第1节 集群渲染管理软件(Render Management Softeware)
1.1开源LuxRender 渲染系统
LuxRender是一个开源的免费渲染系统,当前可以使用在Blender, Maya, XSI and C4D软件下。LuxRender is a new open source software rendering system forphysically correct, unbiased image synthesis. Rendering with LuxRender meanssimulating the flow of light according to physical equations, thus producingrealistic images of photographic quality.
The program is based on the PBRT project, but differs from thatprogram by focusing on production rendering and artistic efficiency instead ofscientific purposes.
DrQueue is a powerful open source distributed render farm manager,used for a range of applications across the visual effects industry and forgeneral batch processing jobs in science, engineering and finance.
What is DrQueue
DrQueue started as an applications to provide distributed renderqueueing and management services for rendering animations.
The generic service DrQueue provides allows the distribution,monitoring and management of tasks across a network of computing nodes. A queueof jobs composing of a number of tasks are spread over the computing nodes andprocessed in parallel.
DrQueue Usage
Most widely used in the visual effects and computer graphicsindustry, DrQueue is a popular distributed rendering manager. DrQueuedistributes and manages scriptsallowing virtually any batch process to bemanaged across one or more clusters from within a single application.
A task in DrQueue is composed of multiple jobs all of which requirea script which is distributed to the nodes of the cluster and provides themeans to complete the task. Writing efficient scripts can be difficult as suchDrQueue provides a number of script generators covering the major renderengines and general batch processing applications. We also offer a range ofdevelopment options to extend current functionality and will add further ScriptGenerators on request.
Supported Platforms andOperating Systems
DrQueue supports Linux, MacOS X, Irix, FreeBSD and Windows. DrQueue supportsmixed platform clusters and also mixed processor architectures. (It is possibleto mix 32 and 64 bit machines!)
1.2.1 DrQueue Python API与DrQueueIPython
DrQueue includes python bindings that provide you with a completeset of calls, object and data types to create all kind of tools, clients,interfaces, daemons or whatever you might need not found in the trunk code.
DrQueue是一个强大的开源分布式渲染管理器,它被用在可视化技术行业的大量应用程序并行处理以及商业、工程与科学领域的大量批处理中。Drqueue 是一个开放源码的集群渲染管理软件,目前支持Maya 8的任务提交,其他支持软件包括mental ray、shake、Renderman、Blender 3D等。Drqueue有一个用Drkeewee服务程序来通信转递渲染任务的情况,这些都可以通过Drqman图形界面来操作渲染任务的停止、重启、优先级别等。目前在国内外都有一些小的项目在使用Drqueue,比如Martian Labs,《加勒比海盗》、《驱魔人》等。
1.2.2 应用案例
Bill Nighy plays Davey Jones in Pirates of the Carribean: DeadMan&apos’s Chest. The crew of the Flying Dutchman and many other specialeffects all used DrQueue as the render manager. 加勒比海盗:亡灵宝藏/神鬼奇航:聚魂棺(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)中的特效制作实用的是DrQueue。
Corefarm is a place where you can either submit your Yafarayrendering job or participate to other users' rendering tasks. Corefarm splitsyour job in several small pieces and distributes them across the internet,leading to impressive rendering times.
1.4开源Blender渲染管理软件Loki Render
Loki Render distributes the rendering of Blender 3D images (frames)across several computers, thus decreasing the overall time needed forrendering. This is commonly referred to as a "render farm","distributed network rendering", or similar.
Farmerjoe is a distributedrendering system for Blender, it does both frame based distribution and bucketbased (single frame) distribution, it has a web gui and is fairly easy to setup
2.Axceleon EnFuzion(render farm management software)
EnFuzion is a render farmmanagement software for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and it supports all majorrendering packages.
EnFuzion是目前世界上最成熟的分布式并行计算解决方案之一,EnFuzion的开发公司——Axceleon在科学计算、电子工业、金融行业、生命科学、CAD/CAM制造业、政府和教育等行业有着10年的并行计算开发经验,其产品包括用于各个行业的EnFuzion网格计算解决方案,以及专门针对动画影视行业的EnFuzion forRender Farm,为广播电视、电影特效以及三维动画用户快速、稳定、容易使用的集群渲染解决方案。
EnFuzion的国外客户包括美国第二大投资银行摩根士丹利、澳大利亚最大的保险公司和银行AMP资产管理集团、波音公司、Europpean Synchroton Facility 公司、Procteerand Gammble 公司、宝洁公司、洛克菲勒大学、耶鲁大学、麻省理工大学等世界知名科研机构构和商业公司,其EnFuzion专门针对影视动画行业,为广播电视、电影特效以及三维动画用户快速、稳定、容易使用的集群渲染解决方案。惠普公司为迪斯尼构建的 Render Farm,在2004年世界500强超级计算机名列第57位,在电影制作公司是第1位,当时采用是900颗Intel Xeon 3.06 GHz处理器和Platform LSF与EnFuzion集群管理软件。
同时,Axceleon Enfuzion 是国内最早建立集群渲染的管理软件,央视动画股份有限公司(原中央电视台动画制作中心)早在2002年就开始使用渲染农场,他们从美国定制了使用EnFuzion与LSF构建渲染集群的解决方案,北京强氧科技发展有限公司为其提供相关的技术支持。这样,央视动画股份有限公司(原中央电视台动画制作中心)在命令行形式的EnFuzion内核的基础上自主研发了中文图形用户界面,一直使用到现在,而且EnFuzion是从各种规模的数字内容产品制作公司都适合的管理软件。
EnFuzion is a render farmmanagement software for Windows, Linux, OS X, and it supports all majorrendering packages. It works with Autodesk 3ds Max 8; Autodesk Maya 8 Linux;Autodesk Maya 8 Mac OS X; Autodesk Maya 8 Windows。
2.1 EnFuzion渲染农场的功能特性
(1)EnFuzion不限平台,几乎支持所有的Windows、Os X、Linux版本,包括支持64位操作系统,可以为最新的64位的渲染系统环境,最大的获取硬件性能;
(2)Tile Render(单帧分割渲染技术)
EnFuzion为Maya Software Render、Mental Ray以及RenderMan提供Tile Render功能,允许将一帧画面分割成若干画面进行渲染。对于复杂场景的高分辨率渲染任务,可以大大提高效率。
EnFuzion支持tile rendering(片面渲染)方式,可以将一帧高分辨率的图像,分割成若干画面进行渲染,并且可以设置融合边的宽度,对于复杂计算和电影分辨率渲染尤其有效,这个功能受限于渲染引擎,可以支持mental ray渲染器、Maya扫描线渲染器与Renderman渲染器。此单帧分割渲染可以是队列的,而不像Muster的简单功能,只能对一帧进行分割渲染。结合分层渲染,此功能能够实现对超过2K以上分辨率的图像进行快速求解。
EnFuzion对mental ray有很优秀的支持,为大规模使用mental ray进行渲染的时候,使用其他分发软件只是在第一次分发任务时可以渲染成功,但不能自动获取下一个任务来继续工作,要重启才行。
EnFuzion为After Effects、3DS Max、Fusion、Maya、XSI、RenderMan for Maya提供插件,可以在软件内部通过菜单提交渲染任务。
EnFuzion for Render Farm提供缩略图浏览方式,方便艺术家浏览渲染结果,并且直接在缩略图浏览器中观看最终图像和最终动画。Enfuzion生成的缩略图文件可以通过网络,直接播放动画序列。这个功能对于艺术家来说很实用,可以方便地查看渲染结果是否是需要的艺术效果,查看缩略图,能大大减低对网络带宽的压力。
用户现有的应用程序如动画制作软件如Maya/XSI/3DS Max等无需修改就可以与EnFuzion 结合使用;在操作过程中,用户只需要指定简单的参数或命令,剩下的工作就可以交给EnFuzion 渲染农场来自动完成;而且EnFuzion 还提供图形化的界面以方便用户的使用。
动画制作过程中的矢量化和合成任务比较适合在夜间和周末利用工作站均处于轻载状态时完成,但是由于周末和夜间均属于无人值守时间,因此如果一旦出现作业运行失败和负载不平衡的现象,就会在相当大的程度上影响生产。而EnFuzion 可以全自动地进行故障切换,当某个节点发生故障的时候,任务自动转移到其他计算服务器,从而确保并行作业执行时所有相关CPU 和服务器都达到负载均衡,并支持在执行过程中支持断点续做功能。
EnFuzion’s flexible networkmanagement tools allow monitoring and scheduling of jobs within the virtualsupercomputer.
EnFuzion拥有一个基于Java 的GUI,用户可在EnFuzion 中对节点进行控制;用户可根据CPU 空闲时间、CPU 负载状况、处理队列的长度等条件对工作片进行定制;整个并行操作执行中,EnFuzion 随时提供状态信息表;EnFuzion 可以通过网络安装和升级,且整个安装都在根节点上完成。
The Application ProgrammingInterface (API) allows transparent integration with custom applications andsupports common programming languages including C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, andshell scripts.
EnFuzion has a socket based textinterface and an HTTP based interface for integration with other programs. TheEnFuzion API provides users with a way to achieve the ultimate level ofintegration and customization.
EnFuzion允许透明地集成定制的应用程序,并支持大部分编程语言,如C、C++、Java、Perl、Python 和shell 脚本等编程语言。
提供的EnFuzion for Render Farm专门用于任务管理,可以监视各个任务的渲染进程,可以停止、重启渲染任务。
构建EnFuzion并行集群无需专门的机器设备,只需利用用户原有的机器设备即可。矢量化和合成任务比较适合在夜间和周末利用工作站均处于轻载状态时完成,而EnFuzion 可以使您在晚上或空闲时间进行并行计算,可有效提高投资回报。经过十几年的实际运行和不断修正,Enfuzion的内核已非常稳定,能够保证系统正常运行。
For moreinformation on some of the technology behind EnFuzion and its related researchproject Nimrod, see Nimrod. (http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davida/nimrod.html)
EnFuzion软件的国内渲染农场用户有央视动画股份有限公司(原中央电视台动画制作部)、中国电影集团华龙电影数字制作有限公司(www.hualong-digital.com)、北京天文馆等。其中,华龙电影数字制作有限公司使用EnFuzion 作为并行计算集群软件,把现有的普通计算机网络变成一台高速、容错、高可用性的超级计算机。不仅提供了一个可扩展的安全的具有容错能力的并行计算环境,而且保护了原有资源,大大提高了计算效率,使得以前需要几天才能完成的工作现在只需要几个小时就作完了,给华龙电影数字制作公司带来了巨大受益。央视动画股份有限公司(原中央电视台动画制作部)使用了一套由100 台HP主机组成的并行集群渲染系统,它使用Turbo Linux操作系统(Turbo Linux现属于日本公司),采用Platform LSF 5 和EnFuzion集群管理软件进行任务的管理和调度。
虽然Enfuzion具有良好的容错功能,当网络数据太大,硬件出现瓶颈的时候,渲染就会出现问题,这是所有管理软件都要面对的。除了优秀的容错功能外,我们提供配套的辅助软件,能够自动检测丢帧情况,并目修复损坏的帧。通过著名的图像软件技术公司The Foundry独特的光学流插值技术,可以很容易修复丢帧或者损坏的帧。这对于制作时间紧迫的电视台项目来说,尤其有用。
2.2 EnFuzion的研究机构
研发机构:Monash University's ParallelParametric Modelling Engine(蒙纳士大学参数模型工程中心),网址是http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~davida/nimrod.html/
应用研究机构:加拿大蒙纳士大学(Monash University),美国耶鲁大学(Yale University),格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)和 University of Chile等。
3.Virtual Vertex Muster(Cross-platform distributedrendering management system)
3.1 Muster简介
Muster is Virtual Vertex suite of applications to monitor andcontrol a pool of hosts dedicated to distributed processing. Focused on thefilm/video segment, Muster take cares of the entire rendering pipeline, fromthe artists workstation to the rendering hosts, the so called Renderfarm.Muster has been created as an external plug-in for professional 3D contentcreation packages. Muster is a suite of applications specifically designed tomanage complex and multi-platform render farms. In the digital content creationindustry, the term render farm is used to describe a set of computers fully orpartially dedicated to the creation of digital images. This process is commonlycalled “rendering” and the resulting images “rendered images”.
