

Multi-touch (MT) Protocol

------------------------- Copyright (C)2009-2010    Henrik Rydberg




In order to utilize the full power of thenew multi-touch and multi-user devices, a way to report detailed data frommultiple contacts, i.e., objects in direct contact with the device surface, isneeded.  This document describes themulti-touch (MT) protocol which allows kernel drivers to report details for anarbitrary number of contacts.


The protocol is divided into two types,depending on the capabilities of the hardware. For devices handling anonymouscontacts (type A), the protocol describes how to send the raw data for allcontacts to the receiver. For devices capable of tracking identifiable contacts(type B), the protocol describes how to send updates for individual contacts viaevent slots.



Protocol Usage


Contact details are sent sequentially asseparate packets of ABS_MT events. Only the ABS_MT events are recognized as partof a contact packet. Since these events are ignored by current single-touch(ST) applications, the MT protocol can be implemented on top of the ST protocolin an existing driver.


Drivers for type A devices separate contactpackets by calling input_mt_sync() at the end of each packet. This generates aSYN_MT_REPORT event, which instructs the receiver to accept the data for thecurrent contact and prepare to receive another.

A类设备的驱动:它会在每个包的最后调用一次input_mt_sync()函数分离接收到的触点数据包,并且会产生一个SYN_MT_REPORT event ,该事件会告诉接收方接收当前触点数据,并准备接受其他的。

Drivers for type B devices separate contactpackets by calling input_mt_slot(), with a slot as argument, at the beginningof each packet. This generates an ABS_MT_SLOT event, which instructs thereceiver to prepare for updates of the given slot.


产生一个ABS_MT_SLOT event,该事件会告诉接收方准备更新给定的槽。

All drivers mark the end of a multi-touchtransfer by calling the usual input_sync() function. This instructs thereceiver to act upon events accumulated since last EV_SYN/SYN_REPORT andprepare to receive a new set of events/packets.


The main difference between the statelesstype A protocol and the stateful type B slot protocol lies in the usage ofidentifiable contacts to reduce the amount of data sent to userspace. The slotprotocol requires the use of the ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, either provided by thehardware or computed from the raw data [5].


For type A devices, the kernel drivershould generate an arbitrary enumeration of the full set of anonymous contactscurrently on the surface. The order in which the packets appear in the eventstream is not important.  Event filteringand finger tracking is left to user space [3].


For type B devices, the kernel drivershould associate a slot with each identified contact, and use that slot topropagate changes for the contact. Creation, replacement and destruction ofcontacts is achieved by modifying the ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID of the associatedslot.  A non-negative tracking id isinterpreted as a contact, and the value -1 denotes an unused slot.  A tracking id not previously present isconsidered new, and a tracking id no longer present is considered removed.  Since only changes are propagated, the fullstate of each initiated contact has to reside in the receiving end.  Upon receiving an MT event, one simplyupdates the appropriate attribute of the current slot.


Some devices identify and/or track morecontacts than they can report to the driver. A driver for such a device should associate one type B slot with eachcontact that is reported by the hardware. Whenever the identity of the contact associated with a slot changes, thedriver should invalidate that slot by changing its ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID.  If the hardware signals that it is trackingmore contacts than it is currently reporting, the driver should use aBTN_TOOL_*TAP event to inform userspace of the total number of contacts beingtracked by the hardware at that moment. The driver should do this by explicitly sending the correspondingBTN_TOOL_*TAP event and setting use_count to false when callinginput_mt_report_pointer_emulation(). The driver should only advertise as manyslots as the hardware can report. Userspace can detect that a driver can reportmore total contacts than slots by noting that the largest supportedBTN_TOOL_*TAP event is larger than the total number of type B slots reported inthe absinfo for the ABS_MT_SLOT axis.

一些设备标识和跟踪的触点比上报给驱动的触点要多。这种设备的驱动程序需要将一个B类型slot和每个由硬件上报的触点关联。只要触点的标号更改,驱动应该通过改变ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID来使此触点关联的slot无效。如果硬件信号跟踪的触点要比当前上报的多,此时,驱动应该使用一个BTN_TOOL_*TAP事件来通知用户空间实际上硬件跟踪触点的总数。驱动需要显示的发送BTN_TOOL_*TAP事件和调用input_mt_report_pointer_emulation()函数设置use_count为false。驱动最多只能上报硬件实现的slot总个数。通过检查驱动支持的最大BTN_TOOL_* TAP事件大于ABS_MT_SLOT轴absinfo上报的B类slot总数,用户空间能检测出驱动程序可以报告比插槽更多的触点总数。


Protocol Example A


Here is what a minimal event sequence for atwo-contact touch would look like for a type A device:




  SYN_MT_REPORT        /* 上报第一个坐标 */



  SYN_MT_REPORT        /* 上报第二个坐标 */


The sequence after moving one of the contactslooks exactly the same; the raw data for all present contacts are sent betweenevery synchronization with SYN_REPORT.


