
* https://github.com/ashqal/MD360Player4AndroidVR视频播放demo
* https://github.com/ejeinc/RajawaliCardboardExamplecardboard的demo


  • 准备demo地址http://unity3d.com/cn/learn/tutorials/topics/virtual-reality点击跳转到VR sample界面
  • unity3d
  • vistual studio 2015
  • 现在还等啥 嗨起来


射击场景有两个 一个是180度的视角比较远,一个是360度的视角(等距离)


  • 我们从飞机那个unity的工程中来看,其Hierarchy的结构(主要讲重点部分)
  • 首先我们从相机开始说起
    • 首先我们从每个C#脚本去看实现的过程
using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // In order to interact with objects in the scene
    // this class casts a ray into the scene and if it finds
    // a VRInteractiveItem it exposes it for other classes to use.
    // This script should be generally be placed on the camera.
    // vrinteractiveitem它暴露了它的其他类使用。
    public class VREyeRaycaster : MonoBehaviour
        public event Action OnRaycasthit;                   // This event is called every frame that the user's gaze is over a collider.

        [SerializeField] private Transform m_Camera;
        [SerializeField] private LayerMask m_ExclusionLayers;           // Layers to exclude from the raycast. 光线投射的层
        [SerializeField] private Reticle m_Reticle;                     // The reticle, if applicable.网线
        [SerializeField] private VRInput m_VrInput;                     // Used to call input based events on the current VRInteractiveItem.
        [SerializeField] private bool m_ShowDebugRay;                   // Optionally show the debug ray.是否显示调试光线
        [SerializeField] private float m_DebugRayLength = 5f;           // Debug ray length.光线的长度
        [SerializeField] private float m_DebugRayDuration = 1f;         // How long the Debug ray will remain visible.光线存活时间
        [SerializeField] private float m_RayLength = 500f;              // How far into the scene the ray is cast.光线投射到场景的距离

        private VRInteractiveItem m_CurrentInteractible;                //The current interactive item 当前交互点
        private VRInteractiveItem m_LastInteractible;                   //The last interactive item    最后交互点

        // Utility for other classes to get the current interactive item
        public VRInteractiveItem CurrentInteractible
            get { return m_CurrentInteractible; }

        private void OnEnable()
            m_VrInput.OnClick += HandleClick;
            m_VrInput.OnDoubleClick += HandleDoubleClick;
            m_VrInput.OnUp += HandleUp;
            m_VrInput.OnDown += HandleDown;

        private void OnDisable ()
            m_VrInput.OnClick -= HandleClick;
            m_VrInput.OnDoubleClick -= HandleDoubleClick;
            m_VrInput.OnUp -= HandleUp;
            m_VrInput.OnDown -= HandleDown;

        private void Update()

        private void EyeRaycast()
        {   //如果是必要的话,则显示调试线(在unity上设置 )
            // Show the debug ray if required
            if (m_ShowDebugRay)
                Debug.DrawRay(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward * m_DebugRayLength, Color.blue, m_DebugRayDuration);
            // Create a ray that points forwards from the camera.
            Ray ray = new Ray(m_Camera.position, m_Camera.forward);
            RaycastHit hit;
            // Do the raycast forweards to see if we hit an interactive item
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, m_RayLength, ~m_ExclusionLayers))
                VRInteractiveItem interactible = hit.collider.GetComponent(); //attempt to get the VRInteractiveItem on the hit object
                m_CurrentInteractible = interactible;

                // If we hit an interactive item and it's not the same as the last interactive item, then call Over
                if (interactible && interactible != m_LastInteractible)

                // Deactive the last interactive item 
                if (interactible != m_LastInteractible)

                m_LastInteractible = interactible;

                // Something was hit, set at the hit position.
                if (m_Reticle)

                if (OnRaycasthit != null)
                // Nothing was hit, deactive the last interactive item.
                m_CurrentInteractible = null;