Muster is a client/server suite of applications that providesproduction’s supervisor the right tools to manage their render farm even ifcomposed of hundreds of computers.
Muster是美国VirtualVertex公司的一种管理跨平台多媒体渲染集群的软件,它较早拥有图形化界面进行任务分发管理的软件之一,也可以说Muster是最先以GUI界面获得客户好感的管理软件,而且价格较低,是小型数字内容产品制作公司的最佳选择。Virtual Vertex是美国一家年轻的小型软件开发公司,公司规模在5人左右,到2008年Muster已有6年的发展历史。但是,Musteris designed to work with separate rendering nodes. 采用的是点对点(P2P)技术实现方式,不适合构建多集群渲染系统。
3.2 Muster的功能特性
Muster is a dynamic service. Ittakes care of managing the remote hosts, control them and check for faults. Anyaddition to the hosts pool can be done without any interruption in therendering pipeline.
You can add a host, propagateconfigurations, remove it or reconfigure on the fly. Any change is detected byMuster that makes sure your renderings will still continue in any circumstance.
You are even able to installMuster remotely using our Management Console tool with no need of aninteractive login on the host.
Muster是一个动态服务器。你可以从render farm上连接或断开机器,不需要停下你的渲染程序。 Muster将认可每个在FARM上的修改,并透明的记录活动的渲染。
The code base of Muster commandline tools and services is fully cross platform compatible. You can expect thesame behaviour across Windows, Linux and MAC OS X and choose to deploy yourrender engines on the best operating system for your environment giving youhigh flexibility.
Mixed environments are fullysupported using our internal substitution path engine, allowing the exchange ofpath's prefixes between hosts as well as customizing different local paths onthe user side. Users may work remotely, upload the files on the farm and sendjobs using their local path by using a dedicated user account.
Muster支持多平台的渲染客户端,服务器端与客户端可以安装在不同的平台上。虽然Muster支持多平台的渲染客户端,但Muster需要使用Windows 操作系统平台作为渲染器,但可以使用Linux和Mac OS X作为渲染服务器。
The new template engine in Muster5 introduced a powerful abstraction layer between the Muster logic and the enduser render engines (or distributed processes). Using a macro language, endusers can configure the hosts behaviours for every kind of custom process,customize the appearance and the attributes of the submission panel and evencustomize the existing templates.
Muster comes with a set oftemplates that supports jobs for Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3D Studio Max, NewtekLightwave, Softimage|XSI, Cinema 4D, Alias Studio, Combustion, Digital Fusionand Adobe After Effects as well as custom render engines like Turtle, Rendermanand Mental ray in both embedded plug-in versions and/or stand alone versions.
Muster 5.4支持Alias|Wavefront Maya,Softimage|3D, Softimage|XSI, Newtek Lightwave, 3D Studio Max Apple Shake, AdobeAfter Effects, Mental Ray for Maya or Standalone等渲染引擎。
(4)Single image slicing
With render engines that are ableto render custom regions of still frames, Muster is able to dispatch singleframe images across multiple hosts by dividing them in several slices, renderthem on the free hosts, and then assemble them back in the final images. Apartfrom previewing final size renderings, you can forget long waits for printsized images by distributing them across several hosts at high resolutions.
Muster 可以使用某些引擎的区域分割渲染功能,通过几台机器分别进行同一个图象的渲染。
3.2 Muster的不足(参见Muster User Manual)
(1)Muster isdesigned to work with separate rendering nodes. 采用的是点对点的技术实现方式,不适合构建多集群渲染系统。
(2)虽然Muster支持多平台的渲染客户端,但Muster需要使用Windows 操作系统平台作为渲染器,但可以使用Linux和Mac OS X作为渲染服务器。虽然能跨平台渲染动画,但是必须要求动画软件本身的支持。如对于3DSMAX等只有windows版本的软件而言,还不能完全彻底的“跨平台”,实现linux等平台下渲染3dsmax项目;
Dispatcher service and Renderclient service available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, but Notificatorapplet for Windows, Explorer, real-time user interface, available for Windowsonly,Client Management Console,configuration tool, available for Windows only.
4.Prime Focus Deadline(原名Frantic Film Deadline)
4.1 Prime Focus Deadline简介
● Deadline还拥有友好直观的用户界面,没有缓慢的页面、晦涩难懂的术语和运行怪异的多平台用户界面窗口部件,取而代之的是一个单一完整的Monitor用户界面;
● 不但支持所有标准命令行渲染工具,还带有针对3ds max、After Effects、Blender、Cinema 4D、Digital Fusion、Houdini、Lightwave、Maya、Nuke、Realflow、Toxik、XSI等软件的专用接口,增强了报错功能,提高了效率和可配置性;
● 全面的工作(Job)规划选项:数字优先级、渲染机群、并发限制组和特定工作机器名单等选项允许用户不仅可以控制多个部门渲染资源的分配,还可以处理有限许可插件和渲染包;
● 管理和审查,可选择密码保护,任何对工作(Job)、任务(Task)及渲染节点(Slave)的更改都可被记录并跟踪;
● 集成远程管理工具,如:设备统计报告(CPU、磁盘空间、内存、操作系统及服务包)、远程启动、停止、重启渲染节点程序和设备、在远程设备上执行任意命令行;
● 远程错误报告:直接向Frantic Films Software报告渲染错误和一般应用程序错误,缩短了停工期并加快问题的解决。
Deadline 是著名的Frantic Films电影特效制作公司开发的基于Windows 的网络渲染管理系统,允许你在Windows上排列和分配,管理电影序列的渲染工作,提供强大高效的3D和2D网络渲染解决方案。Deadling是在制作公司成长起来的最贴近用户的方案,其用户除了Frantic Films自己以外,还有著名的暴雪游戏公司,对于小型的制作公司,特别3d max用户来说,是不错的选择。
4.2 Prime Focus Deadline的功能特性
(1)支持几乎所有的渲染引擎,如Maya, 3ds Max, XSI, Lightwave,Houdini, Cinema 4D, Blender, Viz, Fusion, After Effects, Nuke, Toxik, Vue等。
(2)支持Real Flow流体计算软件。
(3)Deadline整合了Render Pass Manger管理软件,使它能够为3DS Max提供最优秀的支持,如在同一台机器上调用多个3DS Max版本进行渲染。
5.PipelineFX Qube!(Render farm management software)
Render farm management software -for distributed builds, rendering, and production pipelines.
5.1 Qube!简介
Qube!isthe ultimate render farm management system for film studios and game teams.Built on a client-server architecture, Qube generates, prioritizes, dispatchesand oversees render and build jobs.
Pipeline FX Qube以其高贵的出生和传奇的经历获得了最多的关注,早在2001年,square USA组建了1500颗CPU的render farm系统,并且开发了SQB管理工具用于渲染动画电影《最终幻想》和《骇客帝国》。随后,SQB发行了商业版本,就是现在的Qube。优秀的性能,它已经在《最终幻想》和《蚂蚁雄兵》、《怪物史莱克》等动画电影得到应用。
5.2 Qube!的功能特性
(2)Qube!在应用层面上完全整合了Maya、3DS Max、softimage XSI、 After Effect、shake、Nuke 和Light wave3d等软件,与各个软件开发公司建立了良好的合作关系。另外,Qube!支持大多数其他接受命令行的程序。
6.Rush Network Render Queue
Rush is the industry standardsolution for managing and accelerating batch queuing in production pipelines. Itworks with Autodesk Maya 8 Windows; Autodesk Maya 8 Linux; Autodesk Maya 8 MacOS X; Autodesk 3ds Max 9; Autodesk Combustion 4 Windows; Autodesk Combustion 4Mac OS X.
The Rush render queue allows usersto manage jobs. A 'job' is usually just a range of frames that need to berendered. To start a job you need to run a Submit Script, which contains: theinstructions defining the job, the frame range to be rendered, which machinesare to be used for rendering, the 'priority' the job should run at, thepathname of the Render Script for rendering frames, etc.
7.Royal Render
Royal Render has powerful featuresyou won't find in any render farm package on this world. Take a look at thefeature list.
In every little part of RoyalRender we implemented intelligent algorithms instead of old and stupidfunctions that you will find everywhere.
Our philosophy is to think about anew feature, how to improve it, how to get the best performance for your renderjobs on the farm. Use innovative algorithms and hide the complex architecturefrom the user for a fast and easy use.
Reduce the administration time,use your time for important stuff.Use Royal Render, become a member of the upperclass.
Royal Render支持Max、Maya、XSI以及Fusion、Shake、Nuke、AE、CB等主流后期合成软件,有很好的图形化用户界面,支持自动开机、自动关机、自动校验渲染后的图像是否是坏帧,以及删除坏帧后自动重新提交等功能。Royal Render的渲染节点(Slaves)、渲染作业提交端、文件服务器(File Server)都可以运行在Linux、Windows操作系统平台上,但Royal控制主机(Royal Server)只能运行在Windows服务器上。当前的最新版本是5.7。
RenderPal V2 is a professionalRender Management System, dedicated to distributed rendering across largerender farms. From the artist's workstation to the rendering machines,RenderPal V2 takes care of the entire rendering pipeline.
RenderPal V2 offers unrivalledfeatures in an intuitive, easy to use way. With its proven stability and vastamount of features, it delivers an enterprise level solution for distributedprocessing.
Supporting more than 25 renderersand compositing applications out of the box, including Maya, Mental Ray, XSI,3D Studio MAX, Lightwave, Maxwell, Shake, After Effects and more, RenderPal V2is the number one choice for a solid Render Management System.
