Unitimes 精选 |以太坊核心开发者数量是比特币的两倍;超过80%的以太坊供应来自7572个地址...

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2019 年 3 月 9 日,以太币交易总额为 1,782,357 ETH ,比前日下降 26.79%;日活跃用户量 156,893,比前日上升 3.38%;新增合约 41,435 个,比前日上升  53.35%;平均交易费用为 11.79 GWEI,比前日下降 11.83%;最活跃合约为 NOKIAC(NOKA);通证代币交易总额为 331,453 个,比前日下降  15.41%。




根据加密货币资产管理公司 Electric Capital 的一份报告称,以太坊拥有最多的加密货币基本协议开发人员(其中不包括社区项目开发人员)。该报告于 3 月 7 日在一家媒体上发表。报告称,该公司识别了 2 万多个代码库,并有 1600 万个数据获取的许可,这表明平均每个月有 216 名开发人员向以太坊代码库贡献代码。”比特币是所有加密货币中市值最大的一种,拥有健康的开发者基础,平均每月有 50 多名开发者。该报告指出该数据不包括生态系统项目。一个只考虑对核心协议的贡献的、更严格的数据集表明:“到目前为止,以太坊是最活跃的,平均每月有 99 个开发者。”

Ethereum Has More Than Twice as Many Core Devs per Month as Bitcoin, Report Says

Ethereum (ETH) has the most developers working on its base protocol of all cryptocurrencies, not counting community project developers, according to a report by crypto asset management firm Electric Capital. The report was published in a Medium post on March 7. Per the post, the company fingerprinted over 20,000 code repositories and 16 million commits to obtain data, which reveals that on average 216 developers contribute code to ETH repositories every month. Bitcoin (BTC), the largest of all cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, has a healthy developer base as well, averaging over 50 developers per month. The report specifies that this data does not include ecosystem projects. An even more restrictive data set, which only considers contributions to core protocol, reveals that:“Ethereum is by far the most active at 99 monthly developers on average.”




数字资产研究公司 Delphi digital   3 月 7 日发布报告称,以太坊的总流通供应量中,超过 80% 由 7572 个地址持有。更确切地说,报告中的数据显示,以太坊代币总供应量的 80% 以上由余额超过 1000 个以太坊的地址持有。这样的地址加起来有 7572 个。研究按所包含的以太坊的数量将地址区分开,其中 6490 个地址拥有的以太坊数量在 1000 到 10000 之间,有 923 个地址位于 1000 到 100000 之间, 155 个地址位于 100000 到 1000000 之间,只有 4个 位于 1000000 到 10000000 之间。

Over 80 Percent of Total ETH Supply is Held by 7,572 Addresses: Research

Over 80 percent of the total circulating supply of Ethereum (ETH) is held by 7,572 addresses, claims a report released by digital asset research company Delphi Digital on March 7. More precisely, the data contained in the report claim that over 80 percent of the total supply of ETH coins are held by addresses with a balance higher than 1,000 ETH. The number of such addresses adds up to 7,572. The research breaks down the total number of addresses by volume of ETH they contain, stating that 6,490 addresses hold between 1,000 and 10,000 ETH, 923 of them hold between 10,000 and 100,000 ETH, 155 between 100,000 and 1,000,000 ETH and only four between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 ETH.




NextWeb ( TNW ) 3 月 8 日发布的一项研究表明,美国是区块链相关工作的全球领导者。结果显示,在区块链相关工作方面,美国处于世界领先地位,在 Glassdoor 全球 5711 个区块链职位中,约有一半来自美国。在该网站上发布的最常见的工作中,“区块链工程师”居于首位。“高级软件工程师”和“区块链开发人员”分别是第二和第三最受欢迎的职位。 TNW 还列出了提供区块链相关职位的公司名单,据报道,科技巨头 IBM 提供的区块链职位最多,紧随其后的是四大会计师事务所之一的安永和软件公司甲骨文。

US Leads in Blockchain-Related Job Offerings Globally, Data Shows

The United States is the world’s leader in blockchain-related jobs, according to a research by The NextWeb (TNW) published on March 8. The results reportedly showed that the U.S. is leading the world in terms of blockchain-related jobs, having about half, or 2,616, of a total of 5,711 blockchain jobs listed on Glassdoor globally. Among the most common jobs posted on the site, “Blockchain Engineer” takes the lead. Such positions as “Senior Software Engineer” and “Blockchain Developer” are the second and third most popular job titles, respectively. TNW also made a list of companies offering blockchain-related vacancies, wherein tech giant IBM reportedly offers the greatest number of blockchain jobs, and is followed by Big Four accounting firm Ernst & Young and software company Oracle.



Twitter 总裁 Jack Dorsey 抢购 Trezor 以存放比特币(BTC)

就在最近,Dorsey 透露,他通过由他主管的比特币友好项目 Cash app 从知名加密货币钱包供应商 Trezor 手中购买了一个硬件储存设备。人们推测 Dorsey 购买这个设备是为了存放他刚开始积累的比特币,似乎是为下一轮大量采用比特币做准备。Dorsey 甚至在许多以比特币为主题的播客上透露他在上个星期已经购入了价值 10000 美元的比特币这件事情。他提到,他每个星期都要购买比特币,而且他购入的比特币已达到 Cash app 支持的最大量级。

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Snaps Up Trezor To Store Bitcoin ( BTC)

Most recently, Dorsey took to his personal feed to reveal that he bought a hardware storage device from Trezor, a leading cryptocurrency wallet provider, through the Cash App, a Bitcoin-friendly project that he headed.  It is presumed he bought the device to store the Bitcoin that he has recently begun to accumulate, in seeming preparation for the next bout of mass adoption.  Dorsey even appeared on a number of Bitcoin-centric podcasts, revealing that he has accumulated $10,000 worth of BTC over the past week. He alluded to the fact that he does this every week, claiming that he has maxed out the Cash App’s BTC purchasing option.



Ryan Sean Adams

 Mythos Capital 创始人


1. 以太坊治理是按照所设定的方式运作的——如果以太币的联合创始人由于没能说服整个社区,使得交易无法保存, 好吧,那是审查制度抵制的问题。

2. 以太坊与 Polkadot 之间的竞争, 但 DOT 并没有真的作为商品货币与以太币竞争。

2 thoughts:

1. Ethereum governance is performing as designed—if an Eth co-founder can’t get transaction reversed w/o convincing an entire community, well, the thing’s censorship resistant

2. Ethereum & Polkadot compete, but DOTs do not rly compete w/ ETH as a commodity money



Joseph Young



但是, 正如韩国的行业高管所示, 我认为三星支付整合加密货币这个举措对于零售和商家采用加密货币来说是最重要的, 而这正是加密货币目前缺乏的。

Samsung's crypto wallet integration is certainly the right step towards mainstream adoption.

But, as industry executives in South Korea suggest, I think Samsung Pay integration of crypto is the most important for retail and merchant adoption, which crypto currently lacks.



Jimmy Song


Attention is a subset of the time you have available, which is really a slice of your life. Spend it wisely.

For example, answering altcoiners is not a good way to spend your attention. Yes, I learned the hard way.





Ameer Rosic

Blockgeeks 联合创始人

Startup lesson #2. Seek help when needed. Dont let your ignorance get in your way of success.



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