记WinCE下调试SIM900 GSM module

 记WinCE下调试SIM900 GSM module




1.  CTS、RTS 由于使用了流控制,来提高传输效率。首先要清楚几个概念。






UART 0, UART 1 and UART 2 support auto flow control with nRTS and nCTS signals.  In AFC, nCTS signals

control the operation of the transmitter, and nRTS depends on the condition of the receiver.

The UART's transmitter transfers the data in FIFO only when nCTS signals are activated(Low) (In AFC, nCTS

means that other UART's FIFO is ready to receive data or not). 

Before the UART receives data, nRTS signal has to be activated(Low) when its receive FIFO has a spare space more than 32-byte(FIFO contains less than 32-byte). And nRTS signal has to be inactivated(High) when its receive FIFO has a spare under 32-byte(FIFO contains equal or more than 32-byte) in case of RTS trigger level is 32byte. (In AFC, nRTS means that its own receive FIFO is ready to receive data or not).






2.    DTR: 当设置AT+CSCLK=1 开启Sleep后(默认是关闭的)

When DTR is in high level and there is no on air and hardware interrupt (such as GPIO interrupt or data on serial port), SIM900 will enter SLEEP mode automatically.




即在串口驱动的PDD层中重写这个MDD层的纯虚函数virtual void    SetDTR(BOOL bSet) = 0;

这样你就可以通过调用API EscapeCommFunction(),设置参数CLRDTR 和 SETDTR来控制DTR。


3.    RI: 在sim900中,RI在待机中保持高电平,当有语音呼入,或者短信接入的时候会发生跳变,应此,我们可以将它接MCU的EINT 外部中断引脚,以便当系统进入Sleep时,当有短信来电时,可以唤醒系统。

4.    NRESET:通过外部引脚可以使模块复位,低电平有效。







if(!OpenPort(TEXT("COM1:"), 115200, 8, ONESTOPBIT, NOPARITY)) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Open Failed /r/n"))); return FALSE; } //Activate nDTR (hold low) EscapeCommFunction(g_hComm, SETDTR); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "RDY") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Sim9000 has been Initialized !/r/n"))); goto Release; } if(!OpenPort(TEXT("COM1:"), 9600, 8, ONESTOPBIT, NOPARITY)) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Open Failed /r/n"))); } //Sync WriteFile(g_hComm, "A", 1, &dwActlen, NULL); WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT/r", 3, &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Sync ! /r/n"))); } } 如果是首次初始化则会设置开启睡眠模式,以及设置波特率115200bps //Enable sleep mode WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT+CSCLK=1/r", strlen("AT+CSCLK=1/r"), &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Enable slow clock ! /r/n"))); } //Set baud to 115200bps WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT+IPR=115200/r", strlen("AT+IPR=115200/r"), &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Set baud to 115200bps ! /r/n"))); } if(!OpenPort(TEXT("COM1:"), 115200, 8, ONESTOPBIT, NOPARITY)) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Open Failed /r/n"))); return FALSE; } //Activate nDTR (hold low) EscapeCommFunction(g_hComm, SETDTR); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "RDY") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Sim9000 has been Initialized !/r/n"))); goto Release; } if(!OpenPort(TEXT("COM1:"), 9600, 8, ONESTOPBIT, NOPARITY)) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Open Failed /r/n"))); } //Sync WriteFile(g_hComm, "A", 1, &dwActlen, NULL); WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT/r", 3, &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Sync ! /r/n"))); } } 如果是首次初始化则会设置开启睡眠模式,以及设置波特率115200bps //Enable sleep mode WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT+CSCLK=1/r", strlen("AT+CSCLK=1/r"), &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Enable slow clock ! /r/n"))); } //Set baud to 115200bps WriteFile(g_hComm, "AT+IPR=115200/r", strlen("AT+IPR=115200/r"), &dwActlen, NULL); Sleep(200); memset(RecvBuf,0,sizeof(RecvBuf)); ReadFile(g_hComm, RecvBuf, 255, &dwActlen, NULL); if(strstr(RecvBuf, "OK") != NULL) { RETAILMSG(1, (TEXT("[GSM] Set baud to 115200bps ! /r/n"))); }







我的mux_sim900.reg 设置如下:

; COM1 for underlying GSM 07.10


        "ComPort"="COM1:"                      ;对应你连接sim900的物理UART

        "DefaultBaudRate"=dword:1C200         ; 115200   ;这2处的波特率只能为115200,原因请往下看。

        "BaudRate"=dword:1C200              ; 115200 

        "FrameOption"=dword:0               ; 1 - Advanced; 0 -Basic

        "FrameSize"=dword:0000007F          ; max data size





        "FriendlyName"="SIM900 MUX Modem"
























        "FriendlyName"="SIM900 MUX Port on COM3:"




        ; power manager enabled device driver


        ; GSM 07.10 specific

        "GSM_0710_DLCI"=dword:1     ; Rem: Dlci also define priority (lowest => low prio)

        "GSM_0710_TYPE"=dword:1     ; boolean: 1 (true) => AT cmd, 0 (false) => Data   

        ; monitor channel activity

        "GSM_0710_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT"=dword:2710      ; time-out on channel activity in ms

                                                    ; remark:

                                                    ; the Mux driver will notify the device

                                                    ; when this time-out expire

                                                    ; if there is no activity       







        "FriendlyName"="SIM900 MUX Port on COM4:"


        ; power manager enabled device driver


        ; GSM 07.10 specific

        "GSM_0710_DLCI"=dword:2     ; Rem: Dlci also define priority (lowest => low prio)

        "GSM_0710_TYPE"=dword:1     ; boolean: 1 (true) => AT cmd, 0 (false) => Data

        ; monitor channel activity

        "GSM_0710_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT"=dword:4E20      ; time-out on channel activity in ms

                                                    ; remark:

                                                    ; the Mux driver will notify the device

                                                    ; when this time-out expire

                                                    ; if there is no activity







        "FriendlyName"="SIM900 MUX Port on COM5:"


        ; power manager enabled device driver


        ; GSM 07.10 specific

        "GSM_0710_DLCI"=dword:3     ; Rem: Dlci also define priority (lowest => low prio)

        "GSM_0710_TYPE"=dword:1     ; boolean: 1 (true) => AT cmd, 0 (false) => Data

        ; monitor channel activity

        "GSM_0710_ACTIVITY_TIMEOUT"=dword:7530   ; time-out on channel activity in ms

                                                    ; remark:

                                                    ; the Mux driver will notify the device

                                                    ; when this time-out expire

                                                    ; if there is no activity




以上,我复用了3个端口,COM3,COM4,COM5,其中COM3 用于GPRS拨号,







