
Official: Trump Administration to Publish Proposed Rule Changes for GunExports


A man holds a Glock handgun during the annual National Rifle Association convention in Dallas, Texas, May 6, 2018.



The Trump administration is preparing to publish on Thursday long-delayed proposed rule changes for the export ofU.S. firearms, a State Department official said on Tuesday


The rule changes would move the oversight of commercial firearm exports from the U.S. Department of State to theDepartment of Commerce. 

这项法案的修改将商业枪支出口的监管权从美国国务部(Department Of State)移交到商业部门(Department of commerce)

The action is part of a broader Trump administration overhaul of weapons export policy that was announced in April.


Domestic gun sales drop


Timing for the formal publication of the rule change and the opening of the public comment period was unveiled byMike Miller the acting secretary for the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the State Department's body thatcurrently oversees the bulk of commercial firearms transfers and other foreign military sales. 

国防部贸易管制局行政秘书(acting secretary)迈克·米勒(Mike Miller)宣布了法案修改的正式公布时间以及开放公开评论期的时间。国务院机构暂时负责监管商业武器转让以及外国武器销售。

He was speaking at the Forum on the Arms Trade's annual conference at the Stimson Center, a Washington thinktank. 

华盛顿智囊团(think tank)的一员在武器贸易协会年会上发表演讲,此次会议在史蒂文斯中心举行。

Reuters first reported on the proposed rule changes in September as the Trump administration was preparing tomake it easier for American gun makers to sell small arms, including assault rifles and ammunition, to foreignbuyers. 


Domestic gun sales have fallen significantly after soaring under President Barack Obama, when gun enthusiastsstockpiled weapons and ammunition out of fear that the government would tighten gun laws. 


A move by the Trump administration to make it simpler to sell small arms abroad may generate business for gunmakers American Outdoor Brands and Sturm, Ruger & Company in an industry experiencing a deep sales slumpsince the election of President Donald Trump. 


Remington recovers from bankruptcy. Remington, America's oldest gun maker, filed for bankruptcy protection in March, weeks after a shooting at a highschool in Parkland, Florida, killed 17 people and triggered intensified campaigns for gun control by activists.Remington emerged from bankruptcy last week.


The expected relaxing of rules could increase foreign gun sales by as much as 20 percent, the National SportsShooting Foundation has estimated. As well as the industry's big players, it may also help small gunsmiths andspecialists who are currently required to pay an annual federal fee to export relatively minor amounts of products.  国际射击运动基金会预估,此次放宽法案可能会使出口枪支销售量提升20%。同时,除了一些大公司,该法案还会帮助小型枪支制造者等目前需要支付联邦年费的特殊人群出口小额的产品。
