March to the park

    The ants were getting ready to work.It was a fine day, to go to work, in the park.

    Don't forget, said dexter.The leader ant.We are a team, we work together, and we will share, all the food we find.

    All the ants nodded their heads.

  All but one, his name was Rudy,And he had a plan.

  The ants  marched to the park, they looked around and smiles, all over the park, they saw people having, picnics.They were sendwhich es, cookies, and chips laid out on paper plates.

  This way, said Dexter, and all the ants turned left.

  All but one ,Rudy  wanted to be a star, he wanted to show Dexter That, he was the strongest and smartest ant on the team.

    So rudy  turned right.

    The ants marched up to one blanket.

Oh wow said, dexter, we will carry a feast of, crumbs back home.

    Dexter told the team what to do.The ants picked up sandwhich crumbs,and cookie crumbs and chip crumbs. all the ants picked up the crumbs.

    All but one ant.

    Rudy was all alone, Storing up, at a big fat slice of cake.To the little ant, the cake was as big as a mountain!Rudy looked back  at the other ants.They were all busy, helping to pick up  crumbs.

    I will be a star.thought Rudy.I will carry home this big, fat slice of cake all by myself.

    Rudy tried to lift one side of the cake,But it would not move.He tried to Lift on the other side.But it would not move, then he had an idea.

  If I eat, a bit of cake, I can get under it.Then I can lift the cake on my back.thought Rudy, yes, that will work.

    So rudy, ate a bit of cake.Then he got under it, he tried to lift the big fat slice of cake.He lifted it a little.Then, he lifted it some more.The cake went up… up… and then it came down-Right on top of Ruby.

Help, help, he cried.I'm struck under the cake.He waved his back legs, hoping someone would see him.

    Dexter heard Rudy's Cry.

Come on, Dexter shouted.He led the whole team, to help Rudy.eight ants lifted, one side, of the cake.Eight ants lifted on the other side of the cake.Up…up…up…And Rudy was free!

  Rudy wiped the frosting form his face.Thank you he said.I'm so glad that I am part of this team.

    It looks like there is plenty of food to share.Dexter said with a grin.Let's eat.!


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