underscore [.ʌndər'skɔr] v. 强调;在……划线
But I want to underscore that we are back to stay.但我要强调的是,我们不仅重返,而且会留下来。
bizarre [bɪˈzɑr] adj. 奇异的,奇特的
The story has a certain bizarre interest.这个故事听起来别有风趣。
startup ['stɑt'ʌp] n. 启动;创业公司
It ' s true that you can now start a startup anywhere你确实能够在任何地方创业。
blow [ bləu ] n. 打击
He was badly jarred by the blow .这个打击使他的神经受到很大的刺激。
venture [ 'ventʃə ] n.冒险,风险投资
It was a dubious enough venture .这是一个没多大把握的冒险事业。
launch [ lɔ:ntʃ, lɑ:ntʃ ] vt. 开办,开展
The company is launching a new model next month .下月公司将推出新型号产品。
scheme [ ski:m ] n.计划;方案;v.计划策划
She was the brains behind the whole scheme .她是整个方案背后的主脑。
He schemed to become president .他密谋做董事长。
initial [ i'niʃəl ] adj. 最初的,开始的;
This initial experiment had no immediate results .这次初步的尝试没有立即取得效果。
deposit [ di'pɔzit ] vt. 放置安置; 付保证金
The litter is gently deposited on the floor .担架轻放在地上。
A deposit of five dollars clinched the bargain .5美元定金敲定了这笔交易。
stem from 来源于
Knowledge stems from practice .知识来源于实践。
portability [ ˌpɔ:tə'biləti] n.可携带性,轻便。
X clients also have a high degree of portability客户端同样具有高度的可移植性。
dweller [ 'dwelə(r) ] 居住者
Both city and town dweller should pay tax .城镇居民都需要纳税。
unwieldy adj.不灵便的
This approach is unwieldy .这种方法是很难实行的。
prompt [ prɔmpt ] adj 敏捷的 n.提示
The actor needed to be prompted frequently .那演员经常需要提示。
Get prompt treatment when you are ill .有病要及时治疗。
overestimate [ 'əuvə'estimeit ] vt.高估
Do n't overestimate the seriousness of the problem .别把问题看重了。
disregard [ ˌdisri'gɑ:d ] vt. 不理,忽视
I just disregard your questions .我索性撇开你的问题。
inherently [ɪn'herəntlɪ] adv.内在地;固有地
Pizza is inherently nutritious and filling比萨本身其实含有营养,而且管饱。
prohibitive[ prə'hibitiv ] adj. 禁止的
Saving many of them may be prohibitive保存许多他们是禁止的。
nonetheless [ ˌnʌnðə'les ] adv.尽管如此 但还是
Nonetheless , most people will still ignore it虽然如此,但大部分人仍将忽略它。
metaphor[ 'metəfə ] n.隐喻,暗喻
He got confused among the metaphors .这些比喻把他搞糊涂了。
anecdote [ 'ænikˌdəut ] n. 轶事,奇闻;
He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote .他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子。
staple [ 'steipl ] n.常用物品
Tea and silk are the staples of east china .茶和丝绸是华东的主要商品。
penetrate [ 'penitreit ] vt.进入,渗透
The rain penetrated their clothing .他们的衣服给大雨打得湿透了。
sector [ 'sektə ] n.部门,区
This sector is small.这一部门很小。
altruistic [.æltru'ɪstɪk] adj.利他的,无私的;
I ' m altruistic我大公无私。
gargantuan [ɡɑr'ɡæntʃuən] adj.巨大的;庞大的
And, researchers say, they would have been gargantuan.研究人员称,那些恒星是极其庞大的。
flourish ['flʌriʃ ] n. 兴旺,繁荣
England flourished under the tudors .英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。
asset [ 'æset ] n.资产
He realizes the bankrupt's assets .他变卖破产者的财产。
hassle ['hæsl] n. 困难v. 麻烦
Just stop hassling me .别在折腾我了。
crucial ['kruːʃl] adj.关键的
And, crucially, it can all be dynamic.重要的是,所有这一切都是动态的。
recession [ ri'seʃən ] n. 撤退,衰退
The economy slid from recession to depression .经济由退缩进入萧条。
estimate [ 'estimeit ] vt. 估计,估算
I estimated that i should finish in ten days .我估计我十天能完成。
define [ di'fain ] vt. 定义
If absolute , how would you define it ?如果是绝对的,那么你怎样才能确定它?
emergence [ɪ'mɜ:dʒəns] n. 出现
We have seen the emergence of many new nations since the war .我们都看到战后出现很多新国家。
collaborative . [ kə'læbəreitiv ] adj. 协同的
Large scale studies should be collaborative .大规模的研究应该是协作的。
scope [ skəup ] n. 范围
There 's ample scope for one 's abilities .大有用武之地。
capsule [ 'kæpsju:l ] n. 胶囊房间
A glass capsule was broken .是一个小玻璃容器被砸破。
seismic [ 'saizmik ] adj.地震(性)的
Most materials have different seismic properties .大多数物质都具有不同的地震的特性。
overwhelm . [ 'əuvə'welm ] vt. 压垮
To make a sentence was an overwhelming effort .讲一句话也吃力得要命。
distress [ dis'tres ] n. 苦恼,烦恼
Company in distress make the sorrow less .患难中的同伴减少了你的悲苦。
veritable [ˈverɪtəbl] adj. 真实的
It is a veritable heaven on earth .它是人间真正的天堂。
doyenne . [dɔɪˈen] n.前辈
She founded the club and is now our doyenne她创建了这个俱乐部,现在是我们的元老
assault [ ə'sɔ:lt ] n. 攻击
The woman had assaulted my ego .这个女人已经伤害了我的自尊心。
claim [ kleim ] n. 要求
These claims were later departed from .这些请求后来又被自动放弃了。
lackluster ['lækˌlʌstə] adj. 平凡的,没有生机
This morning i felt tired and lackluster今天早上觉得很累,而且没有精神。
accountable [əˈkaʊntəbl] adj. 负有责任的
Every person is accountable for his own work .每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
allege [əˈledʒ] vt.宣称,指控
She was late for the meeting and alleged that her watch was wrong.她开会迟到说是手表不准。
conviction [kənˈvɪkʃn] n. 定罪
The conviction of the accused man surprised us.被告被判定有罪使我们吃惊。
exploitation [ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn] n.开发
The exploitation of solar energy is gradually moving into high gear .太阳能的开发渐进入高速发展。
innovative [ˈɪnəveɪtɪv] adj. 创新的 革新的
We needed some innovative cars in a hurry .我们要赶紧造出一些新式样的车子。
constituent [kənˈstɪtjuənt] n. 成分
Sulphur is a constituent of gunpowder .硫是火药的组分。
diversify [daɪˈvɜ:sɪfaɪ] vt. 使多样化
The first thing is for you to learn diversify your talents .你首先应该学会多方面发展才能。
premium [ˈpri:miəm] n. 保险费
He paid premiums on his life insurance last year. 他去年付了人寿保险费。
reckon [ˈrekən] vt. 估计认为
I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room .我估计房间里至少有五十个人。
capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] n. 能干的
The girl is capable of doing it.这女孩能办此事。