当你还在研究TinyOS和nesC的时候,是否曾想过有一天终于可以不用理会这些底层结构?当然,我并不是说研究TinyOS一无是处。但是一旦想到无线传感器网络节点的硬件能力会越来越高(看看Crossbow的Imote2节点把),节点的成本会越来越低,到时候肯定需要一种简单易用而且周期短的开发环境,来满足越来越多的应用要求。所以,才有了Crossbow和Microsoft的联合(.NET Micro Framework),才有了本文的主角——sentilla!
“The Sentilla Software Suite lets users develop and deploy Java-based software on tiny, low-power microprocessors embedded on devices. Users can wirelessly manage those applications using the platform, said Joe Polastre, chief technology officer and co-founder of Sentilla.
The platform allows millions of Java developers to create applications for microprocessors present in objects that communicate with each other, Polastre said
It overcomes challenges on running Java in tiny devices with small memory by squeezing a full Java environment into microprocessors, Polastre said. The platform uses memory management and storage on a device to swap Java code in and out of memory as needed. That allows the platform to use large applications without draining resources.
Java applications, developed using the tool's development environment on a PC, are deployed to a microprocessor. The suite's management tool then manages the Java applications, including providing updates and ensuring stability.
The platform works with Texas Instruments Inc.'s MSP430 microprocessor, a 16-bit RISC (reduced instruction set computer) processor, but more microprocessors will support it in the future, Polastre said.
The suite adds intelligence to devices that interact with each other, said Polastre, who sees microprocessors as "small computers." This expands the concept of pervasive computing, where devices constantly communicate with each other wirelessly or through other communications technologies.
"Everything in the world can have computers attached to them. They are doing all kinds of interesting tasks for people," Polastre said. The tasks include developing and implementing pervasive applications on sprinkler systems to moderate and irrigate vineyards in real time.
Smart applications on microprocessors expands to enterprises and emergency responders too, Polastre said. It gives programmable options for first responders to collect and share patient data wirelessly in real time. Enterprises can use the platform to track movement of goods
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