using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BLL
public class ShortestPathEngine
private static ShortestPathEngine _instance;
/// 获取最短路径解析引擎实例
public static ShortestPathEngine GetInstance()
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new ShortestPathEngine();
return _instance;
#region (共有方法)
/// 获取开始节点到其它节点的最短路径集合
/// 开始节点
/// 目的节点
/// 地址表
/// 提示消息
/// 最短路径集合
public List GetShortestPath(string fromPoint, string toPoint, DataTable dt, out string msg)
msg = string.Empty;
List pointNameU = new List();//剩余顶点
List pointNameS = new List();//已求出最短路径的顶点的集合
List shortPathList = new List();//最短路径对象集合
List lastShortPathList = new List();//上一个最短路径对象集合
List notRemovePathList = new List();//未被移除的路径对象集合
pointNameU = GetAllPointName(dt);
bool isCheck = CheckPoint(pointNameU, fromPoint, toPoint, out msg);
if (!isCheck)
return null;
//---start 计算第一个最短路径
string nextPoint = fromPoint;//下个最短节点
string startPoint = fromPoint;//开始节点
int distance = GetDistance(fromPoint, nextPoint, dt);
string path = string.Format("{0},{1}", fromPoint, nextPoint);
new ShortPathList(shortPathList).AddShortPath(startPoint, nextPoint, path, distance);//添加到最短路径集合
List centerPointList = new List();//中间节点
ResolveCenterPointShortPaths(centerPointList, dt, pointNameU, pointNameS,
notRemovePathList, shortPathList, lastShortPathList, startPoint);
if (shortPathList == null || shortPathList.Count == 0)
msg = string.Format("不存在{0}节点到其它节点的最短路径", fromPoint);
return null;
return shortPathList;
msg = "最短路径计算失败,请重试";
return null;
/// 获取开始节点到目的节点的最短路径集合
/// 开始节点到其它节点的最短路径集合
/// 开始节点
/// 目的节点
/// 提示消息
/// 最短路径集合
public List GetShortPathListResult(List shortPathList, string fromPoint, string toPoint, out string msg)
msg = string.Empty;
List shortPathListResult = shortPathList.FindAll(p => p.fromPoint == fromPoint && p.toPoint == toPoint);
return shortPathListResult;
public DataTable GetResultPathDt(List shortPathList)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("开始节点", typeof(string));//开始节点
dt.Columns.Add("目的节点", typeof(string));//目的节点
dt.Columns.Add("里程", typeof(int));//距离
dt.Columns.Add("最短路径", typeof(string));//路径
foreach (ShortPath shortPath in shortPathList)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr["开始节点"] = shortPath.fromPoint;
dr["目的节点"] = shortPath.toPoint;
dr["里程"] = shortPath.distanceSum;
dr["最短路径"] = shortPath.path;
return dt;
#region (私有方法)
/// 批量解析中间节点最近的路径
/// 中间节点集合
/// 地址表
/// 剩余顶点
/// 已求出最短路径节点
/// 最短路径集合
/// 临时路径集合
private void ResolveCenterPointShortPaths(List centerPointList, DataTable dt, List pointNameU, List pointNameS,
List notRemovePathList, List shortPathList, List lastShortPathList, string startPoint)
List nextCenterPointListTemp = new List();//下一个中间节点集合
centerPointList = centerPointList.Distinct().ToList();
foreach (string centerPoint in centerPointList)
ResolveCenterPointShortPathFast(centerPoint, dt, pointNameU, pointNameS, nextCenterPointListTemp,
notRemovePathList, shortPathList, lastShortPathList, startPoint);
AddShortestFromNotMoveList(pointNameU, pointNameS, nextCenterPointListTemp, notRemovePathList, shortPathList, lastShortPathList, startPoint);
if (pointNameU.Count > 0 && nextCenterPointListTemp.Count > 0)//如果,还有剩余节点&有下个中间节点,则继续
ResolveCenterPointShortPaths(nextCenterPointListTemp, dt, pointNameU, pointNameS,
notRemovePathList, shortPathList, lastShortPathList, startPoint);
/// 解析单个中间节点最近的路径(更快更简单的算法)
/// 中间节点
/// 地址表
/// 剩余顶点
/// 已求出最短路径节点
/// 最短路径集合
/// 临时路径集合
private void ResolveCenterPointShortPathFast(string centerPoint, DataTable dt, List pointNameU, List pointNameS,
List nextCenterPointListTemp, List notRemovePathList, List shortPathList,