Far beyond the mere render farmcontrol, the Smedge system is designed to accurately and efficiently distributeabsolute anything. If it can be divided up, Smedge can manage it. All Jobinterface and control is managed as a unique "Product" in the system.You can easily customize and add Products of your own with simple text files,or you can use the Smedge 3 Application Programming Interface to write your owncustom Modules for the Smedge system.
Smedge 3 ships with a large varietyof Modules to control most of today's popular animation and compositing tools.Most of the application specific Modules can be easily customized to add newversions easily. For more pipeline specific customization, a system of"Virtual Modules" can be used to streamline Job submission and errordetection. Finally, if you really want to go to town, you can use the Smedge 3API to write your own Modules that can do anything you can dream of with acomputer.
Smedge currently includes Modulesto render:3D Studio Max、、After Effects、Air、Alias Studio、Blender、Cinema 4D、Combustion、Digital Fusion、finalRender for Maya、Lightwave、Maya、MayaMan、mental ray for Maya、mental ray standalone、Nuke、RenderMan for Maya、Shake、Turtle for Maya、Viz、XSI.
(1)支持Maya、3DMax、LuxRender、XSI、Vue、Shake、Blender、Nuke、V-ray、Terragen、FusionCmd、RIB、Cinema4D、mental ray、ParticleIllusion、Frame Fixer、After Effects、Houdini等众多常用渲染引擎,并可根据用户需要定制插件;
比较 项目 |
Axceleon EnFuzion 9.1 |
Pipeline FX Qube!5.3 |
Virtual Vertex Muster 5.5 |
Frantic Film Deadline 3.0 |
厂商 资历 |
美国Axceleon公司是专门从事高性能计算研究和软件开发的公司,已有30年网格计算研究。产品线包括EnFuzion和EnFuzion 3D,针对不同的应用行业都有接口程序 |
Pipeline FX是美国游戏公司SQUARE USA的程序开发小组于2003年独立出来的软件公司,产品线只有Qube! |
Virtual Vertex是一个在美国的小型软件开发公司,公司规模在5人左右,成立于2002年,产品线只有Muster |
Frantic Film是著名的电影特效制作公司,其灯光组兼软件开发任务,其软件为Inhousu类型的软件,商业目的不强。产品线包括Deadline、Floor,3DS Max插件和Fusion插件等 |
涉及 行业 |
金融、石油、教育、HPC、影视动画、游戏 |
影视动画、游戏 |
影视动画 |
影视特效、游戏 |
成熟程度 |
很成熟 |
一般 |
一般 |
处于开发阶段 |
稳定性 |
内核已很稳定 |
5.4之前的版本有渲染节点占用100%CPU资源的问题 |
2.7版本中出现了因CPU占用100%导致Monitor窗口无法启动 |
合作 伙伴 |
/Autodesk /Softimage /HP /AMD /Intel /Mountain View Data /DZ Solutions Snader and Associates,Inc. |
/Adobe /Autodesk /Blue Arc /IBM /NVIDIA Digital Film /Group /SGI /Softimage /Southpaw Technology /Syflex /The Foundry |
/Autodesk /Adobe /D2 /Softimage /Syflex |
软件 体系 结构 |
专有网格计算程序,在高性能计算方面有独特的优势,网格计算效率高 |
基于MySQL数据库 |
基于P2P(点对点)技术,效率低MySQL日志记录,AJAX提交,不支持集群作为渲染节点 |
基于.NET技术 |
运行 平台 |
支持所有32位和64位Windows,OSX和Linux, Unix,IRIX支持所有发布的Linux版本 |
支持所有32位和64位Windows, Mac OS X 10.5和Linux,只支持Redhat,Suse,Fedora的某些发布版本 |
渲染客户端和渲染节点支持Windows、Linux,但Linux OS下只提供命令行工具(command line clients tools),而且渲染器需要是Windows(没有实际客户使用) |
3.0以下版本仅支持Windows操作系统平台;3.0版本开始支持Linux操作系统平台 |
跨平台支持 |
可提交不同平台的计算任务,自动路径分析转换 |
文件分析会出错 |
不能交叉使用 |
没有 |
任务调度效率 |
线性增加计算能力 |
线性增加计算能力 |
使用点对点协议,占用带宽很大,25节点以上效率下降明显,50节点以上可能会出现丢失数据包现象 |
点对点 |
计算速度 |
优秀 |
优秀 |
差 |
差 |
API支持的编程语言 |
C/C++ /Java /Perl /Python /shell 脚本 |
/C++ /Perl /Python |
目前只支持基于VS 2005的C++编程语言的插件开发,没有提供明确的API |
缩略图浏览 |
渲染结果缩略图预览,动画预览 |
5.3版本开始有渲染结果缩略图预览 |
无 |
无 |
单帧图像分割(面片)渲染 |
具有基于队列的单帧分割渲染,能够实现对超过2K以上分辨率的图像进行快速求解。(有) |
无 |
具有单帧分割渲染的功能,但只能对一帧进行分割渲染。 |
3.0 以下版本有;3.0 以上版本才有 |
比较项目 |
Axceleon EnFuzion 9.1 |
PipelineFX Qube! |
Virtual Vertex Muster |
Frantic Film Deadline |
收费方式 |
CPU个数 |
渲染节点个数 |
渲染节点个数 |
支持的渲染器(Render)软件,包括开发软件自带的渲染器 |
Maya/3DS Max /After Effects /Newtek Lightwave 3D /Softimage XSI /Cinema 4D /Digital Fusion /mental ray standalone /RenderMan for Maya /Shake /V-Ray /Brazil /turtle standalone /Lightwave (Newtek)
Maya/3DS Max /After Effects /Newtek Lightwave 3D /Softimage XSI /Cinema 4D /Digital Fusion /mental ray Standalone /RenderMan for Maya /Shake /NUKE /3Delight |
Maya/3DS Max /After Effects /Newtek Lightwave 3D /Softimage XSI /Cinema 4D /Digital Fusion /mental ray standalone /RenderMan for Maya /Shake /Alias Studio /Combustion /turtle standalone |
/Softimage XSI /3ds Max (Autodesk) * finalRender * finalToon * Brazil * Mental Ray * Vray * RenderPipe /After Effects (Adobe) /Blender (开源) /Cinema 4D /Fusion /Combustion /Lightwave (Newtek) /Maxwell Render Maya (Autodesk) * finalRender * mayaSoftware * mayaHardware * mayaVector * Mental Ray * Renderman * Turtle * Vray (Chaos Group) Mental Ray Standalone Nuke Vray Standalone Vue (e-on software) Renderman (Pixar RIB) * 3Delight * Air * Aqsis * BMRT/Entropy (已停止开发) * Pixie Render (开源) * RenderPipe |
支持的渲染引擎(Render Engine) |
插件支持 |
好 |
有错误 |
有错误 |
有错误 |
应用软件支持数量 |
一般 |
少 |
多 |
最多 |
容错功能 |
优秀 |
优秀 |
差 |
一般 |
价 格 |
按照CPU数目来收费,每个CPU约RMB 1,100 (core指CPU插槽) |
按照节点收费,每个节点(Worker)USD 400,但至少要有一个控制节点(Supervisor)USD 800 |
每个节点USD 85,网络版USD 2499(unlimited client nodes count,不限制节点数目) |
按照渲染节点(node)数目来收费,一个独立的机器为一个节点,而不考虑该电脑的CPU个数。每个节点约USD 120 |
国内代理商及其技术支持机构 |
特新科技有限公司(马剑);北京强氧科技发展有限公司;北京欧雷新创科技发展有限公司; |
北京强氧科技发展有限公司;香港信达远东国际有限公司;特新科技有限公司 |
特新科技有限公司(马剑手机:13911092770 MSN:jerry_ma2002 @hotmail.com); |
北京强氧科技发展有限公司(尚磊) |
国内主要用户 |
中央电视台(二次开发);北京天文馆(正在使用);中国空间技术研究院航天512声像中心;重庆动漫平台;中国胜利油田;华龙数字电影制作公司;北京大学 |
大连动漫基地 |
小型数字内容产品开发公司;中国传媒大学动画学院 |
湖南省国家数字媒体技术产业化基地 |
是否可获得其盗版 |
否 |
否 |
是 |
是 |
MSN:[email protected])
渲染集群部经理(尚磊)MSN:[email protected]
(3)北京宇泰信视频技术有限公司——mental ray standalone代理商
E-Mail:[email protected]
第2节 RenderMan及其体系结构下的渲染器(Render)
RenderMan是一个计算机图像渲染体系,准确地说是一套基于著名的REYES渲染引擎开发的计算机图像渲染规范,所有符合这个规范的渲染器都称为RenderMan兼容渲染器。严格地说,它是一种渲染思想,一种系统。在Renderman的思想下产生了Pixar公司的PhotoRealisticRenderman(简称Prman)、Blue Moon Rendering Tools(简称BMRT)和Entropy等渲染器,它们都是基于Reyes技术构建并运用RIB界面的渲染器,均包含了Shading Language、Shading Network、REYES等思想。但只有Pixar公司的Prman最成功,现代已被广泛使用。其中,
(1)ShadingLanguage是一种用来描述Shader表现各种效果的类C语言,它可以按照用户的意志来描述Shader的表现。比如用户需要实现一种新的、软件里没有的视觉效果,一种可靠的方法是用S hadingLanguage来描述,然后编译,让Renderman使用,就好象你“告诉”Renderman应该怎么样渲染一样。
(3)Reyes(Render Everything You'd Ever Seen),是一种扫描线的思想。在电影制作中渲染精度是十分重要的,任何瑕疵在电影胶片中出现都会直接导致画面的视觉效果出错。Reyes就是为了解决渲染精度而诞生的。多年的发展后很多渲染系统都已经吸收了这写伟大的渲染思想。其中最优秀的是Mental Ray渲染器和Autodesk Maya三维建模软件。Mental Ray渲染器直接把ANSI C(标准C)做为Shader的语言,而Autodesk Maya三维建模软件则可以把各种毫不相干的东西连接到ShadingNetwork里,但可以完美结合的仍然还只有Renderman的系统。
Pixar公司发布的Renderman作为一种三维场景描述语言(注意不是某一个软件),主要包括Ri API(或RIB)和RSL两个领域。Renderman标准的建立是用来解决模型、动画软件包与渲染引擎之间的鸿沟。绝大多数软件包中的自带的渲染引擎在兼容性、扩展性和可控制性等方面都远远不及独立渲染引擎。在相当长的一段时间里Pixar Photorealistic Renderman(Prman)是业界最权威和最完善的Renderman标准渲染引擎,可能也就是这个原因致使很多人认为Renderman就是 Prman。现今已经有很多Renderman标准渲染器可供你选择,并且其中还不乏大量免费开源,如开源PixieRender等。
2.1 Ri API(或RIB)
Ri API或RendermanInterface Bitestream(RIB)用来描述场景中的物体、灯光、粒子……(一切元素),然后告诉渲染引擎“什么东西需要渲染、这些东西用什么方式渲染”。 Ri API是基于C语言而直接面向渲染引擎的代码。RIB则是更适合解读和修改(语法方式)的ASCII字符文件。
RenderMan接口由三个不同部分组成:RenderMan应用编程接口(RM API),RIB协议和着色语言(ShadingLanguage)。其中,RM-API是一个C语言的函数集合,应用程序通过API把场景的几何和渲染属性传递给渲染器同时控制渲染的进程。这些函数或者直接驱动渲染器进行渲染,或者生成渲染任务的一种描述,也就是RIB文件。RIB协议是一系列RM-API调用的二进制或者ASCII编码方式。大多数RenderMan API都有相对应的RIB命令。渲染器可以在生成RIB文件之后的任何时刻读取并且执行RIB文件中的命令,于是建模和渲染就被分成了两个相互独立的部分。
2.2 RSL(Rendeman ShadingLanguag,RenderMan着色语言)
Renderman Shading Language(RSL)是Renderman中另外一个重要的部分,这也是最有魅力的部分。RSL的目的是用来描述场景中的物体的材质、灯光和大气等。RSL(Rendeman ShadingLanguag,RenderMan着色语言)是建立在C语言基础上的,为描绘虚拟灯光与数字表面交互作用而专门设计的强大工具,用于描绘光源输出以及模拟灯光如何在表面和空间中衰减的程序成为与着色器相对应的程序设计语言,即着色技术语言。Renderman着色语言(RSL)用于指定光线和场景的不同部分进行相互作用的方式。这种高级语言支持写用户自定义的各种材质(Shader)。
3.Pixar's RenderMan Render(Photo Realistic RenderMan渲染器)
Renderman is the standard cinematic renderer used in movie VFX andfeature animation including every Pixar film. It works with Autodesk Maya 8Windows; Autodesk Maya 8 Linux; Autodesk Maya 8 Mac OS X; Autodesk Maya 8 Linux64 bit.
