePropertyNames = setMethods.keySet().toArray(new String[setMethods.keySet().size()]);
    for (String propName : readablePropertyNames) {
      caseInsensitivePropertyMap.put(propName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), propName);
    for (String propName : writablePropertyNames) {
      caseInsensitivePropertyMap.put(propName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH), propName);

  // 获得默认构造方法
  private void addDefaultConstructor(Class clazz) {
    // 获得所有构造方法
    Constructor[] consts = clazz.getDeclaredConstructors();
    for (Constructor constructor : consts) {
      // 获得参数为0的构造方法
      if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) {
        this.defaultConstructor = constructor;

  private void addGetMethods(Class cls) {
    // 创建缓存map
    Map> conflictingGetters = new HashMap<>();
    // 获得所有get方法,并且循环遍历
    Method[] methods = getClassMethods(cls);
    for (Method method : methods) {
      if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
      String name = method.getName();
      // 以get和is开头的认为是get方法
      if ((name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3)
          || (name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2)) {
        name = PropertyNamer.methodToProperty(name);
        addMethodConflict(conflictingGetters, name, method);
    // 因为get方法子类和父类可能同时存在所以进行筛选

  private void resolveGetterConflicts(Map> conflictingGetters) {
    // 遍历每个属性,查找其最匹配的方法。因为子类可以覆写父类的方法,所以一个属性,可能对应多个 getting 方法
    for (Entry> entry : conflictingGetters.entrySet()) {
      // 最匹配的方法
      Method winner = null;
      String propName = entry.getKey();
      for (Method candidate : entry.getValue()) {
        // winner 为空,说明 candidate 为最匹配的方法
        if (winner == null) {
          winner = candidate;
        Class winnerType = winner.getReturnType();
        Class candidateType = candidate.getReturnType();
        if (candidateType.equals(winnerType)) {
          if (!boolean.class.equals(candidateType)) {
            throw new ReflectionException(
                "Illegal overloaded getter method with ambiguous type for property "
                    + propName + " in class " + winner.getDeclaringClass()
                    + ". This breaks the JavaBeans specification and can cause unpredictable results.");
          } else if (candidate.getName().startsWith("is")) {
            winner = candidate;
          // 不符合选择子类
        } else if (candidateType.isAssignableFrom(winnerType)) {
          // OK getter type is descendant
          // 符合选择子类。因为子类可以修改放大返回值。例如,
          // 父类的一个方法的返回值为 List ,子类对该方法的返回值可以覆写为 ArrayList
        } else if (winnerType.isAssignableFrom(candidateType)) {
          winner = candidate;
        } else {
          throw new ReflectionException(
              "Illegal overloaded getter method with ambiguous type for property "
                  + propName + " in class " + winner.getDeclaringClass()
                  + ". This breaks the JavaBeans specification and can cause unpredictable results.");
      addGetMethod(propName, winner);

  private void addGetMethod(String name, Method method) {
    if (isValidPropertyName(name)) {
      getMethods.put(name, new MethodInvoker(method));
      Type returnType = TypeParameterResolver.resolveReturnType(method, type);
      getTypes.put(name, typeToClass(returnType));

  // 主要逻辑和addGetMethods类似
  private void addSetMethods(Class cls) {
    // 创建映射缓存
    Map> conflictingSetters = new HashMap<>();
    // 获得所有方法,并且循环获得set数据
    Method[] methods = getClassMethods(cls);
    for (Method method : methods) {
      String name = method.getName();
      if (name.startsWith("set") && name.length() > 3) {
        if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
          name = PropertyNamer.methodToProperty(name);
          addMethodConflict(conflictingSetters, name, method);
    // 处理冲突

  private void addMethodConflict(Map> conflictingMethods, String name, Method method) {
    List list = conflictingMethods.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new ArrayList<>());