                // Position the reticle at default distance.
                if (m_Reticle)

        private void DeactiveLastInteractible()
            if (m_LastInteractible == null)

            m_LastInteractible = null;

        private void HandleUp()
            if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

        private void HandleDown()
            if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

        private void HandleClick()
            if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)

        private void HandleDoubleClick()
            if (m_CurrentInteractible != null)



 using System;
using UnityEngine;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
{    //这类保证UI(如网线和选择吧)
    // This class ensures that the UI (such as the reticle and selection bar)
    // are set up correctly.
    public class VRCameraUI : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private Canvas m_Canvas;       // Reference to the canvas containing the UI.包含用户界面的画布的参考。

        private void Awake()
            // Make sure the canvas is on.确保画布上。
            m_Canvas.enabled = true;

            // Set its sorting order to the front.把它的排序顺序设置为前面。
            m_Canvas.sortingOrder = Int16.MaxValue;

            // Force the canvas to redraw so that it is correct before the first render.在第一次渲染前 力将会重绘。


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using System;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // This class is used to control a radial bar that fills
    // up as the user holds down the Fire1 button.  When it has
    // finished filling it triggers an event.  It also has a
    // coroutine which returns once the bar is filled.
    public class SelectionRadial : MonoBehaviour
        public event Action OnSelectionComplete;                                                // This event is triggered when the bar has filled.

        [SerializeField] private float m_SelectionDuration = 2f;                                // How long it takes for the bar to fill.
        [SerializeField] private bool m_HideOnStart = true;                                     // Whether or not the bar should be visible at the start.
        [SerializeField] private Image m_Selection;                                             // Reference to the image who's fill amount is adjusted to display the bar.
        [SerializeField] private VRInput m_VRInput;                                             // Reference to the VRInput so that input events can be subscribed to.

        private Coroutine m_SelectionFillRoutine;                                               // Used to start and stop the filling coroutine based on input.
        private bool m_IsSelectionRadialActive;                                                    // Whether or not the bar is currently useable.
        private bool m_RadialFilled;                                                               // Used to allow the coroutine to wait for the bar to fill.

        public float SelectionDuration { get { return m_SelectionDuration; } }

        private void OnEnable()
            m_VRInput.OnDown += HandleDown;
            m_VRInput.OnUp += HandleUp;

        private void OnDisable()
            m_VRInput.OnDown -= HandleDown;
            m_VRInput.OnUp -= HandleUp;

        private void Start()
            // Setup the radial to have no fill at the start and hide if necessary.
            m_Selection.fillAmount = 0f;


        public void Show()
            m_IsSelectionRadialActive = true;

        public void Hide()
            m_IsSelectionRadialActive = false;

            // This effectively resets the radial for when it's shown again.
            m_Selection.fillAmount = 0f;            

        private IEnumerator FillSelectionRadial()
            // At the start of the coroutine, the bar is not filled.
            m_RadialFilled = false;

            // Create a timer and reset the fill amount.
            float timer = 0f;
            m_Selection.fillAmount = 0f;

            // This loop is executed once per frame until the timer exceeds the duration.
            while (timer < m_SelectionDuration)
                // The image's fill amount requires a value from 0 to 1 so we normalise the time.
                m_Selection.fillAmount = timer / m_SelectionDuration;

                // Increase the timer by the time between frames and wait for the next frame.
                timer += Time.deltaTime;
                yield return null;

            // When the loop is finished set the fill amount to be full.
            m_Selection.fillAmount = 1f;

            // Turn off the radial so it can only be used once.
            m_IsSelectionRadialActive = false;

            // The radial is now filled so the coroutine waiting for it can continue.
            m_RadialFilled = true;

            // If there is anything subscribed to OnSelectionComplete call it.
            if (OnSelectionComplete != null)

        public IEnumerator WaitForSelectionRadialToFill ()
            // Set the radial to not filled in order to wait for it.
            m_RadialFilled = false;

            // Make sure the radial is visible and usable.
            Show ();

            // Check every frame if the radial is filled.
            while (!m_RadialFilled)
                yield return null;

            // Once it's been used make the radial invisible.
            Hide ();

        private void HandleDown()
            // If the radial is active start filling it.
            if (m_IsSelectionRadialActive)
                m_SelectionFillRoutine = StartCoroutine(FillSelectionRadial());

        private void HandleUp()
            // If the radial is active stop filling it and reset it's amount.
            if (m_IsSelectionRadialActive)
                if(m_SelectionFillRoutine != null)

                m_Selection.fillAmount = 0f;