Pixar's RenderMan is Pixar's core rendering technology. It's a highperformance renderer built to tackle the most demanding productions, withproduction-hardened technology that is stable, reliable, and flexible. Featureslike RenderMan's true 3D motion blur and depth-of-field have helped makeRenderMan an industry standard. In fact, RenderMan was recently awarded anAcademy Award for its contributions to the motion picture industry.
好莱坞著名动画公司Pixar开发的RenderMan渲染器,具有功能强大的shader编译器和抗动画模糊功能,能够让设计者创造出非常棒复杂效果的动作片。同时,Pixar'sRenderMan能够渲染出照片级真实的图片,在工业界里的运用很受欢迎。早在1988年Pixar公司发布了RenderMan3.0,接着在1989年发布了3.2版本。PIXAR公司的RenderMan具有光线跟踪(ray tracing)、球形照明、深层阴像、全局照明(global illumination)等功能,多处理器渲染,允许在一台机器上使用多个处理器对同一帧进行渲染;Sub-sampleresolution z-stencil buffers 带来新的几何体合成和剪辑特效;Deep Shadow 技术可以制作出现实且形象生动的影象效果。Prman常被视为Renderman的正宗,而且Renderman的大部分成就都是prman获得的。Pixar's RenderMan Render is ascanline-renderer, no ray-tracing, no radiosity, but fast and expensive.
3.1 RenderMan For Maya(Maya的渲染器插件,简称RfM)
RenderMan for Maya is a fully-integrated, plug-in implementation ofPixar's RenderMan renderer. Built from the ground up, RenderMan for Mayaprovides seamless access to RenderMan's speed, power, and stability for Mayausers while imposing minimal changes to the Maya workflow. RenderMan for Mayais meant to work as an alternative to the Maya renderer. RenderMan Studiocontains a suite of tools, including RenderMan for Maya Pro, which allowsadvanced functions like RIB out and other features.
RenderMan for Maya 2.0的改进包括通过多线程技术大大提高了光线追踪的性能,增强的毛发系统,新的镜头效果,焦散,基于点的全局照明以及提高与Maya 8.5的兼容性等,同时允许每台主机开4个并行的渲染器,大大提高了渲染性能。RenderMan for Maya 可以完全使MAYA得到综合,转换你的渲染到RenderMan里并且可以自动渲染你的MAYA里的每一个文件,包括MAYA的材质、粒子和毛皮。
Pixar公司发布的RenderManfor Maya插件是下一代3D渲染器插件,它具有照片级渲染技术,而且使用相对完全版简单的多,价格相对也低廉的多。RenderMan for Maya与Maya环境完全整合,这意味着只要在Maya里简单的把渲染器指向RenderMan,Maya场景中所有东西,包括Maya材质、粒子和毛发等都能完美地渲染出来,从而使用Maya的艺术家们可以通过RenderMan渲染器让他们的作品更加出色。
RenderMan for Maya 2.0提供了更强的多线程计算和光线跟踪计算能力,改善了毛发效果,加入了新的镜头效果,支持基于光源的全局照明,并且支持Atuodesk Maya 8.5。RenderMan forMaya 2.0只支持Apple MacOS X 10.3.9 (or higher) 和Windows XP Pro (SP2+)操作系统,还不支持Linux和Unix操作系统。
3.2 RenderMan Studio(简称RMS)
RenderMan Studio is a collection of tools that form an advancedrender pipeline that is both easy to use and fully customizable. From Mayascene translation, to network rendering, to compositing . . . RenderMan Studioprovides a powerful render pipeline for maximum efficiency.
The RenderMan Studio 1.0 包括的组件有:
(1)RenderMan for Maya Pro
Integrates tightly with Mayato provide a bridge to Pixar's RenderMan.
RenderMan for Maya Pro是原RenderMan Artist Tools(RAT)中的Maya toRenderman(简称MtoR)的替代品,是Maya的一个插件,主要调用Alfred和Prman进行渲染等,但真正的工作是输出RIB文件到Prman,提供了一个与Maya紧密地结合提供了一个到RenderMan的桥梁。
(2)Slim (An Node Based Interface for building shaders)
The complete solution forshader management and creation. Build shaders visually and take full advantageof the RenderMan Shading Language.
(3)Alfred(RenderingDistribution Tool)
The scriptable work distribution system. Perfectly suited formanaging large render farms.
Alfred Server是调节单机或网络渲染的强大工具,可以查看渲染进度,进行渲染调度等。
Alfred生成管理系统由美国Pixar公司开发的一种网络渲染管理系统。它基于系统管理分配渲染任务,能有效、自动、智能、集群化地管理整个工作室的渲染工作;兼容当前主流的三维制作软件,如MAYA、XSI、3DMAX等,特别支持MAYA的分层渲染及大容量文件的生成管理,可管理MayaBatch、RenderMan、 MentalRay渲染器。
(4)“it” (Image Tool)
The image tool with powerfulscript based compositing.
Image Tool(简称It)可以作为观看渲染结果的Renderview,但实际上是一个极其强大的script型后期合成工具。
Pixar公司发布的RenderMan Studio是下一代渲染工具的扩展,主要加强了slim图形编辑器和Alfred的报错功能,可以算是RenderManfor Maya (RfM)的专业版,它整合了RenderManPro Server(RPS) 与已停止发布的RenderMan Artist Tools(RAT),是一系列工具软件,包括RenderManfor Maya Pro(取代了原RAT中的Maya to Renderman(简称MtoR))、Slim、Alfred与It。RenderMan Studio(RMS)的出現,会使Shading、 Lighting 、 Rendering 的工作流程(pipeline)发生很大的改变。
RenderMan Studio 1.0包含一个“专业”版的RenderMan for Maya插件、增强版的RenderMan阴影编辑器“Slim”、管理网络渲染的“Alfred调度器”、“it”图像合成工具和无限制的RIB生成。另外,RenderMan Studio 1.0附带一条新增的许可协议——允许每台主机开4个并行的渲染器,大大提高了渲染性能。
RenderMan Studio 1.0支持Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 (orhigher) 、Linux和Windows XP Pro (SP2+)操作系统平台。
3.3 RenderMan Pro Server(简称RPS)
RenderMan Pro Server includes all the tools required for renderingimages for film and video productions. RenderMan Pro Server is able to turn anyserver or artist desktop into a rendering machine. RenderMan Pro Serverincludes:
(1)Pixar’s RenderMan(简称PRMan)
Pixar’s Academy Award-winningcore rendering technology.
Prman是真正负责渲染的部分,其核心只是一个单独的exe文件,大小不到2Mb,执行的命令行格式为prman *.rib。prman只接受RIB文件,而RIB文件就是用Renderman的语言对渲染场景的定义。 Prman渲染后便会输出到Display server,Display server可以是软件之间的Pipe(管道)。
Helps record the health of anentire render farm, an important companion to Pixar's remote execution server,Alfred.
Pixar公司发布的RenderManPro Server几乎包括了所有影视产品渲染中所必需的工具,RenderMan Pro Server能够将任何一台服务器或艺术家的桌上电脑改变成一台渲染计算机,为复杂场景提供细微的光照效果,并完全利用先进的多处理器系统以新的渲染模式提升渲染能力。
Pixar’s RenderMan Pro Server主要由Pixar’s Renderman(简称PRMan)、Irma 和 Alfserver三部分组成。PRMan是一种照片级RenderMan渲染器 (Pixar'sPhotoRealistic RenderMan renderer);Irma是一个二次渲染器,主要用来加速阴影和灯光渲染;AlfServer能够在同时在几个地方和台式机上进行平行分布式渲染。
2007年8月27日,PIXAR公司发布RenderManPro Server version 13.5在批渲染方面做出了杰出的优化,有效提高了系统和内存的效率。它的新特性包括一种比多次渲染快所消耗的时间少很多的多相机(视角)立体渲染的解决方法;新的shader创作技术,包括shader对象,co-shaders(联合着色器),可变长度的阵列, 以及使计算更多种的光源和表面上的光子贴图映射变的更容易的技术——增强的基于点云控制的光子发射和分散方法,还有多线程、性能增强、景深优化,并支持光线追踪、SCG支持光线追踪的环境焦散。
RenderMan Pro Server 13.5 支持Apple Mac OS X 10.4.1 (or higher)、Linux 32-bit(glibc 2.2, 2.3)、Linux 64-bit(glibc 2.3)、Windows XP Pro (SP2+)操作系统。
3.4 Renderman ArtisanTools(简称RAT,已被整合到RfM与RMS中,并停止发布)
RAT 将不再另行发布,PIXAR公司已经将RAT整合到RfM与RMS这两个版本中了,如果要购买RAT的公司,只需直接考虑RfM与RMS。但是仍有一些资料可以供学习,所以这里仍然予以阐述。
3.4.1 Renderman Artisan Tools简介
RenderMan Artist Tools, also known at R.A.T. is a set of plug-insand tools produced by Pixar for better integration of Pixar Animation Studio'sRenderMan and Autodesk's Maya. This tool set includes MTOR (Maya To Renderman),Slim (An Node Based Interface for building shaders), It (Image Tool) , andAlfred (Rendering Distribution Tool). This is not a complete list of all thetools that come in the package though. These tools allow artists to take bettercontrol of RenderMan's extensive and powerful abilities without having acomputer science background. MTOR allows the users of Maya to export theirfiles into RIBs, apply RenderMan shaders through Slim, convert models to PixarSub-D's (Sub-Division Surfaces), among a plethora of other powerful toolsotherwise unavailable to the normal Autodesk Maya user.
