Real Time and Space
synchronous, asynchronous and real time are qualities of interaction.
You could not step twice into the same river.
Even in a digital system where you have an undo option.
When you go to an ATM machine to withdraw money with your bank card, you have the memory of past interactions with this system and an experienced user does not need as much from the system what to do right now, actually excessive information maybe disturbing to the user and hindering the user. If the machine takes its own time to explain that you now have to press this button. It is uncomfortable interaction for the user.
Asynchrony, at anytime you can be interrupted, at any time you can interrupt something, you don’t have to wait for the other person to fininsh what they are doing.
realtime: for the design of the system that the user can no longer perceive how fast the system responds feels like a real-time response. for the user, designing a digital interaction system is designing a non-real-time synchronous system that interacts fluently in a suit in the asynchronous real-time world of the users.
Meaningful and Mere Interactors
Meaningful and mere interactors are based on the idea of experiences being either mere experience or sth with a bit more meaning. Mere experience is the way you are sensing the temperature in the room. You are experiencing them but the experience is mere. You do not pay attention to those thing and you do not remember them after even several minutes.
Mere Interactors:
Physical objects(a rock)
Tools and machines(lawn mower)
Dead interactors(non-sentient, do not have enough cognitive power in their brain)
Meaningful Interactors
Sentient interactors
Systems and Organizations
1.Technology and interaction systems are not to be developed just for the sake of technology.
2.Laws and systems serve meaningful interactors.
3.A system should employ mere interactors to serve meaningful interactors.
4.The purpose and meaningful of a system can only come from a meaningful interactors.
Anthropomorphism means something that has human-like qualities and features attached to it.
Many Disney’s characters anthropomorphised.
For example, you can take some thing like a printer. You can say that the printer is on a bad mood today for it refuse to cooperate.
Contextual Experience Models
the anatomy of user experience.
Museum Experience
[Physical Context]
Is the person in good health?
What is the weather like? Is it very hot?
[Personal Context]
Is this a person who is very interested in the museum?
Is this a child who has never been to a museum before?
Is this a person who is interested in the topic of this exhibition?
[Social cultural Context]
a gang member with poor education, he don’t see his gang members visiting museums, so he is likely to avert going to museums.
Conceptual Game Experience Model
[Immediate Personal Context]
(same as above question-Personal Context)
What you been doing today?
Are you in a hurry?
Do you have friends with you?
[Immediate Social cultural Context]
What do my friends at school play?
Is this game acceptable by my family and friends?
[Context From Earlier Experiences of Game and Play]
[Context for Digital Games’s Production]
So it affects my game experience knowing that there is something like the game Sims and I can identify hey these are features that are kind of like that you would have if you would playing Sims game.
[wider context of social norms and values]
Scripting the Interactor
Embedding the instructions in the design.
Like the cup of soft drink is grabbable. Scripting makes the user using without needing to read the manual.
The designer needs to understand how people tend to naturally work and how they think. The designer needs to try to predict that if his design has a certain part how will people react to that. Will they make the proper correct choice that they want in order to use the system properly or will they be confused and misunderstanding what is going on.
For example, you are designing a software, you can make a design that ctrl + z equal undo.
An affordance is a relationship between the properties of an object and the capabilities of the agent that determine just how the object could possibly be used.
The properties of sack: a sack is made out of cloth. It is sturdy so that it can hold the weight of potatoes. A sack has gaps, which can be used to maintain ventilating.
The capabalities of potatoes: they need to hava ventilation so that they do not start to get in mold.
The spatial of affordance is about being present in space knowing where you are and where other things are.
encyclopedic meaning that digital medium is very good in storing information.
the digital medium processes. Encoders, A video in a certain format, then it processes it into another format, video that can be stored in a smaller space. Simulators, you enter a lot of data into the encyclopedia of the digital medium like …then you start a simulation that runs a procedure with the procedural affordance to show that within the next hour where will these celestial bodies be whether .
participatory, not only other processes and procedures but there is also participation by the user, the user can control the simulation.
Agency is the satisfying power to take meaning action and see the result of our decisions and choices. We need to find a agency balance between the designer and users.