Here is the sequence after lifting thefirst contact:






And here is the sequence after lifting thesecond contact:




If the driver reports one of BTN_TOUCH orABS_PRESSURE in addition to the ABS_MT events, the last SYN_MT_REPORT event maybe omitted. Otherwise, the last SYN_REPORT will be dropped by the input core,resulting in no zero-contact event reaching userland.



Protocol Example B


Here is what a minimal event sequence for atwo-contact touch would look like for a type B device:











Here is the sequence after moving contact45 in the x direction:





Here is the sequence after lifting thecontact in slot 0:

与slot 0关联的触点弹起后的序列:



The slot being modified is already 0, sothe ABS_MT_SLOT is omitted.  The messageremoves the association of slot 0 with contact 45, thereby destroying contact45 and freeing slot 0 to be reused for another contact.

被修改过的slot已经为0了,所以ABS_MT_SLOT会被忽略。把触点45从slot 0上移除,因此销毁触点45和释放slot 0后,其他触点又可以重新使用。

Finally, here is the sequence after liftingthe second contact:






Event Usage


A set of ABS_MT events with the desiredproperties is defined. The events are divided into categories, to allow forpartial implementation.  The minimum setconsists of ABS_MT_POSITION_X and ABS_MT_POSITION_Y, which allows for multiplecontacts to be tracked.  If the devicesupports it, the ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR and ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR may be used toprovide the size of the contact area and approaching contact, respectively.

协议定义了一系列的ABS_MT事件,这些事件被分为几大类,允许只应用其中的一部分。最小的事件集由ABS_MT_POSITION_X 和ABS_MT_POSITION_Y组成,以此来实现多点触摸。如果设备支持ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR和 ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR可以分别提供触点大小和接触工具的大小。

The TOUCH and WIDTH parameters have ageometrical interpretation; imagine looking through a window at someone gentlyholding a finger against the glass.  Youwill see two regions, one inner region consisting of the part of the fingeractually touching the glass, and one outer region formed by the perimeter ofthe finger. The diameter of the inner region is the ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR, thediameter of the outer region is ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR. Now imagine the personpressing the finger harder against the glass. The inner region will increase,and in general, the ratio ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR / ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR, which isalways smaller than unity, is related to the contact pressure. Forpressure-based devices, ABS_MT_PRESSURE may be used to provide the pressure onthe contact area instead. Devices capable of contact hovering can useABS_MT_DISTANCE to indicate the distance between the contact and the surface.

TOUCH和WIDTH参数。想象一下,一个人用手指按在玻璃上,通过玻璃你将看到两个区域,里面是手指与玻璃实际接触的区域,区域的直径用ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR参数来描述;外面是手指本身大小的区域,区域的直径用ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR参数来描述。手指与玻璃接触的面积要小于手指本身的大小,通过ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR / ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR的比值可以用来反映接触时的压力值。对于支持压力的设备,也可通过 ABS_MT_PRESSURE参数直接提供手指的压力。同样可以使用ABS_MT_DISTANCE参数提供接触点和表面的距离。

In addition to the MAJOR parameters, theoval shape of the contact can be described by adding the MINOR parameters, suchthat MAJOR and MINOR are the major and minor axis of an ellipse. Finally, theorientation of the oval shape can be describe with the ORIENTATION parameter.

另外MAJOR和MINOR参数用来描述椭圆的形状,触点的形状通常被认为是椭圆形。MAJOR和MINOR参数分别是这个椭圆的长轴和短轴,椭圆的方向可以被 ORIENTATION这个参数描述。

For type A devices, further specificationof the touch shape is possible via ABS_MT_BLOB_ID.

The ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE may be used to specifywhether the touching tool is a finger or a pen or something else. Finally, theABS_MT_TRACKING_ID event may be used to track identified contacts over time[5].


In the type B protocol, ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPEand ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID are implicitly handled by input core; drivers shouldinstead call input_mt_report_slot_state().

对于B类型协议,ABS_MT_TOOL_TYPE and ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID都已被输入核心层隐式处理,驱动程序只需要调用input_mt_report_slot_state()。


Event Semantics



The length of the major axis of thecontact. The length should be given in surface units. If the surface has an Xtimes Y resolution, the largest possible value of ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR issqrt(X^2 + Y^2), the diagonal [4].




The length, in surface units, of the minoraxis of the contact. If the contact is circular, this event can be omitted [4].




The length, in surface units, of the majoraxis of the approaching tool. This should be understood as the size of the toolitself. The orientation of the contact and the approaching tool are assumed tobe the same [4].




The length, in surface units, of the minoraxis of the approaching tool. Omit if circular [4].