Pixar多年来开发了不少的动画系统,为了促进Prman的普及,Pixar把一系列供简化Prman使用的工具包装在一起,就成了Renderman ArtisanTools,简称RAT。RAT包括Prman、MtoR、Alfred Server、Slim和It。
3.4.2 Renderman Artisan Tools 的工作方式
The RenderMan Artist Tools提供了Maya与Pixar的RenderMan之间的无缝整合,形成一个高级且易于使用的渲染管线,但这对于高级用户定制化仍是可扩充的,它包括:MTOR、Slim、Alfred和“It”四个软件。MTOR与Maya紧密地结合提供了一个到RenderMan的桥梁。Slim为着色管理及其创建提供了一个完整的解决方案,以构建真实的着色和获得RenderMan的着色语言的优势。Alfred改编脚本使其工作于分布系统。“it”用基于强大的脚本图像工具来进行合成。
Dot C Software's flagship product, RenderDotC, is a world classphotorealistic renderer* designed to meet the demands of special effects forfilm.
RenderDotC (RDC) is a photorealistic rendering toolkit which adheresto the RenderMan(R) standard. Using the Reyes architecture, RDC supportsadvanced capabilities such as motion blur, depth of field, trim curves,texture/environment/displacement mapping, and programmable shading in theRenderMan Shading Language. The shader compiler included in the toolkitcompiles shaders all the way to machine language for the highest possibleperformance.
RenderDotC 3.4支持Linux、Windows、Irix、HP-UX操作系统平台
5.AIR Render
AIR is an advanced 3D graphics renderer with a unique architectureand extensive features designed for the rapid production of high-qualityimages. AIR is ahybrid renderer, combining the advantages of scanlinerendering - fast rendering of complex scenes, motion blur, and depth of field -with the flexibility of on-demand ray tracing for accurate reflections, softshadows, global illumination, and caustics.
AIR 7.0支持Linux和Windows操作系统平台。
6.3Delight Renderer
3Delight is a fast, high quality, RenderMan-compliant rendererdesigned to produce photo-realistic images in demanding production environments,and supports most of the RI Specification.
3DELIGHT is a fast, high quality, RenderMan compliant renderer.3DELIGHT comes as a set of command line tools and libraries intended to helpyou render production quality images from 3D scene descriptions. At the heartof the rendering tools is the 3DELIGHT rendering engine. This engine implementsa fast scanline renderer, coupled with an on-demand ray tracer. Thiscombination allows 3DELIGHT to render images quickly while giving you theability to easily incorporate ray tracing effects whenever you need them.
开发者:DnA Research
7.NVIDIA Gelato渲染器
7.1BMRT Render与Entropy(已停止开发)
BMRT(Blue MoonRendering Tools)是图形学天才LarryGritz博士为完成自己的博士论文而开发的的一个免费Renderman标准渲染器,具有Prman的大部分功能,支持光线跟踪和GI,而且效果可以与Prman媲美,但渲染速度很慢,最终版为2.6。Entropy是BMRT的收费版,速度比BMRT快很多很多,支持各种光线跟踪的特点,效果非同一般,但使用不方便,要配合Mayaman、Maxman来使用,最终版为3.1。
Entropy 3.1 曾经是最好的Renderman标准渲染器之一,但因为与Pixar公司的专利和版权问题,最后不得不停止开发,但现在Larry Gritz博士在NVIDIA公司在开发Gelato渲染器。
7.2 NVIDIA Gelato渲染器(个人可以免费使用)
有了NVIDIA Gelato渲染软件,任何用户只要为其系统配置了NVIDIA显卡(GPU),就能快速创建令人叹为观止的精美图形。Gelato是一款硬件加速式非实时渲染器,设 计之初,Gelato旨在专用于创建电影中的三维特效和动画。如今,Gelato已成为功能强大的工具,适用于多个行业,其中包括电影广播、CAD、建筑、打印等行业。
NVIDIA Gelato渲染器可以用于AutodeskMaya(通过Mango插件)和Autodesk 3ds Max(通过Amaretto插件)的渲染,也可以用于其他建模软件的渲染,支持Linux和Windows操作系统平台。
8.开源Pixie Render
Pixie is an open source RenderMan render for generatingphotorealistic images. You can compile Pixie on Windows (using Visual Studio2005), Linux and on OSX (using XCode or unix style configure script).
开发者:Okan Arikan
9.开源Aqsis Render
Aqsis is a high quality, photorealistic, 3D rendering solution. Itcomplies with the RenderMan® interface standard defined by Pixar.
Aqsis 1.4渲染器支持Linux、Windows和Mac OSX操作系统平台。
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally freetool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics. It is available inofficial versions for Windows, Mac OS/Mac OS X and i86 Linux. The source codeis available for those wanting to do their own ports.
11.开源YafRay Render
The YafRay web site describes it as "a powerful raytracer,under the LGPL license". YafRay was listed on the Blender web site as anexternal rendering package.
Appart from the possibility of integration with other 3D modelingprograms, Yafray is an independent program, which features its own scenedescription format. This way it can be used from the command line directly, bya script, etc. This technique is in fact used by some scripts for MAX, GMAX andBlender.
YafRay渲染器支持Linux、Windows和Mac OSX操作系统平台。
12.开源JRMan Render
Another open source implementation of RenderMan, but written injava. Still has ways to go, but for those that are into java it should be quiteinteresting to give it a look.
jrMan is an open source version of the REYES rendering algorithmused by Pixar's PhotoRealistic Renderman.Almost all digital production work inthe film industry is rendered using this algorithm, yet most computer graphicstextbooks fail to mention it or only provide a very superficial description ofhow it works.
13.1 Shader制作工具(Shader Development Tools)
This is a shader building program that feels like the 3DS Maxmaterial editor, underneath works like Maya’s Hypershade, but at the end youget good ol’ RSL shaders. It is tightly integrated with Maya but is also astand alone. It’s very extensible through the use of Tcl\Tk.
Vshade is a graphical user interface for constructing shaders.Shaders are small programs used by AIR to perform shading and lightingcalculations. Traditionally a shader is created by writing a text file in aC-like programming language. With Vshade a Visual shader is built by the simpleprocess of connecting blocks on the screen. If you can drag an object acrossthe screen and connect two points with a line, you can build a shader withVshade.
This tool ships with the Windows version of Air.
ShaderMan is a visual RenderMan shader building tool, made in thespirit of ShadeTree, Slim, and XSI. I have only looked at it briefly as I'm notready to start building my own shaders yet but it looks like an amazingprogram.
(4)开源RhinoMan(A plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D)
This plug-in greatly simplifies the process of creating andmaintaining textures, assigning them to objects, and invoking one of severaldifferent external rendering programs.
(5)开源Python Computer Graphics Kit(CGT)
The Python Computer Graphics Kit is an Open Sourcesoftware package containing a collection of Python modules, plugins andutilities that are meant to be useful for any domain where you have to dealwith 3D data of any kind, be it for visualization, creating photorealisticimages, Virtual Reality or even games.
The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection of Python modulesthat contain the basic types and functions to be able to create 3D computergraphics images. The kit mainly focuses on Pixar's RenderMan? interface, butsome modules can also be used for OpenGL programs or non-RenderMan compliantrenderers like POV-Ray, for example.
13.2 文本编辑工具
(1)Cutter Text Editor
Cutter是一种用Java语言编写的免费跨平台文本编辑器。它支持RenderMan文件脚本以及RenderMan shaders的编译以及其他程序和脚本环境,包括mental images mi文件和shader编译、Mel、Python、Tcl、vex等。Cutter 5.0开始支持Linux、Windows、Solaris和Mac OS X操作系统平台。
(3)开源Emacs/Xemacs RSL-Mode
XEmacs is a highly customizable open source text editor andapplication development system. It is protected under the GNU Public Licenseand related to other versions of Emacs, in particular GNU Emacs. Xemacs is adifferent version of the very popular Unix text editor emacs. It is deceivinglysimple but it is extremely powerful. This is a very serious tool that gives youa lot of power to extend the original functionality. To make this editor reallyworth it for shader writing I have re-written Steve May’s rsl-mode. This willallow you to edit RSL files with auto indentation, color coding, filecomparison and also quick compiles and test renders,truly an awesome tool. Itsalso good for Perl, Python, C/C++, Java and most mayor programming languages.
Emacs 基本上是一个高度可配置的编辑器──实际上,Emacs 更像一个操作系统而不像一个编辑器!很多开发人员和系统管理员把所有的时间都花在 Emacs 里面,只在退出登陆的时候才退出这个编辑器。
第3节 渲染器(Render)与渲染引擎(RenderEngine)
Autodesk 3DS Max和Autodesk Maya等三维建模软件自身都带有相应的渲染器,如Autodesk 3DS Max内置的Scanline rendering(扫描线渲染器),Autodesk 3DS Max和Autodesk Maya集成的相应版本的mental ray渲染器;还有一些专门为渲染而开发的渲染器,如EnFuzion、Muster等集群渲染管理软件的插件,Pixie render、mental ray standalone、Maxwell render等专门用来渲染的渲染器,具体参见网址:
其中,RenderMan 和Mendtal ray都是非常优秀的三维渲染解决方案。上面主要介绍了RenderMan体系结构下的渲染器,这里主要介绍一些其他主流的的独立渲染器,如mental ray standalone、Maxwell Render、V-Ray Standalone等。
1.mental ray Render
被喻为德国战车的Mental Ray也是在好莱坞被运用的重量级的渲染器之一,也是RenderMan在好莱坞最重要的竞争对手。Mental Ray是一个非常复杂的可编制程序的渲染器,支持全局照明以及多种复杂的光学特效。Mental Ray的材质模型就是一些标准的程序代码,通常是使用C++语言编写的。所以在速度上要优于用其他脚本语言编写的材质模型。Mental Ray中的各个渲染进程都是用可编写程序式的材质模型进行控制的:例如几何体材质模型用来控制细分表面物体或者几何体的细化,材质和贴图模型用来控制表面外观,光子材质模型用来控制全局照明效果,摄像机材质模型用来控制各种镜头的应用和抗锯齿效果。并且输出材质模型用来控制各种后期特效,他是个具有高品质渲染效果的应用软件,支持大量的特殊效果,例如光能传递渲染、光线跟踪、散焦等自然效果,并且新版本支持开始全面支持置换贴图、毛发、体积特效、高质量抗锯齿效果、半透明效果(3S)等特效。
相对渲染器RenderMan来说,Mental Ray的渲染效果几乎不相上下,而且其操作比RenderMan简单地多。因为RenderMan渲染系统虽然现在和Mental Ray一样,也有了大量的定制的shader。但是如果要真正的完全掌控他,还是需要使用编程的技术的。而MentalRay在大部分情况下只需要在程序中根据定制的shader设定好参数,然后就可以对需要渲染的场景进行渲染了。
Autodesk 3DS Max和Autodesk Maya中都已经集成了相应版本的Mental Ray渲染器。
Mental ray是最出色的高性能、现实主义的光线追踪和扫描线渲染软件,被广泛应用于CAD可视化设计、影视特效、动画电影、游戏创造、建筑设计、灯光设计和虚拟现实,它在电影领域得到了广泛的应用和认可,被认为是市场上最高级的三维渲染解决方案,在电影《刀锋战士——三位一体》、《后天》、《亚历山大》、《黑客帝国——矩阵革命》、《黑客帝国——重装上阵》、《星球大战2——克隆人的进攻》、《绿巨人》、《终结者3》等影片中得到使用。任何使用多平台和处理器的工作室都可以从Mental ray的高性能网络渲染中获益。
2.mental ray Standalone 3.7(支持Linux/Windows操作系统平台)
中国代理商(ChinaAuthorized Resellers):
(1)Avid(mentalimages worldwide OEM resellers)中国主页:http://www.avid-china.com/cn/products/
Mental ray standalone can only be run fromcommand line, so you have to open a DOS command by going in you windows menuthen choose execute and type “cmd” which is the command line utility.mental ray standalone is more for theLinux people than pure Windows user.
