SQL Server数据库之代码篇


create database temp1
create table temp2(表格名 nvarchar(50) not null)
insert into temp2 values(999)
select * from temp2

--一、插入语句insert格式:insert 表名(列名1, 列名2) values(插入信息1,插入信息2)
insert Customer(loginID, password, name, address, phone) 
values(103, 123, '王五','湖南长沙',120)
insert into Products values('电饭煲', '1', '5.5', '非常好用的煮饭工具', 100, '2020/4/14')
insert Customer(loginID, password, name, address, phone) 
select 103, 123, '生七','湖南长沙',121 
select 104, 123, '赵六','湖南郴州',119

--二、更新语句update格式:update 表名 set column1 = value1, volumn2 = value2 [where ...]
update employee set address = '美国'
update employee set salary = 10000+100 where name = '阿六'

--三、删除语句delete格式:delete from 表名 [where ...]
delete from customer where loginID = 102
delete from customer
drop table OrderCopy
--复制表格:select * into 新表名 from 复制表名
select * into OrderCopy from Customer

--四、查询语句select格式:select * from 表名
select * from employee where name = '阿六'--查询employee表中的阿六
select name from employee--查询employee表中的全部姓名
select * from [Order]--order是关键字
select name 姓名, salary 加薪前的工资, salary*2 加薪后的工资 from employee

--五、列标题/别名格式:select 列名1 别名1, 列名2 别名2 from 表名
select name 姓名, price 价格 from [order]

--六、过滤语句distinct格式:select distinct 列名 from 表名
select distinct birthday 生日,name 姓名 from employee


create table temp(数字 int not null)--创建表格
insert into temp values(100)--向表中插入100这个数据
select * from temp--查询表格temp
drop table temp--删除整张表

select num 数字, num+1 加法, num%1010 from temp

select * from Customer where name != '李一'
select * from Customer where name != '李一' and address = '江西'

select name 姓名, loginId 账号, password 密码, address 地址, phone 电话
 from customer order by loginId desc, phone--loginid相同就排phone

--四、取前N个值:TOP  N
select * from customer
select top 3  * from customer order by phone 
select top 3 percent * from customer order by phone 

select name 姓名, address 地址, phone 电话 from Customer where 
name like '张%'
select name 姓名, address 地址, phone 电话 from Customer where 
name like '%三'
select name 姓名, address 地址, phone 电话 from Customer where 
name like '张_'
select name 姓名, address 地址, phone 电话 from Customer where 
name like '[张]三'

select * from customer where address in('湖南永州')
select * from customer where address = '北京' or address = '上海'
--2,between... and:值可以是数字、字符和日期类型,取值包含边界
select * from customer where customerid between 10 and 30
select replace('ming','ing','i') 替换后的结果
select reverse('ming')
select str('1212.322')
select substring('超神学院',1,2)
select name 姓名, substring(name,2,1) 截取后 from customer

select getDate()
select day(getdate()), month(getdate()), year(getdate())--3,获取两个时间之间的间隔(datediff)
select datediff(day,getdate(),'2021/4/13') 天数, 
datediff(month,getdate(),'2021/4/13') 月数,
datediff(year,getdate(),'2021/4/13') 年数
select dateadd(day, 1, getdate()) 一天后, 
dateadd(month, 1, getdate()) 一月后,
dateadd(year, 1, getdate()) 一年后
select datename(weekday, getdate())

select power(2,2) '2的2次方', power(2,3) '2的3次方'
select round(122.23232,2)
select round(rand(),1)*10 '转化为0~10之间的随机数'

--1,cast:CAST(expression as data_type)
select cast('mingright' as varchar(2)) cast结果
select convert(nvarchar(30),getdate(),130) convert结果

SQL Server数据库之代码篇_第1张图片


select sum(salary) 全体员工工资总和 from employee
select min(salary) 最高工资 from employee
select max(salary) 最高工资 from employee
select avg(salary) 最高工资 from employee
select count(*) 员工人数 from employee
select count(birthday) 有出生记录的员工人数 from employee
