Nov.8 On Writing Well(Ch11&12)




The appointed evening arrived, and my phone rang, and the host came on and greeted me with the strenuous joviality of his trade.

strenuous:active and determined,vigorously active

joviality:markedly good-humored especially as evidenced by cheerfulness and conviviality

e.g.a jovial weclome/host

2.embarking on

Often you’ll find yourself embarking on an article so apparently lifeless—the history of an institution,

embark on/upon sth:to start to do sth new or difficult从事着手

e.g."before you embark on a journey of revenge,dig two graves."said by Confucius

3.quail at

or some local issue such as storm sewers—that you will quail at the prospect of keeping your readers, or even yourself, awake.

quail at:to be afraid and show it by shaking a little bit or moving back slightly.恐惧害怕


On the surface it seemed to be just the story of a marble building and millions of musty volumes.

musty:smelling damp and umpleasant because of a lack of fresh air.有霉味

e.g.a musty room


Here you can only go by intuition.

intution:the ability to understand or know something because of a feeling rather than by considering the facts.这个词和instinct意思一样,直觉

e.g.feminine intuition女性的直觉

e.g.follow your instincts跟着自己的直觉


What I’m saying is that I have no patience with the snobbery that says nonfiction is only journalism by another name and that journalism by any name is a dirty word.

snobbery:behaviour or attitudes which show that you think you are better than other people, because you belong to a higher social class or know much more than they do – used to show disapproval自以为的优越感,look down upon others


They will write far more willingly about subjects that touch their own lives or that theyhave an aptitude for.

aptitude:natural ability or skill, especially in learning天资


1.Motivation is at the heart of writing.

2.But the answer isn’t hard if you keep in mind two standards: brevity and fair play.



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