55.If retail stores experience a decrease in revenues during thisholiday season, then either attitudes toward extravagant gift-giving havechanged or prices have risen beyond the level most people can afford. Ifattitudes have changed, then we all have something to celebrate this season. Ifprices have risen beyond the level most people can afford, then it must be thatsalaries have not kept pace with rising prices during the past year.
Assume the premises above to be true. Ifsalaries have kept pace with rising prices during the past year, which one ofthe following must be true?
(A) Attitudes toward extravagant gift-givinghave changed.
(B) Retail stores will not experience adecrease in retail sales during this holiday season.
(C) Prices in retail stores have not risenbeyond the level that most people can afford during this holiday season.
(D) Attitudes toward extravagant gift-givinghave not changed, and stores will not experience a decrease in revenues duringthis holiday season.
(E) Either attitudes toward extravagantgift-giving have changed or prices have risen beyond the level that most peoplecan afford during this holiday season.
56.The“suicide wave”thatfollowed the United States stock market crash of October 1929 is more legendthan fact. Careful examination of the monthly figures on the causes of death in1929 shows that the number of suicides in October and in November wascomparatively low. In only three other months were the monthly figures lower.During the summer months, when the stock market was flourishing, the number ofsuicides was substantially higher.
Which one of the following, if true, wouldbest challenge the conclusion of the passage?
(A) The suicide rate is influenced by manypsychological, interpersonal, and societal factors during any given historicalperiod.
(B) October and November have almost alwayshad relatively high suicide rates, even during the 1920s and 1930s.
(C) The suicide rate in October and Novemberof 1929 was considerably higher than the average for those months duringseveral preceding and following years.
(D) During the years surrounding the stockmarket crash, suicide rates were typically lower at the beginning of anycalendar year than toward the end of that year.
(E) Because of seasonal differences, thenumber of suicides in October and November of 1929 would not be expected to bethe same as those for other months.