Storyteller and audience. if the storyteller has all the control the story, that can be interesting. but the audience is not feeling agency because they only follow this story instead of affecting the story; if the audience has the full control they are careful avoiding failure and the story not be interesting. So the storyteller must have the agency of directing the story and the audience must have an agency of being a part of an interesting story where there and others in actions are intererting. who has more agency, more power and freedom of experiencing a story in here.
design is connected to visual design and practical design.
Two important characteristics of good design are discoverability and understanding. Instructions embedded in the design.
Interaction design: understand the purpose of the interaction in the system and the affordances of the interactors.
Aesthetics actually means the whole of the way we experience something. Nature can be aesthetic, a painting can be aesthetic. anaesthetic, completely removes the sensation of a person, the people do not experience anything.
Aesthetics are delivered through sensory experience, visuals, audio and so on. scared movie should scared, it is good aesthetics.
Episodic Memory
Episodic memory is the memory that people apply when remembering sequences of actions and help people remember what happen first and what happen next.
Combinatorial Explosion
When designing a interaction system,we need to be able to predict all possible actions users might be doing in the system. More choices will lead to greater complexity of the future situation.To reduce the complexity of the system, you can hide unnecessary choices or highlight necessary choices.Another approach is to use a network diagram instead of a tree diagram.
If a story with 10 scenes and one choice at each scenario, there will be 1 result. But if each scenario has 3 choices for the user to choose from, there will be three to the power of ten.
This flying wedge is about combinatorial space of possibilities. In the beginning the user has the greatest power of different possibilites, once a choice has been made that cuts out a lot of potential options. If in a story a character kills another character that other character cannot be interacted anymore.
Suspension of Disbelief
How people are ready to accept a story even though it has unbelievable features. For example in an action movie a character may be thrown out though the window from the second floor, land down on the hard ground and just stand up and return into the building. The question is will the audience say this cannot be true, this is ridiculous and walk out, or will they suspend their disbelief and keep following the story.
TAM(Technology Acceptance Model)(Figure)
External variables:how the users feel about new technology?Do they want to start a new technology?
Percieved usefulness: Users predict whether it will be useful.
Percieved ease of use:Users predict whether it will be easy to use the system.
Attitude towards use:Positive attitude will make people accept the new system more easily.
Intention to use:People want to use the new system.
Actual usage: People are actually using the new system.
Hero’s Journey / Monomyth
Hero’s Journey is a pattern repeating in many different stories. The structure of these stories is such that the main character lives in a safe known world where the character receives called adventure. They are then typically offered supernatural aid which they tend to refuse and with the called adventure they alone in this situation face some kind of threshold guardian which they have to pause in effort to travel to the unknown world. In the unknown world the hero is traveling and facing challenges and temptations. Their transformation has begun because they are now in the unknown world where the known rules and routines will not work. They will encounter helpers and mentors, and finally they will enter abyss. This abyss and combination of death and rebirth is called revelation. They are learning something new, this revelation leads into a personal transformation. Then is the atonement and return the known world. It is same as the human growth story.
Psychological Projection
Psychological projection is one basic mechanism for how people perceive reality and how they understand other people and how they understand the working of the world. If I were behaving like that, what would be going on in my mind? what is happening in that person’s mind? In interaction design, we need to understand how users will project their thinking into the system. We need to figure out how to help people to understand the design of this system.
Introspection is a psychological skill, Mature capacity of self-assessment.You are able to understand how you behave in a situation, and what are the consequences of your actions.
in ineraction system,we should consider how users use their introspection to use the system,as the designers ,we also need to have introspection so that we can design a better system.
Mature capacity of self-assessment.
The Uncanny Valley
The uncanny valley is a psychological phenomenon, is a concept that is very important when doing anthropomorphizing of a design. The uncanny valley is stating what happens when a design is being made to resemble a healthy human being. When the design level is slightly similar to people, it improves the user experience. But after a certain point, corpse, user experience decrease sharply, until the design is very similar to human. Because you can’t predict what the corpse will do in the next second.
motivation is one particular feature of human psychology.
Motivation is kind of factor that make people to do things, use a design or make choices in interaction.
Four eras of recorded history