NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)

1/9 update: recvSsb works now, and 'excel export' funciton is ready.

NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)_第1张图片

part of recvSsb:

NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)_第2张图片

'excel export' is implemented with xlsxwriter library:

NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)_第3张图片

Example screenshots as below(Note that time-domain scale=2 when ssbScs=30k and baseScsTd=60k):

contents of ["freqBand"]: {'opBand': 'n77', 'duplexMode': 'TDD', 'maxDlFreq': 4200, 'freqRange': 'FR1'}
contents of ["ssbGrid"]: {'scs': '30KHz', 'pattern': 'Case C', 'minGuardBand240k': 'NA', 'kSsb': '0', 'nCrbSsb': '4'}
contents of ["ssbBurst"]: {'maxL': 8, 'inOneGroup': '11111111', 'groupPresence': 'NA', 'period': '20ms'}
contents of ["mib"]: {'sfn': '0', 'hrf': '0', 'dmrsTypeAPos': 'pos2', 'commonScs': '15KHz', 'rmsiCoreset0': '0', 'rmsiCss0': '0', 'coreset0MultiplexingPat': 1, 'coreset0NumRbs': 48, 'coreset0NumSymbs': 1, 'coreset0OffsetList': (2,), 'coreset0Offset': 2}
contents of ["carrierGrid"]: {'scs': '15KHz', 'bw': '10MHz', 'numRbs': '52', 'minGuardBand': '2'}
contents of ["pci"]: 0
contents of ["numUeAp"]: 4Tx
contents of ["tddCfg"]: {'refScs': '15KHz', 'pat1Period': '5ms', 'pat1NumDlSlots': '3', 'pat1NumDlSymbs': '10', 'pat1NumUlSymbs': '2', 'pat1NumUlSlots': '1', 'pat2Period': 'not used', 'pat2NumDlSlots': '', 'pat2NumDlSymbs': '', 'pat2NumUlSymbs': '', 'pat2NumUlSlots': ''}

NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)_第4张图片

NG Toolset开发笔记--5GNR Resource Grid(44)_第5张图片
