1 前言
2 练习
2.1 查看数据图像:
2.2 sigmoid函数
2.3 代价函数:
2.4 梯度下降函数
2.5 预测函数
3 正则化逻辑回归
ex2-logistic regression
positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])] #1 代表被录取
negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])] #0 代表拒录取
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'], positive['Exam 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Admitted')
ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'], negative['Exam 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Not Admitted')
ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')
def sigmoid(z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
nums = np.arange(-10, 10, step=1)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.plot(nums, sigmoid(nums), 'r')
def cost(theta, X, y):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
first = np.multiply(-y, np.log(sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
second = np.multiply((1 - y), np.log(1 - sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
return np.sum(first - second) / (len(X))
# 增加一列-这使矩阵乘法工作更容易
data.insert(0, 'Ones', 1)
# set X (training data) and y (target variable)
cols = data.shape[1]
X = data.iloc[:,0:cols-1]
y = data.iloc[:,cols-1:cols]
# 转换为numpy数组并初始化参数数组theta
X = np.array(X.values)
y = np.array(y.values)
theta = np.zeros(3)
cost(theta, X, y)
def gradient(theta, X, y):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
parameters = int(theta.ravel().shape[1])
grad = np.zeros(parameters)
error = sigmoid(X * theta.T) - y
for i in range(parameters):
term = np.multiply(error, X[:,i])
grad[i] = np.sum(term) / len(X)
return grad
gradient(theta, X, y)
import scipy.optimize as opt
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=cost, x0=theta, fprime=gradient, args=(X, y))
大于等于0.5时,预测 y=1
当hθ小于0.5时,预测 y=0 。
def predict(theta, X):
probability = sigmoid(X * theta.T)
return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]
theta_min = np.matrix(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_min, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt
path = 'ex2data1.txt'
data = pd.read_csv(path, header=None, names=['Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Admitted'])
positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'],positive['Exam 2'],s=50,c='b',marker='o',label='Admintted')
ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'],negative['Exam 2'],s=50,c='r',marker='x',label='Not Admintted')
ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')
def sigmoid(z):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
nums = np.arange(-10,10,step=1)
fig, ax =plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
# 代价函数“
def cost(theta, X,y):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
first = np.multiply(-y,np.log(sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
second = np.multiply((1 - y),np.log(1 - sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
return np.sum(first - second )/(len(X))
# 增加一列-这使矩阵乘法工作更容易
data.insert(0, 'Ones', 1)
# set X (training data) and y (target variable)
cols = data.shape[1]
X = data.iloc[:,0:cols-1]
y = data.iloc[:,cols-1:cols]
# 转换为numpy数组并初始化参数数组theta
X = np.array(X.values)
y = np.array(y.values)
theta = np.zeros(3)
# 梯度下降函数,我们 并不执行这个因为这种 下降太慢,但我们可以测试为0的情况
def gradient(theta, X, y):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
parameters = int(theta.ravel().shape[1])
grad = np.zeros(parameters)
error = sigmoid(X * theta.T) - y
for i in range(parameters):
term = np.multiply(error, X[:, i])
grad[i] = np.sum(term) / len(X)
return grad
result = opt.fmin_tnc(func=cost, x0=theta, fprime=gradient, args=(X, y))
print(cost(result[0], X, y))
def predict(theta, X):
probability = sigmoid(X * theta.T)
return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]
theta_min = np.matrix(result[0])
predictions = predict(theta_min, X)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y)]
accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
设想你是工厂的生产主管,你有一些芯片在两次测试中的测试结果。对于这两次测试,你想决定是否芯片要被接受或抛弃。为了帮助你做出艰难的决定,你拥有过去芯片的测试数据集,从其中你可以构建一个逻辑回归模型。 和第一部分很像,从数据可视化开始吧!