  // 实际和 getting 方法的方式是不太一样的。首先,多的就是考虑了对应的 getterType 为优先级最高
  private void resolveSetterConflicts(Map> conflictingSetters) {
    // 遍历每个属性,查找其最匹配的方法。因为子类可以覆写父类的方法,所以一个属性,可能对应多个 setting 方法
    for (String propName : conflictingSetters.keySet()) {
      List setters = conflictingSetters.get(propName);
      Class getterType = getTypes.get(propName);
      Method match = null;
      ReflectionException exception = null;
      // 遍历属性对应的 setting 方法
      for (Method setter : setters) {
        Class paramType = setter.getParameterTypes()[0];
        // 和 getterType 相同,直接使用
        if (paramType.equals(getterType)) {
          // should be the best match
          match = setter;
        if (exception == null) {
          try {
            // 选择一个更加匹配的
            match = pickBetterSetter(match, setter, propName);
          } catch (ReflectionException e) {
            // there could still be the 'best match'
            match = null;
            exception = e;
      if (match == null) {
        throw exception;
      } else {
        addSetMethod(propName, match);

  private Method pickBetterSetter(Method setter1, Method setter2, String property) {
    if (setter1 == null) {
      return setter2;
    Class paramType1 = setter1.getParameterTypes()[0];
    Class paramType2 = setter2.getParameterTypes()[0];
    if (paramType1.isAssignableFrom(paramType2)) {
      return setter2;
    } else if (paramType2.isAssignableFrom(paramType1)) {
      return setter1;
    throw new ReflectionException("Ambiguous setters defined for property '" + property + "' in class '"
        + setter2.getDeclaringClass() + "' with types '" + paramType1.getName() + "' and '"
        + paramType2.getName() + "'.");

  private void addSetMethod(String name, Method method) {
    if (isValidPropertyName(name)) {
      setMethods.put(name, new MethodInvoker(method));
      Type[] paramTypes = TypeParameterResolver.resolveParamTypes(method, type);
      setTypes.put(name, typeToClass(paramTypes[0]));

  private Class typeToClass(Type src) {
    Class result = null;
    if (src instanceof Class) {
      result = (Class) src;
    } else if (src instanceof ParameterizedType) {
      result = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) src).getRawType();
    } else if (src instanceof GenericArrayType) {
      Type componentType = ((GenericArrayType) src).getGenericComponentType();
      if (componentType instanceof Class) {
        result = Array.newInstance((Class) componentType, 0).getClass();
      } else {
        Class componentClass = typeToClass(componentType);
        result = Array.newInstance(componentClass, 0).getClass();
    if (result == null) {
      result = Object.class;
    return result;

  // 它是 #addGetMethods(...) 和 #addSetMethods(...) 方法的补充,
  // 因为有些 field ,不存在对应的 setting 或 getting 方法,所以直接使用对应的 field
  private void addFields(Class clazz) {
    // 获得所有field
    Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
    for (Field field : fields) {
      // 设置 字段可以访问
      if (!setMethods.containsKey(field.getName())) {
        // issue #379 - removed the check for final because JDK 1.5 allows
        // modification of final fields through reflection (JSR-133). (JGB)
        // pr #16 - final static can only be set by the classloader
        int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
        // 添加到 setMethods 和 setTypes 中
        if (!(Modifier.isFinal(modifiers) && Modifier.isStatic(modifiers))) {
      if (!getMethods.containsKey(field.getName())) {
    // 递归处理父类
    if (clazz.getSuperclass() != null) {

  private void addSetField(Field field) {
    if (isValidPropertyName(field.getName())) {
      setMethods.put(field.getName(), new SetFieldInvoker(field));
      Type fieldType = TypeParameterResolver.resolveFieldType(field, type);
      setTypes.put(field.getName(), typeToClass(fieldType));

  private void addGetField(Field field) {
    if (isValidPropertyName(field.getName())) {
      getMethods.put(field.getName(), new GetFieldInvoker(field));
      Type fieldType = TypeParameterResolver.resolveFieldType(field, type);
      getTypes.put(field.getName(), typeToClass(fieldType));

  private boolean isValidPropertyName(String name) {
    return !(name.startsWith("$") || "serialVersionUID".equals(name) || "class".equals(name));

   * This method returns an array containing all methods
   * declared in this class and any superclass.
   * We use this method, instead of the simpler Class.getMethods(),
   * because we want to look for private methods as well.
   * @param cls The class
   * @return An array containing all methods in this class
  private Method[] getClassMethods(Class cls) {
    // 每个方法签名与该方法的映射
    Map uniqueMethods = new HashMap<>();
    // 循环类,类的父类,类的父类的父类,直到父类为 Object
    Class currentClass = cls;
    while (currentClass != null && currentClass != Object.class) {
      // 记录当前类定义的方法
      addUniqueMethods(uniqueMethods, currentClass.getDeclaredMethods());

