

本文为挪威卑尔根大学(作者:Therese Grindheim)的硕士论文,共113页。


The main focus of this thesis are densityforecasts and the corresponding evaluation methods. A density forecast is anestimate of the probability density of predicted values. Density forecasts andthe related evaluation methods have been little explored compared to point andinterval forecasts, therefore we have chosen to focus on this topic. We gothrough a detailed description of three evaluation methods for densityforecasts. To measure the performance of two of the density forecast evaluationmethods we perform a Monte Carlo simulation. We simulate data sets with differentdata generating mechanisms to measure the size and power for the chosenevaluation methods. Based on our results from the Monte Carlo simulation, wecontinue with one evaluation method and apply it on empirical data, morespecifically on economical, financial and insurance time series data.

  1. 引言
  2. 时间序列与预测
  3. 与点、区间预测相对应的评价方法
  4. 对应密度预测的评价方法
  5. 蒙特卡洛仿真
  6. 实证研究
  7. 总结与结论


