* Linux kernel - 2.2.14 with the following libraries or packages minimums:
o glibc 2.3.2
o XFree86-3.3.6
o gtk+2.0
o fontconfig (also known as xft)
o libstdc++5
* Firefox 已经通过 Red Hat Linux 8.0 和更高版本的测试
* Intel Pentium II or AMD K6-III+ 233 MHz CPU (建议: 500MHz 以上)
* 64 MB RAM (建议: 128 MB RAM 以上)
* 52 MB 硬盘空间
Firefox的插件是安装在Windows系统用户配置目录里面的,通常这个目录叫:“C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/bnq1y0aa.默认用户” (这个目录有可能因为你Windows的安装设置不同而不同)如果你重装系统前备份这个目录,重装系统后就不用重新安装插件了,另外也有专门保存扩展和设置的插件可供选择。
Should you want to uninstall AxtiveX, the process is simple - only four files need to be manually deleted from the Firefox program folder.
Step 1. Go to the Firefox program folder (the location you installed Firefox to). The default location in Windows is 'C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/'
Step 2. Go into the plugins folder and delete the file 'npmozax.dll'
Step 3. Go back to the Firefox program folder, and then go into the components folder, and delete the files 'nsIMozAxPlugin.xpt' & 'nsAxSecurityPolicy.js'.
Step 4. Go back to the Firefox program folder, and then go into the defaults/pref folder, and delete the file 'activex.js'.
下面内容仅作为学习目的摘编自WINDOWS SECRETS的文章:Secrets of Firefox 1.0 。
* about
: 显示Firefox的版本号,著作权声明等等。注意,包括冒号部分,否则会跑到www.about.com去。
* about
:config 显示Firefox的控制台(面),列出了所有可供定制的设置项,自己动手捣鼓下应当很有意思。
/* Display the Tabbar at the bottom */
#content > tabbox {-moz-box-direction: reverse;}
/* tabs at left */
#content > tabbox {
-moz-box-orient: horizontal;
.tabbrowser-strip {
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
/* note: you can set this to -moz-scrollbars-vertical instead,
but then the scrollbar will *always* be visible. this way
there is never a scrollbar, so it behaves like the tab bar
normally does */
overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none;
.tabbrowser-tabs {
-moz-box-orient: horizontal;
min-width: 10ex; /* you may want to increase this value */
-mox-box-pack: start;
-moz-box-align: start;
.tabbrowser-tabs > hbox {
-moz-box-orient: vertical;
-moz-box-align: stretch;
-moz-box-pack: start;
.tabbrowser-tabs > hbox > tab {
-moz-box-align: start;
-moz-box-orient: horizontal;
/* remove the close-tab button. trust me, you need to do this. */
.tabbrowser-tabs > stack {
display: none;
将其命名为launchy.xml保存到C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/lqc57ddg.default/chrome/
launchy.xml file usage
Launchy is now (from version 2.5.0 and up) able to use a XML file to add custom applications. So you can add your own applications to Launchy's context menu. At startup Launchy will look for a file called launchy.xml in the chrome directory in your profile. Get help in finding the path of your Mozilla profile.
You can use this page to create a launchy.xml file. The content of the launchy.xml should look like this:
label: The name of the application required
command: The full path to the executable for the application required
arguments: The arguments for the application optional
type: The type of application required. The following types are supported:
1. Browsers (fx Mozilla Firefox)
2. Mail clients (fx Mozilla Thunderbird)
3. Media clients (fx Windows Media Player)
4. FTP clients (fx WS_FTP)
5. Download Managers (fx FlashGet)
6. File Explorers (fx Windows Explorer)
7. Editors (fx UltraEdit)
8. View Viewers (fx XnView)
You can use both %ProgramFiles% and %SystemRoot% and %HOMEDRIVE% and %HOMEPATH% in the the command and arguments and they are substitutes with their appropriated values.
如果希望workflow存储最近20次的log,在session里的Config Object设置,log options做配置,save session log :sessions run ;savesessio log for these runs:20
session下面的source 里面有个tracing 
今天遇到一个客户BUG,当前的jdbc连接用户是root,然后部分删除操作都会报下面这个错误:The user specified as a definer ('aaa'@'localhost') does not exist
/*!50017 DEFINER = ''aaa@'localhost' */
O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY参数控制对数据字典的访问.设置为true,如果用户被授予了如select any table等any table权限,用户即使不是dba或sysdba用户也可以访问数据字典.在9i及以上版本默认为false,8i及以前版本默认为true.如果设置为true就可能会带来安全上的一些问题.这也就为什么O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBIL
1234 ==> 4321
# include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i = 1234;
int one = i%10;
int two = i / 10 % 10;
int three = i / 100 % 10;
CString sql;
sql.Format("select * from p