The mental ray standalone version is a commandline application that renders photorealistic images from the mental ray scenefile format (.mi2). It is also used on a rendering slave for networkdistributed rendering.TheCurrent mental ray version is 3.6 and the next version 3.7 will be releasedsoon.
mental ray standalone将渲染器与渲染引擎集成在一起,mental ray standalone安装完成之后,在“我的电脑->计算机管理->服务和应用程序->服务”选项对话框中,找到“SPMLicense Server”这一项,手动启动这一项服务,如果能够正常启动而没有提示无法获取许可证等错误信息时候,表示其许可证安装成功。如果可以成功获取许可证信息,在MS-DOS命令窗口中运行命令:mentalrayrender –version,或运行命令:mentalrayrender –v。如果出现mental ray standalone的版本信息,表示mental ray standalone安装成功。
由于mental ray standalone是命令行形式的软件,只有在渲染管理软件的界面上才可以看到mentalray standalone相应的图形用户界面(GUI)。在MS-DOS命令窗口中运行命令:mentalrayrender xxx.mi,即使用mental ray standalone渲染3DS Max导出的场景文件xxx.mi。
mental ray Standalone是mentalray的一个独立版,不同于集成于3DS Max与Maya中的mentalray。mental ray Standalone的工作方式类似于RenderMan,其功能比3DSMax与Maya中集成的相应版本的mental ray强大,但mental rayStandalone主要通过命令行方式执行渲染及相关设置,易用性很差,主要适合于Maya或XSI等高级用户使用。
mental ray standalone有不同的版本,如mental ray standalone for Max、mental ray standalone for Maya、mental ray standalone for XSI等版本,它们的差异主要在于不同的版本的mental ray standalone有不同的Shader库。但是购买正版软件的许可证(license)之后,可以通过渲染指令来改变Shader库的加载路径,从而能够支持Autodesk3ds Max、Autodesk Maya/SOFTIMAGE|XSI等多种三维建模软件。按照其运行的操作系统平台来分,又有mental ray standalone for Linux和mental ray standalone for Windows等版本。
根据mental ray Standalone的用途,主要有以下几种:
(1)mental ray standalone 3.4.4/ 3DS Max 8/9/2008
(2)mental ray standalone Maya8/8.5/2008
(3)mental ray standalone for Softimage
(4)mental ray satellite(3dsmax8或maya开发软件中集成的mentalray渲染器)
What is mental rayStandalone for Maya or 3DS Max?
mental ray Standalone is an offline rendering product co-developedby mental images and Autodesk Media & Entertainment. It works independentlyof Maya or 3ds Max software through a command-line interface, or acts as thefoundation of your distributed rendering solution when used with Autodesk Mayaor Autodesk 3ds Max. mental ray Standalone is used primarily when additionalrendering capabilities are required beyond the built-in mental ray capabilitiesof other Autodesk applications. mental ray is typically used in a render farmsetup and can be used to supplement and accelerate interactive rendering (forexample, Maya software’s interactive photorealistic rendering).
mental ray Standalone software is a high-performance renderingengine for generating photorealistic images. the standalone version is bestsuited when you have large volumes of data to process. It works independentlyof your 3D software of choice through a commandline interface. It can also actas the foundation of your distributed rendering solution when used with yourAutodesk software. The choice is yours.
mental ray generates images of outstanding quality and unsurpassedrealism and achieves scalable performance through the exploitation ofparallelism on both multiprocessor machines and across networks of machines.The software uses advanced and proprietary acceleration and recursive samplingtechniques for faster rendering on even the smallest, single processormachines.
mental ray accepts scene data using its .mi scene descriptionlanguage in either ASCII or mixed ASCII/binary form, whose specification isprecisely defined in the documentation. Supported geometric primitives includepolygons, trimmed free-form surfaces, hair, and subdivision surfaces (inconjunction with the mental matter product). Run-time linking of user-suppliedC and C++ code allows the creation of procedural textures, materials, newlighting models, volume and lens effects, control of global illuminationsimulation through photon shaders and the Photon Map as well as displacementmaps. The free-form surface processing and approximation capabilities, and themathematical accuracy of the software are superior to those of competingrendering software products.
mental ray is also available as a library for direct integration. Itincorporates significant developments of the European Union's DESIRE projectsuch as a novel proprietary parallel rendering algorithm and a distributeddatabase. The message passing based software is capable of running on singleprocessor workstations and on shared memory parallel platforms as well as ondistributed memory architectures such as heterogeneous networks of workstationsand scalable parallel supercomputers.
A fully interactive integration of mental ray with a graphical userinterface for creation and editing of visual phenomena by means of mental rayPhenomena™ in the Phenomenon Creator™ and Phenomenon Editor™, creation andediting of the lighting, full control of all rendering related options andparameters, and management of the rendering process has been developed incooperation with Softimage Co. (a division of Avid Technology, Inc.), and isavailable in the Softimage|XSI product.
A fully interactive integration of mental ray with a graphical userinterface for the creation and editing of visual phenomena by means of mentalray Phenomena in Maya's Hypershade work space, creation and editing of thelighting, full control of all rendering related options and parameters, andmanagement of the rendering process has been developed in cooperation withAlias Systems, Inc. and Autodesk, and is integrated into all Maya products byAutodesk.
mental ray has been integrated into Softimage|3D and Softimage|XSI,Autodesk 3ds max and VIZ, Autodesk Maya, Side Effects Software's Houdini 5,SolidWorks PhotoWorks 2, and Dassault Système's CATIA V4 and V5 products. Anumber of translators and translator plug-ins allow for using mental ray inconjuction with various 3D modeling and animation front-end systems.
mental ray is a production quality renderer integrated into thelater versions of MAX, and is a powerful rendering tool, with bucket rendering,a technique that distributes the rendering burden between several computersefficiently. The 3ds Max version of mental ray also comes with a set of toolsthat allow a myriad of effects to be created with relative ease.
mental ray渲染器是除3DS Max 的默认扫描线渲染器之外的另一种选择。它是由 mental images公司开发的一种多用途渲染器(通用渲染器),能够生成物理上正确的照明效果模拟,包括光线跟踪反射和折射、焦散和全局照明。
使用 mental ray 独立版软件快速轻松地渲染大量数据。mental ray 基于精确光影原则,它的先进渲染能力使你可以创作出从逼真的照片到固定可视化效果的各种作品。mental ray 独立版 3.4 可以通过命令行界面独立于AutodeskMaya 运行,或者也可以与 Maya或 AliasImageStudio 一起作为你的分布渲染解决方案的基础。
Mental ray通过网络在多处理器计算机的内部执行平均的渲染计算,渲染突出质量和非常卓越的真实图像,而且整体性能可随工作任务可进行弹性缩放,非常灵活。Mental ray即使使用在一台小型的单处理器计算机上,也可使用其专利的高级加速技术与递归取样算法实现最快速的渲染。
Mental ray使用自己的.mi场景描述语言来打开场景数据,这些.mi文件可以是ASCII,也可以是混合的ASCII/二进制格式。它支持的最原始的几何图形,包括多边形,平衡的自由形态表面,毛发以及细分表面。依靠用户提供的C和C++代码可以建立如程序贴图,materials,新的灯光模型,体积和镜头效果,跟置换贴图一样,通过光子材质和光子贴图控制全局光照模拟。它通过精确的数学算法进行自由形态表面处理和逼近处理,其表现均好于同类竞争产品。
Mental ray是第一个灯光行为按照物理模拟的渲染器软件,完全程序化地创造任何想象中的视觉景象。Mental ray同样有直接整合的库可以使用,它结合了European Union's DESIR项目的重要开发成果,如全新的专有平行渲染算法和一个分布式数据库,并且提供库文件。
收费方式:Per Processor(physical CPU) charge
[1] mental ray渲染技术超级手册(mental images公司指定mental ray授权培训中文教材),人民邮电出版社,7007(6)
3.Maxwell Render(可以在Linux上运行的独立渲染器)
Maxwell Render is a new render engine based on the physics of reallight. It works with Autodesk 3ds Max 9; Autodesk 3ds Max 8; Autodesk Maya 8Windows; Autodesk Maya 8 Mac OS X; Autodesk VIZ 2006.
Maxwell Render is a standalone application compatible with Windows32 and 64 bits, Mac OSX Universal Binary and now also Linux 64 bits. MaxwellRender includes three different applications: the render engine (MxCl.exe), thestandalone graphical application “Maxwell studio”(MxsT.exe)and the standalonematerial editor with browser(Mxed.exe)for the plug-ins. The softwaredistribution also provides a set of plug-ins for the supported 3d/Cadapplications(available on the download page).There is specific documentationincluded for every 3D plug-in available.The plug-ins take care of collectingthe scene information, applying Maxwell materials to objects and sending thefull scene to Maxwell for rendering.
Maxwell Render provides two alternative workflows. One method allowsyou to use your existing 3d package and the provided Maxwell plug-in for it tosend scene data to MxCl.The other method allows you to import objects into MxsTwhere you create/edit/assign materials, set up lights and cameras and MxsT thensends the scene to MxCl.