      // we also need to look for interface methods -
      // because the class may be abstract
      // 记录接口中定义的方法
      Class[] interfaces = currentClass.getInterfaces();
      for (Class anInterface : interfaces) {
        addUniqueMethods(uniqueMethods, anInterface.getMethods());

      currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass();

    // 转换此方法数组
    Collection methods = uniqueMethods.values();

    return methods.toArray(new Method[methods.size()]);

  private void addUniqueMethods(Map uniqueMethods, Method[] methods) {
    // 忽略 bridge 方法,参见
    // TODO
    for (Method currentMethod : methods) {
      // 获得方法签名
      if (!currentMethod.isBridge()) {
        String signature = getSignature(currentMethod);
        // check to see if the method is already known
        // if it is known, then an extended class must have
        // overridden a method
        // 当缓存中不存在的时候才进行新增
        if (!uniqueMethods.containsKey(signature)) {
          uniqueMethods.put(signature, currentMethod);

  private String getSignature(Method method) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Class returnType = method.getReturnType();
    if (returnType != null) {
    Class[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes();
    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
      if (i == 0) {
      } else {
    return sb.toString();

   * Checks whether can control member accessible.
   * @return If can control member accessible, it return {@literal true}
   * @since 3.5.0
  public static boolean canControlMemberAccessible() {
    try {
      SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager();
      if (null != securityManager) {
        securityManager.checkPermission(new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks"));
    } catch (SecurityException e) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Gets the name of the class the instance provides information for.
   * @return The class name
  public Class getType() {
    return type;

  public Constructor getDefaultConstructor() {
    if (defaultConstructor != null) {
      return defaultConstructor;
    } else {
      throw new ReflectionException("There is no default constructor for " + type);

  public boolean hasDefaultConstructor() {
    return defaultConstructor != null;

  public Invoker getSetInvoker(String propertyName) {
    Invoker method = setMethods.get(propertyName);
    if (method == null) {
      throw new ReflectionException("There is no setter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'");
    return method;

  public Invoker getGetInvoker(String propertyName) {
    Invoker method = getMethods.get(propertyName);
    if (method == null) {
      throw new ReflectionException("There is no getter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'");
    return method;

   * Gets the type for a property setter.
   * @param propertyName - the name of the property
   * @return The Class of the property setter
  public Class getSetterType(String propertyName) {
    Class clazz = setTypes.get(propertyName);
    if (clazz == null) {
      throw new ReflectionException("There is no setter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'");
    return clazz;

   * Gets the type for a property getter.
   * 返回属性的类型参数
   * @param propertyName - the name of the property
   * @return The Class of the property getter
  public Class getGetterType(String propertyName) {
    Class clazz = getTypes.get(propertyName);
    if (clazz == null) {
      throw new ReflectionException("There is no getter for property named '" + propertyName + "' in '" + type + "'");
    return clazz;

   * Gets an array of the readable properties for an object.
   * @return The array
  public String[] getGetablePropertyNames() {
    return readablePropertyNames;

   * Gets an array of the writable properties for an object.
   * @return The array
  public String[] getSetablePropertyNames() {
    return writablePropertyNames;

   * Check to see if a class has a writable property by name.
   * @param propertyName - the name of the property to check
   * @return True if the object has a writable property by the name
  public boolean hasSetter(String propertyName) {
    return setMethods.keySet().contains(propertyName);

   * Check to see if a class has a readable property by name.
   * @param propertyName - the name of the property to check
   * @return True if the object has a readable property by the name
  public boolean hasGetter(String propertyName) {
    return getMethods.keySet().contains(propertyName);

  public String findPropertyName(String name) {
    return caseInsensitivePropertyMap.get(name.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH));

每个 Reflector 对应一个类。Reflector 会缓存反射操作需要的类的信息,例如:构造方法、属性名、setting / getting 方法等等。


 * Reflector 工厂接口,用于创建和缓存 Reflector 对象
public interface ReflectorFactory {

   * 是否缓存 Reflector 对象
   * @return
  boolean isClassCacheEnabled();

