对于可导的函数f(x),x↦f'(x)也是一个函数,称作f(x)的导函数(简称导数)。寻找已知的函数在某点的导数或其导函数的过程称为求导。实质上,求导就是一个求极限的过程,导数的四则运算法则也来源于极限的四则运算法则。反之,已知导函数也可以倒过来求原来的函数,即不定积分。微积分基本定理说明了求原函数与积分是等价的。求导和积分是一对互逆的操作,它们都是微积分学中最为基础的概念。 [1]
Let f be a real function of one variable. Thederivative of f isthe new function f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x.
In symbols,
f'(x)= st ( f(x +Δx)-f(x))
Let f be a real function of one variable. Thederivative of f isthe new function
f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x. In symbols,
f'(x)= st ( f(x +
Let f be a real function of one variable. Thederivative of f isthe new function
f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x. In symbols,
f'(x)= st ( f(x +
Let f be a real function of one variable. Thederivative of f isthe new function
f' whose value at x is the slope of f at x. In symbols,
f'(x)= st ( f(x + - f(x))
whenever the slope exists.
The derivative f'(x) is undefined ifthe slope of f does not exist at x.
Fora given point a, the slope of f at a and the derivative of f ata are the
samething. We usually use the word "slope" to emphasize the geometricpicture and "derivative" to emphasize the fact that f' is afunction. whenever the slope exists.
The derivative f'(x) is undefined ifthe slope of f does not exist at x.
For a given point a, the slope of f ata and the derivative of f at a are the
samething. We usually use the word "slope" to emphasize the geometricpicture and "derivative" to emphasize the fact that f' is afunction.(导数是新的函数!)
袁萌 7月15日