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // The reticle is a small point at the centre of the screen.
    // It is used as a visual aid for aiming. The position of the
    // reticle is either at a default position in space or on the
    // surface of a VRInteractiveItem as determined by the VREyeRaycaster.
    public class Reticle : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private float m_DefaultDistance = 5f;      // The default distance away from the camera the reticle is placed.
        [SerializeField] private bool m_UseNormal;                  // Whether the reticle should be placed parallel to a surface.
        [SerializeField] private Image m_Image;                     // Reference to the image component that represents the reticle.
        [SerializeField] private Transform m_ReticleTransform;      // We need to affect the reticle's transform.
        [SerializeField] private Transform m_Camera;                // The reticle is always placed relative to the camera.

        private Vector3 m_OriginalScale;                            // Since the scale of the reticle changes, the original scale needs to be stored.
        private Quaternion m_OriginalRotation;                      // Used to store the original rotation of the reticle.

        public bool UseNormal
            get { return m_UseNormal; }
            set { m_UseNormal = value; }

        public Transform ReticleTransform { get { return m_ReticleTransform; } }

        private void Awake()
            // Store the original scale and rotation.
            m_OriginalScale = m_ReticleTransform.localScale;
            m_OriginalRotation = m_ReticleTransform.localRotation;

        public void Hide()
            m_Image.enabled = false;

        public void Show()
            m_Image.enabled = true;

        // This overload of SetPosition is used when the the VREyeRaycaster hasn't hit anything.
        public void SetPosition ()
            // Set the position of the reticle to the default distance in front of the camera.
            m_ReticleTransform.position = m_Camera.position + m_Camera.forward * m_DefaultDistance;

            // Set the scale based on the original and the distance from the camera.
            m_ReticleTransform.localScale = m_OriginalScale * m_DefaultDistance;

            // The rotation should just be the default.
            m_ReticleTransform.localRotation = m_OriginalRotation;

        // This overload of SetPosition is used when the VREyeRaycaster has hit something.
        public void SetPosition (RaycastHit hit)
            m_ReticleTransform.position = hit.point;
            m_ReticleTransform.localScale = m_OriginalScale * hit.distance;

            // If the reticle should use the normal of what has been hit...
            if (m_UseNormal)
                // ... set it's rotation based on it's forward vector facing along the normal.
                m_ReticleTransform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation (Vector3.forward, hit.normal);
                // However if it isn't using the normal then it's local rotation should be as it was originally.
                m_ReticleTransform.localRotation = m_OriginalRotation;

VR CameraaFade

using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Audio;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // This class is used to fade the entire screen to black (or
    // any chosen colour).  It should be used to smooth out the
    // transition between scenes or restarting of a scene.
    public class VRCameraFade : MonoBehaviour
        public event Action OnFadeComplete;                             // This is called when the fade in or out has finished.

        [SerializeField] private Image m_FadeImage;                     // Reference to the image that covers the screen.
        [SerializeField] private AudioMixerSnapshot m_DefaultSnapshot;  // Settings for the audio mixer to use normally.
        [SerializeField] private AudioMixerSnapshot m_FadedSnapshot;    // Settings for the audio mixer to use when faded out.
        [SerializeField] private Color m_FadeColor = Color.black;       // The colour the image fades out to.
        [SerializeField] private float m_FadeDuration = 2.0f;           // How long it takes to fade in seconds.
        [SerializeField] private bool m_FadeInOnSceneLoad = false;      // Whether a fade in should happen as soon as the scene is loaded.
        [SerializeField] private bool m_FadeInOnStart = false;          // Whether a fade in should happen just but Updates start.

        private bool m_IsFading;                                        // Whether the screen is currently fading.
        private float m_FadeStartTime;                                  // The time when fading started.
        private Color m_FadeOutColor;                                   // This is a transparent version of the fade colour, it will ensure fading looks normal.

        public bool IsFading { get { return m_IsFading; } }

        private void Awake()
            m_FadeOutColor = new Color(m_FadeColor.r, m_FadeColor.g, m_FadeColor.b, 0f);
            m_FadeImage.enabled = true;

        private void Start()
            // If applicable set the immediate colour to be faded out and then fade in.
            if (m_FadeInOnStart)
                m_FadeImage.color = m_FadeColor;

        private void OnLevelWasLoaded()
            // If applicable set the immediate colour to be faded out and then fade in.
            if (m_FadeInOnSceneLoad)
                m_FadeImage.color = m_FadeColor;