The above four values can be used to deriveadditional information about the contact. The ratio ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR /ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR approximates the notion of pressure. The fingers of the handand the palm all have different characteristic widths [1].

可以利用上面的四个值去获取触点其它的信息,ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR/ ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR的比值可以用来反应接触时的压力值


The pressure, in arbitrary units, on thecontact area. May be used instead of TOUCH and WIDTH for pressure-based devicesor any device with a spatial signal intensity distribution.




The distance, in surface units, between thecontact and the surface. Zero distance means the contact is touching thesurface. A positive number means the contact is hovering above the surface.




The orientation of the ellipse. The valueshould describe a signed quarter of a revolution clockwise around the touchcenter. The signed value range is arbitrary, but zero should be returned for afinger aligned along the Y axis of the surface, a negative value when finger isturned to the left, and a positive value when finger turned to the right. Whencompletely aligned with the X axis, the range max should be returned.  Orientation can be omitted if the touchingobject is circular, or if the information is not available in the kerneldriver. Partial orientation support is possible if the device can distinguishbetween the two axis, but not (uniquely) any values in between. In such cases,the range of ABS_MT_ORIENTATION should be [0, 1] [4].




The surface X coordinate of the center ofthe touching ellipse.




The surface Y coordinate of the center ofthe touching ellipse.




The type of approaching tool. A lot ofkernel drivers cannot distinguish between different tool types, such as afinger or a pen. In such cases, the event should be omitted. The protocolcurrently supports MT_TOOL_FINGER and MT_TOOL_PEN [2]. For type B devices, thisevent is handled by input core; drivers should instead useinput_mt_report_slot_state().

触摸工具的类型,大多数的内核驱动都不能区分工具的类型,所以在这种情况下,应该被忽略。MTP当前只支持MT_TOOL_FINGER(手指) 和MT_TOOL_PEN(笔)。对于B类设备,驱动调用input_mt_report_slot_state()函数将这些事件都交由输入核心层来处理。



The BLOB_ID groups several packets togetherinto one arbitrarily shaped contact. The sequence of points forms a polygonwhich defines the shape of the contact. This is a low-level anonymous groupingfor type A devices, and should not be confused with the high-level trackingID[5]. Most type A devices do not have blob capability, so drivers can safelyomit this event.




The TRACKING_ID identifies an initiatedcontact throughout its life cycle [5]. The value range of the TRACKING_IDshould be large enough to ensure unique identification of a contact maintainedover an extended period of time. For type B devices, this event is handled byinput core; drivers should instead use input_mt_report_slot_state().



Event Computation


The flora of different hardware unavoidablyleads to some devices fitting better to the MT protocol than others. Tosimplify and unify the mapping, this section gives recipes for how to computecertain events.


For devices reporting contacts asrectangular shapes, signed orientation cannot be obtained. Assuming X and Y arethe lengths of the sides of the touching rectangle, here is a simple formulathat retains the most information possible:





The range of ABS_MT_ORIENTATION should beset to [0, 1], to indicate that the device can distinguish between a fingeralong the Y axis (0) and a finger along the X axis (1).



Finger Tracking


The process of finger tracking, i.e., toassign a unique trackingID to each initiated contact on the surface, is aEuclidian Bipartite Matching problem.  Ateach event synchronization, the set of actual contacts is matched to the set ofcontacts from the previous synchronization. A full implementation can be foundin [3].





In the specific application of creating gestureevents, the TOUCH and WIDTH parameters can be used to, e.g., approximate fingerpressure or distinguish between index finger and thumb. With the addition ofthe MINOR parameters, one can also distinguish between a sweeping finger and apointing finger, and with ORIENTATION, one can detect twisting of fingers.

对于创建手势事件这类特殊的应用中,TOUCH和 WIDTH参数经常用来,例如区分拇指和食指或者手指大约的压力,另外 MINOR参数可以用来区别设备的接触面的大小(点接触还是面接触),ORIENTATION可以检测旋转方向。




In order to staycompatible with existing applications, the data reported

in a finger packet mustnot be recognized as single-touch events.



For type A devices, allfinger data bypasses input filtering, since

subsequent events of thesame type refer to different fingers.



For example usage of thetype A protocol, see the bcm5974 driver. For

example usage of thetype B protocol, see the hid-egalax driver.



[1] With the extensionABS_MT_APPROACH_X and ABS_MT_APPROACH_Y, the

difference between thecontact position and the approaching tool position

could be used to derivetilt.

有了ABS_MT_APPROACH_X 和 ABS_MT_APPROACH_Y 的扩展,在触控位置和触控工具的位置的差异可以推导出倾斜度。

[2] The list can ofcourse be extended.

[3] The mtdev project:http://bitmath.org/code/mtdev/.

[4] See the section onevent computation.

[5] See the section onfinger tracking.