Maxwell Render is a physically correct, unbiased rendering engine.By calculating complex light interactions, Maxwell Render is capable ofsimulating light exactly as in the real world. Unbiased means Maxwell Renderdoes not use tricks to imitate real world behavior like other renderseverything is reproduced as it is through governing physical equations.
Maxwell Render can fully capture all light interactions between allelements in a scene no matter how complex they are. All lighting calculationsare performed using spectral information and high dynamic range data.
Maxwell Render is more than just a render - its core is completelydifferent from other engines. The concept of “rendering” falls short of MaxwellRender’s scope and potential. What we are dealing with isn’t just anotherrender, it’s The Light Simulator.
Maxwell Render has been acclaimed as a landmark in the next-genrendering technology, having produced the best photorealistic images to date.
Maxwell Render is the perfect solution for high end rendering forphotographic quality and advanced lighting, especially in areas likearchitectural visualization, industrial and product design, prototyping and 3Dproduction.
MAXWELL是基于真实物理环境的一款独立的三维渲染引擎,而非一般的简单外挂插件。和各类3D软件有接口,并且可以作为插件版本或者独立版本使用。它既可以在软件内部内嵌像 VRAY这样,也可以作为一个独立的渲染软件(像LIGHTSCAPE一样)应用的大型渲染工具,这点和RENDERMAN很像,最新的版本是RC5, RC6.2很快就会推出!而且它拥有自己的独立的操作和编辑功能,包括场景的、贴图的、渲染管理的、未描述渲染工具和MXI视图编辑和物理天空编辑功能。支持多CPU处理,真实运动模糊(3Dmotion blur),焦散(caustics),目标灯体(objlight),物理天光(PHYSICL SKY)并且在各操作平台上都拥有GUI界面,CMD算图和完整的GI功能,控制面板参数设置少、简单操作。
4.V-Ray Render 1.5与V-Ray Standalone 1.5(V-Ray rendering system,EnFuzion 9.0支持)
V-Ray Standalone 是V-Ray Render的独立版本(the standalone version of V-Ray),可以运行在 Linux和Windows操作系统平台上。This will ensure the abilityto migrate between different platforms and be able to work independently ofdifferent 3D packages.
However,V-Ray standalone for Linux doesn't work with Max files. If you wantto render a Max file on V-Ray for Linux, you have to use the "standaloneexporter" to export your Max file to a V-Ray specific file. Then thestandalone version of V-Ray (which runs on many different platforms) can renderit without needing to tie into Max.
V-Ray is a high-end global illumination and animations render forAutodesk 3ds MAX and Autodesk VIZ. It works with Autodesk 3ds Max 9 64 bit;Autodesk 3ds Max 9; Autodesk VIZ 2008; Autodesk Maya 8 Linux; Autodesk Maya 8Windows 64 bit; Autodesk 3ds Max 8.
V-Ray是由专业的渲染器开发公司CHAOSGROUP开发的渲染软件,是目前业界最受欢迎的渲染引擎。基于V-Ray 内核开发的有V-Ray for 3Dmax、Maya、Sketchup、Rhino等诸多版本,为不同领域的优秀3D建模软件提供了高质量的图片和动画渲染。除此之外,V-Ray也可以提供单独的渲染程序,方便使用者渲染各种图片。
V-Ray for 3dmax是3dmax的超级渲染器,是专业渲染引擎公司Chaos Software公司设计完成的拥有Raytracing(光线跟踪)和Global Illumination(全局照明)渲染器,用来代替Max原有的Scanlinerender(线性扫描渲染器),VRay还包括了其他增强性能的特性,包括真实的3d Motion Blur(三维运动模糊)、Micro Triangle Displacement(级细三角面置换)、Caustic(焦散)、通过VRay材质的调节完成Sub-surfacescattering(次表面散射)的sss效果、和Network Distributed Rendering(网络分布式渲染)等。
5.myVR 3D VR distribution solution
myVR Software AS, develops a real time 3D Virtual Reality(3D VR) software distribution platform for any network wired or wireless. myVRSoftware's unique patent-pending technology provides immediate access tomassive three dimensional data models from anywhere over any network even withlimited bandwidth.
psd-manager is a multi-layer, multi-channel PSD exporter. It workswith Autodesk 3ds Max 9; Autodesk 3ds Max 9 64 bit; Autodesk 3ds Max.
psd-manager is the first and most advanced PSD file exporter for 3dsmax/VIZ available on the market. Now, for the first time you can readjustnearly everything in the rendering with Adobe Photoshop or any anotherapplication that supports PSD files. psd-manager is the tool to help you savetime and money by integrating the tools you best know and like.
7.Vue xStream
xStream plug-ins for 3ds Max & Autodesk Maya enables CGprofessionals to integrate 3D projects into Vue environments.
Vue 6 xStream offers professional CG artists a complete toolset forcreating exceptionally rich and realistic natural environments and renderingthem in 3ds Max, Maya, LightWave, Cinema 4D and XSI.
Access all the power of the world's leading 3D scenery programdirectly from within your favorite application. Create and edit extremely richand realistic natural environments, and seamlessly blend them withMaya/Max/LightWave/C4D/XSI native scenes and animations.
Render everything together inside your favorite application, withfull interaction between Vue and native elements, including 2-way mutual shadowcasting, reflection, refraction and lighting.
Vue 6 xStream provides a unique, unmatched solution for creating andintegrating high quality natural scenery into any professional productionpipeline, from architectural visualization to broadcast and film.
8.Turtle standalone for Maya(Linux/Unix/Mac X/Windows)
Turtle is the only product on the market that combines advancedrendering technology with sophisticated baking functionality in one integratedtoolset.
By integrating the baking functions into the core of Turtle,standard rendering and baking can be handled in the same way. For you, thismeans a better workflow while baking and the ability to bake with all of Turtle’srender features.
9. VR4MAX Generator
VR4MAX Generator - real-time interactive Virtual Reality environmentfor Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk VIZ models.
VR4MAX is the high performance real-time interactive virtual realityenvironment to view, check and distribute 3ds max and Autodesk VIZ designs withonly mouse clicks from within the MAX/VIZ environment.
VR4MAX has advanced features like terrain following and collisiondetection. VR4MAX facilitates a realistic and easy fly-through and guides yourcustomers while viewing and appreciating your designs. With VR4MAX Generator,VR4MAX Option Pack 1 and a Virtual Window display, real-time stereoscopicrendering gives you and your customer a totally unique and enhanced visualexperience.
VR4MAX provides real-time 3D interaction & communication withoutprogramming for all MAX/VIZ users. The undisputed power of VR for correctlyevaluating and displaying designs whether they be animations, photo-realisticstills or wireframes is now at the fingertips of all users for a fraction ofthe cost of earlier VR investments.
VR4MAX enables production clients to more accurately evaluate andannotate work-in-progress. The object tree helps you to navigate through yourmodel and redlining allows you to attach notes to objects for later evaluation.Selected components are highlighted in both representations. This makes VR4MAXthe ideal tool for project reviews.
中国代理商(ChinaAuthorized Resellers):
SOFTIMAGE|XSI is the most advanced 3D animation software for games,film and television. Now you can model, animate and render with unparalleledperformance. The XSI Gigapolygon core, capable of handling massively detailedmodels with millions of polygons, is the number one reason why leadingentertainment companies are switching their next generation projects to XSI.Built on the newest code base and designed for the way the artist thinks, XSIempowers you to bring your creative vision to life.
A shared-memory architecture with the award-winning mental rayrenderer built right in makes XSI the best 3D animation package forcinematic-quality multi-pass rendering. You can delve into powerful shaders inthe render tree and set up breathtaking photorealistic lighting with just a fewclicks. The Gigapolygon core and shared-memory architecture mean that you canrender more detail using less memory than in any other package. And integratedframe buffers allow you to render a single default pass that outputs manycommon channels to separate files.
And with the open rendering API introduced in XSI 6, our renderingtechnology partners are taking advantage of our open rendering API to developand integrate their respective render engines into XSI with similar depth andcontrol.
Softimage customers can now enjoy XSI integrations of the followingrenderers:
* Indigo Renderer
* 3Delight
* V-Ray
* Maxwell
XSI 与Mental Ray有相当好的结合, 它们互相针对双方的优点而进行改版, 所以每次的改版都使它们的结合更加紧密。就像塔配 XSI 的亿万多边形核心使得 Mental Ray的效能大幅的提升。在大部分的情况地下, Mental Ray的记忆体 (内存) 效能提升了十倍。而且在大部分的情况低下, 算图 (渲染) 的时间也快上五倍。亿万多边形核心的意识也就是说只要场景能够读得进来便能算得出来, 实体记忆体的限制将不再构成算图(渲染) 的问题。
11.Newtek Lightwave
The LightWave renderer is first class, best in show and infinitelyeasier to set up and use than any other, not to mention the fact that unlimitedrender nodes are free.
12.免费Indigo Renderer
Employing advanced features such as Metropolis Light Transport,spectral light simulation, a virtual camera model, physical sky and more,Indigo Renderer can achieve much more realistic results than traditional globalillumination ray-tracers.
13. Brazil R/S Renderer(Windows only,EnFuzion9.0支持)
Brazil r/s is the industry standard for high-end quality, flexibility,reliability, and artist-friendly workflow in 3ds Max.Brazil r/s was instrumentalin breaking 3ds Max into wide-spread high-end CG production. Brazil V2continues our tradition of developing software in studio environments, andhaving already been featured in several films and other professional projects,we're confident that all artists will benefit from the additional tools andperformance that our early adopters have demanded.
Brazil r/s 是SplutterFish公司的一款非常优秀的渲染器,包括 RayServer(光线跟踪服务器)、ImageSampler(图象采样器)、LumaServer(全局光服务器)、RenderPassControl(渲染进程控器)这么几个大的摸块,每个模块都有自身独特的功能。Brazilr/s 是一个基于Raytracing(光线跟踪)的渲染引擎,采用的是Bucket(块)的渲染方式,并且支持GlobalIllumination(全局光)技术和Caustics(焦散)特效,还有使用光子贴图技术可以让用户快速的重复调用先前使用的运算结果.
Brazil r/s有着极其丰富逼真的材料库,其算法是基于Shader真实物理属性的算法,结合优秀的渲染引擎和采样设置,能让物体产生超乎想象的真实质感,对于常用材料Brazil r/s都采用模块化的设置。
FinalRender is a raytracing render engine created by Cebas. Capableof simulating a wide range of real-world physical phenomena.
Stage-0 is an engine designed to work in conjunction with Autodesk's3D Studio Max. It operates as a raytracing back-end to 3ds max's built-inscanline rendering engine. The central feature of finalRender is a globalillumination system in the form of a standard 3ds max material type thatshortens rendering preparation time.
Stage-1 is a standalone version of finalRender that works as aseparate plug-in to 3D Studio Max. It exists as a pure raytracing system thatreplaces the graphics software's core renderer completely. By virtue of itsindependence and later release, Stage-1 boasts more features than itspredecessor.
