HDU5745(2016多校第二场)——La Vie en rose(bitset,动态规划)

La Vie en rose

Time Limit: 7000/3500 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 2329    Accepted Submission(s): 706

Problem Description
Professor Zhang would like to solve the multiple pattern matching problem, but he only has only one pattern string  p=p1p2...pm. So, he wants to generate as many as possible pattern strings from  p using the following method:

1. select some indices  i1,i2,...,ik such that  1i1<i2<...<ik<|p| and  |ijij+1|>1 for all  1j<k.
2. swap  pij and  pij+1 for all  1jk.

Now, for a given a string  s=s1s2...sn, Professor Zhang wants to find all occurrences of all the generated patterns in  s.

There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer  T, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains two integers  n and  m  (1n105,1mmin{5000,n}) -- the length of  s and  p.

The second line contains the string  s and the third line contains the string  p. Both the strings consist of only lowercase English letters.

For each test case, output a binary string of length  n. The  i-th character is "1" if and only if the substring  sisi+1...si+m1 is one of the generated patterns.

Sample Input
3 4 1 abac a 4 2 aaaa aa 9 3 abcbacacb abc

Sample Output
1010 1110 100100100




public void set(int pos): 位置pos的字位设置为true。 
public void set(int bitIndex, boolean value) 将指定索引处的位设置为指定的值。 
public void clear(int pos): 位置pos的字位设置为false。
public void clear() : 将此 BitSet 中的所有位设置为 false。 
public int cardinality() 返回此 BitSet 中设置为 true 的位数。 
public boolean get(int pos): 返回位置是pos的字位值。 
public void and(BitSet other): other同该字位集进行与操作,结果作为该字位集的新值。 
public void or(BitSet other): other同该字位集进行或操作,结果作为该字位集的新值。 
public void xor(BitSet other): other同该字位集进行异或操作,结果作为该字位集的新值。
public void andNot(BitSet set) 清除此 BitSet 中所有的位,set - 用来屏蔽此 BitSet 的 BitSet
public int size(): 返回此 BitSet 表示位值时实际使用空间的位数。
public int length() 返回此 BitSet 的“逻辑大小”:BitSet 中最高设置位的索引加 1。 
public int hashCode(): 返回该集合Hash 码, 这个码同集合中的字位值有关。 
public boolean equals(Object other): 如果other中的字位同集合中的字位相同,返回true。 
public Object clone() 克隆此 BitSet,生成一个与之相等的新 BitSet。 
public String toString() 返回此位 set 的字符串表示形式。








using namespace std;
const int N = 100005;
const int M = 5005;
char a[N]; 
char b[M];
//bool dp[N][M][3];    0和前面的交换 1不交换 2和后面的交换
bitset dp[2][3];
bitset w[30];    // 记录对于每个字母 p[i]是否为这个字母
int main()
    int T;
    int la, lb;
    scanf("%d", &T);
    while (T--) {
        scanf("%d%d", &la, &lb);
        scanf("%s%s", a, b);

        for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) w[i].reset();
        for (int i = 0; i < la; ++i) w[a[i]-'a'][i] = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) dp[i][j].reset();
        dp[0][1] = w[b[0]-'a'];
        if (lb > 1) dp[0][2] = w[b[1]-'a'];

        int now = 0;
        for (int j = 1; j < lb; ++j) {
            now ^= 1;
            dp[now][0] = ((dp[now^1][2]) << 1) & w[b[j-1]-'a'];
            dp[now][1] = ((dp[now^1][0] | dp[now^1][1]) << 1) & w[b[j]-'a'];
            if (j < lb - 1) dp[now][2] = ((dp[now^1][0] | dp[now^1][1]) << 1 ) & w[b[j+1]-'a'];

         for (int i = 0; i < la; ++i) {
             if (dp[now][0][i+lb-1] || dp[now][1][i+lb-1]) printf("1");
             else printf("0");

    return 0;
