
转自 https://iphone2020.wordpress.com/2012/10/01/uitableview-tricks-part-2-infinite-scrolling/, 感谢作者!

Last time I posted about the UITableView Tricks to lay the cells of the tablview in Circular fashion. It was well received by the community and thank you all for your feedback and compliments. 

I received many requests for making this circular list scroll infinitely as with UIPickerView, which means that the list repeats forever. It really makes sense just because the list itself is in circular fashion and user expect the content to repeat, without him/her having to scroll back to top.

I came across the 2011 WWDC video – Advanced Scrollview Techniques which provides the best feasible solution to support infinite scrolling. Many attempts have been made before to find a solution by having the height of the scrollview’s content size to a large number so that it takes days, if not AGES for a user to get to the end point. But it was never a complete solution.


I went a bit closer to the perfect solution and here it is. The goal here is to provide a generic solution to a UITableView while having the user/ developer to do minimum or ZERO changes. This lead me to create a subclass of UITableView, and named as BBTableView


By using BBTableView,  a developer has to do ZERO changes ( some minor changes for additional functionality, explained later ) to enable infinite scrolling. 


Behind the scenes:


 The core logic of this solution is


1. To increase the tableview content by a factor of 3, so that we make the 3 copies of the content laid one after another vertically. 

2. Whenever the top end of the scroll is reached, move the the scroll offset back to start of the 2nd copy

3. When the bottom end of the scroll is reached, we move the scroll offset back to the start of the 2nd copy minus the height of the tableview, so that we end up showing the same content as we are now.


This solution did bring an obstacle to my goal of making this component as a Drag-n-Drop component. i.e. Making 2 additional copies of rows provided by datasource also changes the index paths used in datasource or delegate methods that are propagated to the component user, a developer who would use this component.

This can be avoided by intercepting the delegate or datasource methods to morph the index paths exchanged between the UITableView and the its datasource or delegate methods.

Thanks Evadne Wu , for allowing me to use the interceptor component written by her.

Two  properties have been added to BBTableView,

a. contentAlignment

Allows the change the direction of the semi-circle. It supports two directions


eBBTableViewContentAlignmentRight Layouts the circle Clockwise

eBBTableViewContentAlignmentRight – Layouts the circle Anti-Clockwise

b. enableInfiniteScrolling

    set YES to enable infinite scrolling. NO to reset to default scrolling behavior of UITableView


As every software, this component too have its Cons:

1. Since the issue with Index Paths resolved by intercepting delegate / datasource methods, Any additions or modifications to UITableView datasource/ delegate methods involving index path, requires a change to counterpart datasource / delegate methods implemented in BBTableView. However, on a good note, this change includes only getting the morphed index path and calling appropriate method on the receiver of Datasource interceptor.

A  sample intercepted Datasource method would look like:

  ( UITableViewCell * ) tableView: ( UITableView * ) tableView  cellForRowAtIndexPath: ( NSIndexPath  * ) indexPath
     return  [ _dataSourceInterceptor . receiver  tableView: tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: MORPHED_INDEX_PATH ( indexPath )];



Check the source code updated in github here https://github.com/bharath2020/UITableViewTricks