Stage-2 is an independent rendering system designed to integrateinto Alias's Maya (software) and Maxon's Cinema 4D. Much like Stage-1, Stage-2replaces its host software's core renderer. This version was released in late2005 for Cinema 4D and is, as of August 22, 2006 available for Maya as well.
finalRender是德国Cebas公司出品的是一个渲染系统插件,最大的特点是用于全局光照的渲染,他的finalToons卡通渲染插件在影视动画方面几乎是独步天下的。finalRender在3DS Max中以插件的形式出现。但它与同类插件有着明显的不同:finalRender不像Mental Ray和Brazil一样,出现在Current Renderers展卷栏里,而是分散的在3DS Max里集成组织,使之自然的成为一个整体——这也是其与众不同的地方;但最主要的功能参数还是在finalRender这一新增的材质里。
finalRender是市面上第一个提供加强版次表面光线分散效果(sub-surface light scattering effects,简称3S)的渲染器,它能让内部的物体在外部的物体上产生真实的阴影效果;finalRender自带了一种纹理工具Textures Baker,简称为tBaker;它是由特殊的tBaker meterial和utility两部分组成。在制作游戏的时候,用户常常会使用位图文档来制作3D场景中灯光照明和投射阴影的效果,每张位图是通过物件表面和物体本身建立的,而tBaker就是让用户从标准光源或是finalrender整体灯光照明控制器区建立灯光贴图的模块工具。使用tBaker便可将任何的投影效果转换为位图文档来表现;透过这种单纯带有光影的位图(其实是将灯光贴图与纹理贴图作了一个乘法运算),不需打光就可以表现整体光线照明的效果。
15.fryrender(Render Engine,Windows only)
fryrender is the unbiased spectral renderer developed by Feversoft. Allthe elements involved in the render (materials, lights, cameras, ...) are basedon physically accurate models up to the point that when you hit render asimulation of the real behavior of light happens inside.
Moreover, fryrender is the first engine of its kind capable oftransforming scenes into a format that can be navigated in real-time with theaid of our Virtual Reality technology Random Control 4.
16.Fusion(Digital Fusion Render Node)
Digital Fusion Render Node is a revolution in productivity, bringingmultiple render machines online to crunch through endless effects shots. Withthe press of a single button and Digital Fusion’s network rendering, theworkload can be distributed over any number of machines where artists canautomatically share the same render node network.
Blender是基于SDL以及Python以及其它一些相关的开源技术所构建的,在GPL协议下你可免费使用、分发,也可以修改其源码。Blender是一个全面开源免费的三维建模渲染软件,内建Python脚本支持,支持:windows/linux/unix/macos/FreeBSD等操作系统。强大的动画制作系统,以及骨骼制作、渲染、建模、粒子也不错,而且编辑功能也很丰富,再加上导入导出格式很多,你可以与.X文件或3DS MAX/MAYA等一流软件配合使用。
OpenFX is an Open-Source 3D modeling, animation and rendering suitecreated by Dr. Stuart Ferguson. He made the decision to release the source codeto the public in the middle of 1999, and the product formerly named SoftF/X wasrenamed to OpenFX. It has now been released under the terms of the GNU GeneralPublic Licence.
A powerful feature-set includes a full renderer and raytrace engine,NURBS support, kinematics-based animation, morphing, and an extensive pluginAPI.
Plugin capabilities include image post processor effects such aslens flare, fog and depth of field. Animation effects such as explosions, wavesand dissolves add enormously to the flexibility of the program. Check out thefull list of the various effect types and let your imagination run wild!
Currently, OpenFX only runs on the Win32 platform, which includesWindows 95/98/NT/2000. There are plans afoot to port it to Linux/*BSDplatforms, and it currently runs fairly well under these by using the WINE set oflibraries. If you are interested in helping to port to these platforms, pleasejoin our Development Mailing Lists and help out!
19.Artlantis render(Windows/ MacOS X)
Artlantis是法国Advent公司重量级渲染引擎,也是SKETCHUP的一个天然渲染伴侣,它是用于建筑室内和室外场景的专业渲染软件,其超凡的渲染速度与质量,无比友好和简洁的用户界面令人耳目一新,被誉为建筑绘图场景、建筑效果图画和多媒体制作领域的一场革命,其渲染速度极快,ARTLANTIS与 SKETCHUP、3DMAX、ArchiCAD等建筑建模软件可以无缝链接。
Artlantis Render is a unique 3D rendering application ideal forquickly and easily creating very high-quality real-time still images.
20.DrapeFX(Stand alone render engine,Windows only)
DrapeFX is a post render engine (Stand alone software) for alreadyrendered 3d studio max scenes. Render your images using Scanline, Vray, MentalRay, Brazil,Final render, Lightscape or any other renderer and re-color or re-texture yourImages with DrapeFX in seconds "YES SECONDS" to show instant changesto your clients. DrapeFX helps you re-texture your images using the same UVWcoordinates that you applied in 3d studio max and gives you the flexibility tocontrol Tiling, Rotate and make seamless textures.
With DrapeFX PRO you again have Drape FX's unique export plug-inwhich allows you to take 3DS MAX objects and creates 2D masks as per yourdefinitions in 3DS MAX itself. You can then drape your desired colors andtextures / materials over these masks using DrapeFX PRO, maintaining itsnatural look and feel.
21.实时渲染器Bunkspeed HyperShot
Hypershot 1.7在导入时,如果几何体缺少纹理坐标,HyperShot会自动应用必要的纹理坐标;添加你所有要渲染的场景到渲染队列,并在你离开的一天前点渲染按钮,即可完成所有渲染工作;直接导入Alias,3DS,FBX和JT格式,改进的OBJ导入器可以从Cinema 4D,Maya和3DsMax导入一个快照。
Autodesk Lightscape(光影渲染巨匠) 是一款相当经典的三维光影渲染软件。Lightscape 是一个渲染软件,它只包括材质,灯光,渲染,摄影机动画四个部分的内容,而没有建模系统,其场景模型来源于外部(如:3D Studio Viz/Max等)。Lightscape 操作简便、渲染速度快,功能远强于 3D Studio VIZ/Max 内含的三维渲染系统,可完全取代 3D StudioVIZ/Max及 AutoCAD 等三维制作软件进行渲染,支持DWG、3DS、DXF 及 LWS 格式的文件。Lightscape 广泛应用于建筑与室内设计、产品设计、光照分析研究、电影广播、电视业、三维电子游戏、网络三维动画漫游等。
第4节 开源渲染器
1.Sunflow Render
Sunflow is an open source rendering system for photo-realistic imagesynthesis. It is written in Java and built around a flexible ray tracing coreand an extensible object-oriented design.
Here is a step-by-stepguide to construct a render-farm for blender running on win XP. Download thezip file below, and follow the instructions.
3.modo 3D建模软件
modo delivers the next evolution of 3D modeling,painting and rendering in a single integrated and accelerated package for theMac and PC. And now, modo is a true end-to-end solution that includes true 3Dsculpting tools, animation and network rendering! More than just features, modois a truly elegant integration of technology, raw horsepower and refinedworkflow.
4. 开源Blender
Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite(3D graphics application), availablefor all major operating systems.It can be used for modeling, UV unwrapping,texturing, rigging, water simulations, skinning, animating, rendering, particleand other simulations, non-linear editing, compositing, and creatinginteractive 3D applications.
OGRE 3D 是一个被广泛使用的开源三维图形渲染库,成功地被应用于诸多三维仿真领域,其中包括网络游戏和一些商业的三维仿真项目。
kerkythea 是一款独立渲染器,使用的是物理准确的材质和灯光系统,针对追求性价比的客户而造。Kerkythea 信奉的核心价值是为完成高质量渲染任务提供简化过的必要工具使场景设置自动化,GL实时观察窗,材质编辑器,渲染设置窗等均使用通用界面。
Indigo使用反向或双向路径跟踪的MLT(Metropolis Light Transport)算法来替代传统的光线跟踪算法。所有的光线照明能与物理模型(作为光谱数据)交互影响,Indigo拥有创作出照片级作品的所有条件,如一个虚拟的摄影机模型、物理天空、体积光源等等。这些技术使得Indigo完全可以逼近NextLimit的Maxwell渲染器。
9.开源Art of Illusion渲染器
Art of Illusion是一个用Java语言写成的基于GPL v2的开源三维建模和渲染软件,可以创建高质量的具有真实感的三维模型。最突出的特点就是其简单的GUI,规定了强大且复杂的功能。它使用方便,可以对纹理和材料等效果进行编辑,可以产生具有真实感的图像。支持的操作系统:Mac OS X、Linux和Windows以及含有Java VM的任何操作系统。
YafaRay is a free open-source raytracing engine. Raytracing is arendering technique for generating realistic images by tracing the path oflight through a 3D scene.
A render engine consists of a "faceless" computer programthat interacts with a host 3D application to provide specific raytracingcapabilties "on demand". Blender 3D is the host application ofYafaRay.
LuxRender is anew, open-source, free software rendering system for physically correct,unbiased image synthesis. Rendering with LuxRender means simulating the flow oflight according to physical equations. This produces realistic,photographic-quality images.
12.3DS Max常用渲染插件
12.1Max to Sunflow Exporter
Max to Sunflow Exporter is aMAXScript, It exports an SC-file for use in Sunflow, an open source renderingsystem written in Java.
(1)SpeedTree 5
SpeedTree is a powerful toolkitused to create 3D vegetation for games, films, and animations.
(2)natFX for Max/Maya
finalToon是由Cebas公司发布的适用于3DS Max的矢量卡通渲染插件,使用它能够创造出更加理想的视觉效果和渲染。用户使用它能够在较短的时间内对复杂的卡通和线性渲染场景设置好光照,渲染物体外形轮廓也无需冗长的等待。使用finalToon,用户还可以实时地调整线性风格,无需对整个场景反复进行渲染。
finalToon is available as a standalone product, and it is also part of finalRender R3 and finalRender R3 SE!
Illustrate! is the market-leadingcel and illustration renderer. This latest version includes a completely newFlash rendering engine that provides many advanced rendering features includingshading and support for intersecting objects.
Liquid is an Open Source plugin for the Autodesk Maya 3D animationpackage, allowing you to output to any RenderMan compatible renderers,including Pixie.
新版本的Liquid-Maya插件支持Maya 7.0,并且将RenderMan的渲染功能和Maya高度的整合起来,具有以下新特性:
13.2Maya内置的矢量渲染器(Vector Render)
许多最终看似二维的动画效果说不定都是Maya完成的。在Maya中有模拟二维平面动画的toon材质,还有专门渲染二维矢量的Vector Render渲染器(Maya中自带)。就是Maya中自带的ramp材质节点,也能做出大多数的二维效果。
[1] http://sunflow.sourceforge.net/index.php?pg=link(开源渲染器网址链接)
[2] Grid-based Computer Animation Rendering[J], Nanyang Technological University,2007.
[3] (3D computer graphics software)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_computer_graphics_software