List lastShortPathList, string startPoint)
string strU = string.Join("','", pointNameU);
dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("fromPoint='{0}' and toPoint in('{1}')", centerPoint, strU);
dt.DefaultView.Sort = "distance asc";
DataTable dtFromPointPathALL = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();//中间节点的所有直接路径
#region (添加到未移除集合)
if (dtFromPointPathALL.Rows.Count > 0)
LastShortPath lastShortPath=null;
foreach (DataRow dr in dtFromPointPathALL.Rows)
string nextPoint = dr["toPoint"].ToString();
string path = string.Format("{0},{1}", centerPoint, nextPoint);
int distanceSum = GetDistance(centerPoint, nextPoint, dt);
if (lastShortPathList.Count == 0)//无上次最短节点
notRemovePathList.Add(new NotRemovePath
path = path,
distanceSum = distanceSum,
toPoint = nextPoint
lastShortPath = lastShortPathList.Find(p => p.lastPoint == centerPoint);
path = string.Format("{0},{1}", lastShortPath.path, nextPoint);
distanceSum = lastShortPath.distanceSum + distanceSum;
notRemovePathList.Add(new NotRemovePath
path = path,
distanceSum = distanceSum,
toPoint = nextPoint
if (lastShortPath != null)
/// 获取两节点距离
/// 开始节点
/// 目的节点
/// 地址表
/// 距离
private int GetDistance(string fromPoint, string toPoint, DataTable dt)
dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("fromPoint='{0}' and toPoint='{1}' ", fromPoint, toPoint);
DataTable dtDistance = dt.DefaultView.ToTable();
if (dtDistance != null && dtDistance.Rows.Count > 0)
return int.Parse(dtDistance.Rows[0]["distance"].ToString());
return 0;
/// 获取所有去重后顶点
/// 顶点路径表
private List GetAllPointName(DataTable dt)
List pointNameU = new List();
DataTable dtFromPoint = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[] { "fromPoint" });
dtFromPoint.Columns["fromPoint"].ColumnName = "pointName";
DataTable dtToPoint = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[] { "toPoint" });
dtToPoint.Columns["toPoint"].ColumnName = "pointName";
DataTable dtPointName = dtFromPoint.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[] { "pointName" });
if (dtPointName != null && dtPointName.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach (DataRow drPoint in dtPointName.Rows)
return pointNameU;
/// 将notRemovePathList最短路径集合添加到最短路径
private static void AddShortestFromNotMoveList(List pointNameU, List pointNameS, List nextCenterPointListTemp, List notRemovePathList, List shortPathList, List lastShortPathList, string startPoint)
if (notRemovePathList.Count == 0)
NotRemovePath notRemovePathTemp = notRemovePathList.OrderBy(p => p.distanceSum).First();
List notRemovePathListTemp = notRemovePathList.FindAll(p => p.distanceSum == notRemovePathTemp.distanceSum);
foreach (NotRemovePath notRemovePath in notRemovePathListTemp)
string nextPoint = notRemovePath.toPoint;
string path = notRemovePath.path;
int distanceSum = notRemovePath.distanceSum;
new ShortPathList(shortPathList).AddShortPath(startPoint, nextPoint, path, distanceSum);
lastShortPathList.Add(new LastShortPath()
lastPoint = nextPoint,
distanceSum = distanceSum,
path = path
List notRemovePaths = notRemovePathList.FindAll(p => p.toPoint == nextPoint);
foreach (NotRemovePath item in notRemovePaths)
if (item != null)
// RecordNotRemovePath(centerPoint, dt, pointNameU, notRemovePathList, strU, distance);
/// 校验节点是否在地址表里
/// 所有顶点
/// 开始节点
/// 目的节点
/// 提示消息
/// 成功与否
private bool CheckPoint(List pointNameU, string fromPoint, string toPoint, out string msg)
msg = "节点在地址表内";
if (!pointNameU.Contains(fromPoint))
msg = "开始节点不在地址表内";
return false;
if (!pointNameU.Contains(toPoint))
msg = "结束节点不在地址表内";
return false;
return true;