聊到最近的一些编译坑,看谁曾经掉的比我深...*0*, 欢迎围观^_^

  • Can not find the tag library descriptor for "http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"    pager.tag

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  • Errors occurred during the build Errors running builder 'CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) Builder' on project 'demo.server' Unknown tag! pos=40 poolCount = 47

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评论:CDI不是重点,Unknown tag! pos=40 poolCount = 47 才是,我说的对么?


  •  Missing artifact com.***.**:jar:0.0.1

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评论:同在一个POM组 怎么就不能识别呢???

  • Expected value at 1:0    config.json    /demo/src/main/webapp/js/scripts/ueditor/jsp    line 1    JSON Problem

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评论:你如果不想检查json文件是否规范,可以去掉此类检查,这个是不是可以作为警告就醒了?还提示ERROR 汗。。。

  • Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type

ActionEnter cannot be resolved to a type    controller.jsp   /push/rc/main/webapp/js/scripts/ueditor/jsp    line 12    JSP Problem
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评论:不识别ActionEnter 类,这是 百度的文件工具,maven看到有 mini 但是加上之后不能用,于是用了git上的一个版本 拷贝ueditor-1.1.2.jar到工程里 再添加classpath即可

  • Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type

Expected name at 2:0    config.json    /push/src/main/webapp/js/ueditor/jsp    line 2    JSON Problem

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评论:版本问题 不识别注释块标记 /* */ 我调试了几次没弄好 最后把注释去掉 才没报错

  • Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type

The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.    show.html    /push/src/main/webapp/js/scripts/ueditor/dialogs/map    line 26    XHTML Problem

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评论:&和amp;是等价的 对js不熟,所以猜测仍是版本问题导致

  • An error has occurred. See error log for more details. org/mule/tooling/core/MuleRuntime

Errors occurred during the build.Errors running builder 'CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) Builder' on project 'demo'. Unknown tag! pos=40 poolCount = 47

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评论:Window->Preferences->JBoss Tools->Maven Intagration-> Uncheck "CDI Facet" THEN Project Properties->CDI Settings->Uncheck "CDI Support" 问题解决!

  • Description    ResourcePath    Location    Type    push      Unknown    Validation Message

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评论:windows-perference-Validation  Build列里面只保留  Classpath Dependency Validator选项,其他的勾去掉 ,Manual列不变

