

安卓混合开发应用中,本地服务service接收服务器推送的告警消息,收到告警消息后发送通知Notification,当点击通知栏上的告警消息,需要跳转到前端实现的某个 历史告警信息页面,即在发送通知的pendingIntent中要传递 前端告警页面的url信息。问题出现为每次点击跳转后,intent中的参数url传递过去始终为空:

Intent intent1 = new Intent(mContext, WebViewActivity.class);

Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
AFLog.d(TAG,"#####notification intent1=" + intent1.toString());
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent1, 0);
AFLog.d(TAG,"#####notification pi=" + pi.toString());


if (null != intent) {
    Bundle data = intent.getExtras();
    AFLog.d(TAG, "#####data = "+ (null ==data ? null : data.toString()));
    if (null != data){
        String url  = data.getString("url");
        AFLog.d(TAG, "#####url = "+ url);


05-16 14:12:25.231 26313 26313 D WebViewActivity: #####data = null



刚开始分析问题时总以为是自己代码在某个步骤将intent的传递参数漏掉了,后台在每一处传递都增加了日志显示,并没有问题,而且intent指定的跳转Activity 是能正常找到并启动的,也进入该Acitivity的onCreate 的生命周期,但是就是无法获取参数,百思不得其解。甚至开始将跳转的Activity改成单例模式 :



protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
    AFLog.d(TAG, "#####onNewIntent intent="+ ((null == intent)? null: intent.toString()));
    if (null != intent) {
        Bundle data = intent.getExtras();
        AFLog.d(TAG, "#####data = "+ (null ==data ? null : data.toString()));
        if (null != data){
            String url  = data.getString("url");
            AFLog.d(TAG, "#####url = "+ url);

去获取参数,依然为空。我当然也知道这个问题和Activity的 launch mode 方式没有关系,但是人就是如此,当找不到问题的真正原因时,只能够在已有的观念中去怀疑,去尝试,所以有时候会因为自己的无知而怀疑人生。


最终还是通过网络找到了其他人的分析结果,刚开始其实就在查找是不是Notification 的使用问题,但是没有找到正确的方案,真正原因如下所示:


public @interface Flags {}

 * Flag indicating that this PendingIntent can be used only once.
 * For use with {@link #getActivity}, {@link #getBroadcast}, and
 * {@link #getService}. 

If set, after * {@link #send()} is called on it, it will be automatically * canceled for you and any future attempt to send through it will fail. */ public static final int FLAG_ONE_SHOT = 1<<30; /** * Flag indicating that if the described PendingIntent does not * already exist, then simply return null instead of creating it. * For use with {@link #getActivity}, {@link #getBroadcast}, and * {@link #getService}. */ public static final int FLAG_NO_CREATE = 1<<29; /** * Flag indicating that if the described PendingIntent already exists, * the current one should be canceled before generating a new one. * For use with {@link #getActivity}, {@link #getBroadcast}, and * {@link #getService}.

You can use * this to retrieve a new PendingIntent when you are only changing the * extra data in the Intent; by canceling the previous pending intent, * this ensures that only entities given the new data will be able to * launch it. If this assurance is not an issue, consider * {@link #FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT}. */ public static final int FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT = 1<<28; /** * Flag indicating that if the described PendingIntent already exists, * then keep it but replace its extra data with what is in this new * Intent. For use with {@link #getActivity}, {@link #getBroadcast}, and * {@link #getService}.

This can be used if you are creating intents where only the * extras change, and don't care that any entities that received your * previous PendingIntent will be able to launch it with your new * extras even if they are not explicitly given to it. */ public static final int FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT = 1<<27; /** * Flag indicating that the created PendingIntent should be immutable. * This means that the additional intent argument passed to the send * methods to fill in unpopulated properties of this intent will be * ignored. */ public static final int FLAG_IMMUTABLE = 1<<26;


PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(mContext, 0, intent1, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);