   * 设置是否缓存 Reflector 对象
   * @param classCacheEnabled
  void setClassCacheEnabled(boolean classCacheEnabled);

   * 获取 Reflector 对象
   * @param type
   * @return
  Reflector findForClass(Class type);



 * 调用者接口
 * @author Clinton Begin
public interface Invoker {
  // 执行调用
  Object invoke(Object target, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException;
  // 返回类
  Class getType();

GetFieldInvoker,MethodInvoker,SetFieldInvoker 是其主要实现类


 * ObjectWrapper 工厂接口
 * @author Clinton Begin
public interface ObjectWrapperFactory {

  boolean hasWrapperFor(Object object);

  ObjectWrapper getWrapperFor(MetaObject metaObject, Object object);


 * 对象包装类
 * @author Clinton Begin
public interface ObjectWrapper {

  // 获得对象 值
  // PropertyTokenizer 对象,相当于键
  Object get(PropertyTokenizer prop);

  // 设置
  // @param prop PropertyTokenizer 对象,相当于键
  void set(PropertyTokenizer prop, Object value);

  // 查询参数
  String findProperty(String name, boolean useCamelCaseMapping);

  // 获得get参数名称
  String[] getGetterNames();

  // 获得set参数名称
  String[] getSetterNames();

  // 获得set参数类型
  Class getSetterType(String name);

  // 获得get参数类型
  Class getGetterType(String name);

  // 是否为set方法
  boolean hasSetter(String name);

  // 是否为get方法
  boolean hasGetter(String name);

  // 设置值
  MetaObject instantiatePropertyValue(String name, PropertyTokenizer prop, ObjectFactory objectFactory);

  // 是否集合
  boolean isCollection();

  // 添加元素到集合
  void add(Object element);

  // 添加多个元素到集合
   void addAll(List element);



  • PropertyCopier:属性复制器
  • PropertyNamer:属性名相关的工具类方法
  • PropertyTokenizer:属性分词器,支持迭代器的访问方式


  • MetaObject:对 BaseWrapper 操作的进一步增强
  • SystemMetaObject:系统级的 MetaObject 对象,主要提供了 ObjectFactory、ObjectWrapperFactory、空 MetaObject 的单例
  • ParamNameUtil: 参数名工具
  • TypeParameterResolver:参数类型工具
  • ArrayUtil:数组工具



 * 类型转换的处理器的顶层接口
 * @author Clinton Begin
public interface TypeHandler {

   * 设置PreparedStatement的指定参数
   * @param ps      PreparedStatement对象
   * @param i       参数占位符的位置
   * @param parameter parameter 参数
   * @param jdbcType  jdbcType jdbc类型
   *                  Java Type => JDBC Type
   * @throws SQLException
  void setParameter(PreparedStatement ps, int i, T parameter, JdbcType jdbcType) throws SQLException;

   * 获得 返回的指定字段的值
   * @param rs        ResultSet对象
   * @param columnName  字段名称
   *                    JDBC Type => Java Type
   * @return
   * @throws SQLException
  T getResult(ResultSet rs, String columnName) throws SQLException;

   * 获得返回的值指定索引的值
   * @param rs            ResultSet对象
   * @param columnIndex   字段索引
   * @return
   * @throws SQLException
  T getResult(ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException;

   * 获得 CallableStatement 的指定字段的值
   * @param cs              CallableStatement 对象,支持调用存储过程
   * @param columnIndex     字段位置
   * @return
   * @throws SQLException
  T getResult(CallableStatement cs, int columnIndex) throws SQLException;




  • JdbcType,是一个枚举,维护了JDBC的类型
  • Alias注解,提供了别名的设置
  • MappedJdbcTypes注解,匹配JDBC类型
  • MappedTypes注解,提供JAVA类型


  • TypeHandlerRegistry:单类型注册表
  • TypeAliasRegistry:类型与别名的注册表
  • SimpleTypeRegistry:类型(JAVA类型或JDBC类型)和TypeHandler 注册表,相当于管理 TypeHandler 的容器


目前学习中的注释都可以在: 中查看