        // Since no duration is specified with this overload use the default duration.
        public void FadeOut(bool fadeAudio)
            FadeOut(m_FadeDuration, fadeAudio);

        public void FadeOut(float duration, bool fadeAudio)
            // If not already fading start a coroutine to fade from the fade out colour to the fade colour.
            if (m_IsFading)
            StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeOutColor, m_FadeColor, duration));

            // Fade out the audio over the same duration.
            if(m_FadedSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_FadedSnapshot.TransitionTo (duration);

        // Since no duration is specified with this overload use the default duration.
        public void FadeIn(bool fadeAudio)
            FadeIn(m_FadeDuration, fadeAudio);

        public void FadeIn(float duration, bool fadeAudio)
            // If not already fading start a coroutine to fade from the fade colour to the fade out colour.
            if (m_IsFading)
            StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeColor, m_FadeOutColor, duration));

            // Fade in the audio over the same duration.
            if(m_DefaultSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_DefaultSnapshot.TransitionTo (duration);

        public IEnumerator BeginFadeOut (bool fadeAudio)
            // Fade out the audio over the default duration.
            if(m_FadedSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_FadedSnapshot.TransitionTo (m_FadeDuration);

            yield return StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeOutColor, m_FadeColor, m_FadeDuration));

        public IEnumerator BeginFadeOut(float duration, bool fadeAudio)
            // Fade out the audio over the given duration.
            if(m_FadedSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_FadedSnapshot.TransitionTo (duration);

            yield return StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeOutColor, m_FadeColor, duration));

        public IEnumerator BeginFadeIn (bool fadeAudio)
            // Fade in the audio over the default duration.
            if(m_DefaultSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_DefaultSnapshot.TransitionTo (m_FadeDuration);

            yield return StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeColor, m_FadeOutColor, m_FadeDuration));

        public IEnumerator BeginFadeIn(float duration, bool fadeAudio)
            // Fade in the audio over the given duration.
            if(m_DefaultSnapshot && fadeAudio)
                m_DefaultSnapshot.TransitionTo (duration);

            yield return StartCoroutine(BeginFade(m_FadeColor, m_FadeOutColor, duration));

        private IEnumerator BeginFade(Color startCol, Color endCol, float duration)
            // Fading is now happening.  This ensures it won't be interupted by non-coroutine calls.
            m_IsFading = true;

            // Execute this loop once per frame until the timer exceeds the duration.
            float timer = 0f;
            while (timer <= duration)
                // Set the colour based on the normalised time.
                m_FadeImage.color = Color.Lerp(startCol, endCol, timer / duration);

                // Increment the timer by the time between frames and return next frame.
                timer += Time.deltaTime;
                yield return null;

            // Fading is finished so allow other fading calls again.
            m_IsFading = false;

            // If anything is subscribed to OnFadeComplete call it.
            if (OnFadeComplete != null)


 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // This class simply allows the user to return to the main menu.
    public class ReturnToMainMenu : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private string m_MenuSceneName = "MainMenu";   // The name of the main menu scene.
        [SerializeField] private VRInput m_VRInput;                     // Reference to the VRInput in order to know when Cancel is pressed.
        [SerializeField] private VRCameraFade m_VRCameraFade;           // Reference to the script that fades the scene to black.

        private void OnEnable ()
            m_VRInput.OnCancel += HandleCancel;

        private void OnDisable ()
            m_VRInput.OnCancel -= HandleCancel;

        private void HandleCancel ()
            StartCoroutine (FadeToMenu ());

        private IEnumerator FadeToMenu ()
            // Wait for the screen to fade out.
            yield return StartCoroutine (m_VRCameraFade.BeginFadeOut (true));

            // Load the main menu by itself.
            SceneManager.LoadScene(m_MenuSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Single);

VR Tracking Reset.cs

 using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VR;

namespace VRStandardAssets.Utils
    // This class simply insures the head tracking behaves correctly when the application is paused.
    public class VRTrackingReset : MonoBehaviour
        private void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)

