
Error:Flash Download Failed-"Cortex-M3"出现一般情况:



Reset — HW RESET performs a hardware reset by asserting the hardware reset (HW RESET) signal.
Reset — SYSRESETREQ performs a software reset by setting the SYSRESETREQ bit. The Cortex-M core and on-chip peripherals are reset.
Reset — VECTRESET performs a software reset by setting the VECTRESET bit. Only the Cortex-M core is reset. The on-chip peripherals are not affected. For some Cortex-M devices, VECTRESET is the only way to reset the core. VECTRESET is not supported on Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M1 cores.
Reset — Autodetect selects one of the above reset methods based on the target device. The SYSRESETREQ method is used if an unknown device is detected.


src\user\main.c(9): warning:  #1-D: last line of file ends without a newline




 error: L6235E: More than one section matches selector - cannot all be FIRST/LAST


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