LeetCode Weekly Contest 9 第九周周赛

422. Valid Word Square

Given a sequence of words, check whether it forms a valid word square.

A sequence of words forms a valid word square if the kth row and column read the exact same string, where 0 ≤ k < max(numRows, numColumns).
1. The number of words given is at least 1 and does not exceed 500.
2. Word length will be at least 1 and does not exceed 500.
3. Each word contains only lowercase English alphabet a-z.
golang AC代码:

func validWordSquare(words []string) bool {
    str := ""
    for i:=0 ;i< len(words);i++{
        str = ""
        for j:=0;j<len(words);j++{
            if i < len(words[j]){
                str += string(words[j][i])
        if str != words[i]{
            return false

    return true

423. Reconstruct Original Digits from English

Given a non-empty string containing an out-of-order English representation of digits 0-9, output the digits in ascending order.

1. Input contains only lowercase English letters.
2. Input is guaranteed to be valid and can be transformed to its original digits. That means invalid inputs such as “abc” or “zerone” are not permitted.
3. Input length is less than 50,000.


Input: "owoztneoer"

Output: "012"



数字 英文 字母
0 zero z
6 six s
2 two w
7 seven s
4 four u
5 five v
1 one o
9 nine n
8 eight i
3 three t

golang AC代码:

func originalDigits(s string) string {
    nums := []string{"zero","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"}
    var count [10]int
    var acount [26]int
    for i:=0;i<len(s);i++{
        acount[int(s[i]-'a')] ++
    if acount[25]>0{
        str := nums[0]
        count[0] = acount[25]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[0]
    if (acount[int('x'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[6]
        count[6] = acount[int('x'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[6]
    if (acount[int('w'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[2]
        count[2] = acount[int('w'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[2]

    if (acount[int('s'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[7]
        count[7] = acount[int('s'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[7]
    if (acount[int('u'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[4]
        count[4] = acount[int('u'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[4]
    if (acount[int('v'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[5]
        count[5] = acount[int('v'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[5]
        if (acount[int('o'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[1]
        count[1] = acount[int('o'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[1]
    if (acount[int('n'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[9]
        count[9] = acount[int('n'-'a')]/2
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[9]
    if (acount[int('i'-'a')]>0){
        str := nums[8]
        count[8] = acount[int('i'-'a')]
        for i:=0;i<len(str);i++{
            acount[int(str[i]-'a')] -= count[8]
    count[3] = acount[int('r'-'a')]
    str := ""
    for i:=0;i<=9;i++{
        for j:=0;jstring(i+'0')
    return str

424. Longest Repeating Character Replacement

Given a string that consists of only uppercase English letters, you can replace any letter in the string with another letter at most k times. Find the length of a longest substring containing all repeating letters you can get after performing the above operations.
AC golang代码如下:

func characterReplacement(s string, k int) int {
    dp := make([]int,len(s)+1)
    var ch [26]bool
    max := 0
    if k == 0{
        length := 1
        for i :=1;i<len(s);i++{
            if s[i-1] == s[i]{
                length ++
                if max < length{
                    max = length
                length = 1

        if max < length{
                    max = length
        return max;
    //length := 0
    for i :=0;i<len(s);i++{
        ch[s[i]-'A'] = true
    for i :=0;i<26;i++{
        if ch[i] == false{
        c := 'A' + i
    //  if c == 75{
    //      fmt.Println("break")
    //  }
        idx :=0
        for j:=0;j<len(s);j++{
            if int(s[j])!=c{
                dp[idx] = j
        //      fmt.Print(j," ")
        if idx <= k{
            return len(s)
        if max < dp[k]{
            max = dp[k]
        for j:= k+1;j if dp[j] - dp[j-k-1] - 1 >= max{
                max = dp[j] - dp[j-k-1] - 1
    return max

425 Word Squares


class Solution(object):
    def wordSquares(self, words):
        :type words: List[str]
        :rtype: List[List[str]]
        self.l = len(words[0])

        self.trie = self.build(words)

        self.res = []

        for word in words:
            self.dfs(words, self.trie, [word])

        return self.res

    def dfs(self, words, trie, lst):
        if len(lst) == self.l:

        prefix = ''
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            prefix += lst[i][len(lst)]

        for s in self.get(trie, prefix):
            self.dfs(words, trie, lst + [s])

    def build(self, words):
        trie = {}

        for word in words:
            t = trie

            for c in word:
                if c not in t:
                    t[c] = {}
                t = t[c]

            t['#'] = '#'

        return trie

    def get(self, trie, prefix):
        res = []

        t = trie
        for c in prefix:
            if c not in t:
                return res
            t = t[c]

        for s in self.getall(t):
            res.append(prefix + s)

        return res

    def getall(self, t):
        res = []
        if '#' in t: return ['']

        for c in t:
            if c != '#':
                for s in self.getall(t[c]):
                    res.append(c + s)
        return res