path = 'ex2data2.txt'
data2 = pd.read_csv(path, header=None, names=['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Accepted'])
positive = data2[data2['Accepted'].isin([1])]
negative = data2[data2['Accepted'].isin([0])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(positive['Test 1'], positive['Test 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Accepted')
ax.scatter(negative['Test 1'], negative['Test 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Rejected')
ax.set_xlabel('Test 1 Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Test 2 Score')
degree = 5
x1 = data2['Test 1']
x2 = data2['Test 2']
data2.insert(3, 'Ones', 1)
for i in range(1, degree):
for j in range(0, i):
data2['F' + str(i) + str(j)] = np.power(x1, i-j) * np.power(x2, j)
data2.drop('Test 1', axis=1, inplace=True)
data2.drop('Test 2', axis=1, inplace=True)
def cost(theta, X, y, learningRate):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
first = np.multiply(-y, np.log(sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
second = np.multiply((1 - y), np.log(1 - sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
reg = (learningRate / (2 * len(X))) * np.sum(np.power(theta[:,1:theta.shape[1]], 2))
return np.sum(first - second) / len(X) + reg
def gradientReg(theta, X, y, learningRate):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
parameters = int(theta.ravel().shape[1])
grad = np.zeros(parameters)
error = sigmoid(X * theta.T) - y
for i in range(parameters):
term = np.multiply(error, X[:,i])
if (i == 0):
grad[i] = np.sum(term) / len(X)
grad[i] = (np.sum(term) / len(X)) + ((learningRate / len(X)) * theta[:,i])
return grad
# set X and y (remember from above that we moved the label to column 0)
cols = data2.shape[1]
X2 = data2.iloc[:,1:cols]
y2 = data2.iloc[:,0:1]
# convert to numpy arrays and initalize the parameter array theta
X2 = np.array(X2.values)
y2 = np.array(y2.values)
theta2 = np.zeros(11)
learningRate = 1
# 使用优化函数 分相同的优化函数来计算优化后的结果。
result2 = opt.fmin_tnc(func=costReg, x0=theta2, fprime=gradientReg, args=(X2, y2, learningRate))
def predict(theta, X):
probability = sigmoid(X * theta.T)
return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]
theta_min = np.matrix(result2[0])
predictions = predict(theta_min, X2)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y2)]
accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize as opt
path = 'ex2data1.txt'
data = pd.read_csv(path, header=None, names=['Exam 1', 'Exam 2', 'Admitted'])
positive = data[data['Admitted'].isin([1])]
negative = data[data['Admitted'].isin([0])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(positive['Exam 1'],positive['Exam 2'],s=50,c='b',marker='o',label='Admintted')
ax.scatter(negative['Exam 1'],negative['Exam 2'],s=50,c='r',marker='x',label='Not Admintted')
ax.set_xlabel('Exam 1 Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Exam 2 Score')
def sigmoid(z):
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-z))
nums = np.arange(-10,10,step=1)
fig, ax =plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
# 代价函数“
def costReg(theta, X,y,learningRate):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
first = np.multiply(-y,np.log(sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
second = np.multiply((1 - y),np.log(1 - sigmoid(X * theta.T)))
reg = (learningRate / (2 * (len(X))) * np.sum(np.power(theta[:,1:theta.shape[1]],2)) )
return np.sum(first - second )/len(X) +reg
path = 'ex2data2.txt'
data2 = pd.read_csv(path, header=None, names=['Test 1', 'Test 2', 'Accepted'])
positive = data2[data2['Accepted'].isin([1])]
negative = data2[data2['Accepted'].isin([0])]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax.scatter(positive['Test 1'], positive['Test 2'], s=50, c='b', marker='o', label='Accepted')
ax.scatter(negative['Test 1'], negative['Test 2'], s=50, c='r', marker='x', label='Rejected')
ax.set_xlabel('Test 1 Score')
ax.set_ylabel('Test 2 Score')
degree = 5
x1 = data2['Test 1']
x2 = data2['Test 2']
data2.insert(3, 'Ones', 1)
for i in range(1, degree):
for j in range(0, i):
data2['F' + str(i) + str(j)] = np.power(x1, i-j) * np.power(x2, j)
data2.drop('Test 1', axis=1, inplace=True)
data2.drop('Test 2', axis=1, inplace=True)
# 梯度下降算法
def gradientReg(theta, X, y, learningRate):
theta = np.matrix(theta)
X = np.matrix(X)
y = np.matrix(y)
parameters = int(theta.ravel().shape[1])
grad = np.zeros(parameters)
error = sigmoid(X * theta.T) - y
for i in range(parameters):
term = np.multiply(error, X[:, i])
# 在原先的基础上,加上正则化 ((learningRate / len(X)) * theta[:, i])
if (i == 0):
grad[i] = np.sum(term) / len(X)
grad[i] = (np.sum(term) / len(X)) + ((learningRate / len(X)) * theta[:,i])
return grad
# et X (training data) and y (target variable)
cols = data2.shape[1]
X2 = data2.iloc[:,1:cols]
y2 = data2.iloc[:,0:1]
# c换为numpy数组并初始化参数数组theta 并且初始化参数
X2 = np.array(X2.values)
y2 = np.array(y2.values)
theta2 = np.zeros(11) #多了一步参数的初始化
learningRate = 1
# 使用优化函数 分相同的优化函数来计算优化后的结果。
result2 = opt.fmin_tnc(func=costReg, x0=theta2, fprime=gradientReg, args=(X2, y2, learningRate))
def predict(theta, X):
probability = sigmoid(X * theta.T)
return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in probability]
theta_min = np.matrix(result2[0])
predictions = predict(theta_min, X2)
correct = [1 if ((a == 1 and b == 1) or (a == 0 and b == 0)) else 0 for (a, b) in zip(predictions, y2)]
accuracy = (sum(map(int, correct)) % len(correct))
print ('accuracy = {0}%'.format(accuracy))
from sklearn import linear_model#调用sklearn的线性回归包
model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(penalty='l2', C=1.0)
model.fit(X2, y2.ravel())