This document describes the steps needed to integrate DokuWiki with Mantis. The method described here was originally tested with mantis version 1.1.0rc2 and dokuwiki rc2009-12-02, and should work with subsequent versions (modulo bugs). It may work with older versions of mantis provided you make the File Changes described below.
The integration between Mantis and DokuWiki so far achieves the following:
Following are some tips that are of interest to Mantis / DokuWiki integration:
in the namespace folder (namespace is located into the DOKUWIKI_ROOT/data/mantis directory). All pages created within this namespace will use the contents of the templates as a start point. This will affect the way the Wiki is structured. For example, if all issues within a project have a namespace, then they can all share one template, if there is a namespace per category, then there can be a template per category. The exact structure to be used should be configurable through Mantis configuration. However, the actual structure currently implemented is described in a tip later on in this section.
is the value of
(note that this is not configurable per-project, it is specifically looked up as a global)
is the name of the current project, or nothing for
(ie. you get just
which resolves to
if your start config setting is still the install default)
are as described above for that Mantis project
is just that word “issue” and is the namespace for all issues in this project
is the numeric ID of the Mantis issue without leading zeros, and is a page, not a namespace
both get the access level of those Mantis projects, but
gets the access level of
also gets the access level of
even though it has nothing to do with the
used by the various Wiki links on the Mantis side. This allows you to implement any number of areas in your wiki that use Mantis projects for access control, with the restriction that all namespaces must be of the form
(ie. any namespace just under a top-level namespace which matches a Mantis project name will use that project access level for itself and its child namespaces).
is an empty string. In that case, the mapping function on the Mantis side omits the
component in the Wiki namespace string, thus popping the flat project list up to the top level. But then the auth backend code below fails to find it, and every project Wiki link from Mantis takes you to a place that has only global access levels and your project access settings appear to be ignored. Of course, if you create a namespace just under any top level namespace with a Mantis project’s name, that will continue to work fine.
my_namespace:my_project:* @ALL 0 my_namespace:my_project:* @MYPROJECT_VIEWER 1 my_namespace:my_project:* @MYPROJECT_DEVELOPER 8
Add the following configuration items to config_inc.php
and customize them for your installation. Copy the corresponding block fromconfig_defaults_inc.php
if your mantis version is recent enough to have it. Note however that the list of valid wiki engines may be out of date; as of 1.2.6 the correct list is in the switch statement incore/wiki_api.php
# Wiki Integration
# Wiki Integration Enabled?
$g_wiki_enable = OFF;
# Wiki Engine
$g_wiki_engine = 'dokuwiki';
# Wiki namespace to be used as root for all pages relating to this mantis installation.
$g_wiki_root_namespace = 'mantis';
# URL under which the wiki engine is hosted. Must be on the same server.
$g_wiki_engine_url = $t_protocol . '://' . $t_host . '/%wiki_engine%/';
Tip: If you are using different subdomains (eg. mantis lives at: and doku lives at then you need to make the cookies accessible to both subdomains. In your mantisconfig_inc.php
, set
$g_wiki_engine_url = '';
$g_cookie_domain = ''; // So wiki and bugs can share cookie info
Don’t forget to change g_wiki_enable to ON later once you are done setting up DokuWiki.
Install DokuWiki and make sure it is working properly. This involves making sure that you can create pages, edit them, view them, etc.
Add/modify the configuration values show below in your DokuWiki installation. Recent versions (eg. 2011-05-25a “Rincewind”) can have these indokuwiki\conf\local.protected.php
, but older versions will have to put them in a file that may be overwritten later. Usedokuwiki\conf\local.php
if you do not use the Admin interface’s config plugin (it will delete manually added lines!). Otherwise usedokuwiki\conf\dokuwiki.php
where the default settings are located, but beware this will get overwritten during updates, so you will need to manually merge changes.
In fact a fix is needed to implement the two settings to the config page. (fix in form of plugin is already done here but contains other changes)
# Add the following lines:
define( 'MANTIS_ROOT', 'c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mantisbt/' ); // file path to Mantis, must terminate with /
define( 'MANTIS_URL', 'http://localhost/mantisbt/' ); // url to Mantis, must terminate with /
# Once you have inc\auth\mantis.class.php created, modify the following configuration options to match the values below.
# With modern versions of dokuwiki, the bundled config plugin can set these values, otherwise uncomment them here.
# $conf['useacl'] = 1; // Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
# $conf['authtype'] = 'mantis'; // which authentication backend should be used
# $conf['defaultgroup'] = 'VIEWER'; // Default groups new Users are added to
# $conf['superuser'] = '@ADMINISTRATOR'; // allows mantis administrator to access dokuwiki admin area
# If selecting the mantis auth backend results in fatal errors from redeclaration of utf8 functions, uncomment this:
# require_once( MANTIS_ROOT . 'core.php' );
(utf8 redeclaration error reference:
Add the following to the end of acl.auth.php
This will get you started. See the Tips section above for information about per-project group mappings.
Create dokuwiki\inc\auth\mantis.class.php
with the code below.
cando['external'] = true;
$this->cando['logoff' ] = true; // module has a logoff method
* Authenticates the user using Mantis APIs.
function trustExternal($user,$pass,$sticky=false){
global $USERINFO;
global $conf;
$ValidUser = false;
// Manage HTTP authentication with Negotiate protocol enabled
$user = auth_prepare_username($user);
$pass = auth_prepare_password($pass);
// This is necessary in all cases where Authorization HTTP header is always set
// Has a user name been provided?
if ( !empty ( $user ) )
// User name provided, so login via form in progress...
// Are the specified user name and password valid?
if ( auth_attempt_login ( $user, $pass, $sticky ) )
// Credential accepted...
$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = $user; // Set the user name (makes things work...)
$ValidUser = true; // Report success.
// Invalid credentials
if ( !$silent )
msg ( $lang [ 'badlogin' ], -1 );
$ValidUser = false;
// No user name provided.
// Is a user already logged in?
if ( auth_is_user_authenticated ( ) )
// Yes, a user is logged in, so set the globals...
// is it a media display or a page?
if (isset($_REQUEST['media'])) {
$t_project_name = explode( ':', getNS( getID("media",false) ) );
} else {
// normal page
$t_project_name = explode( ':', getNS( getID() ) );
$t_project_id = project_get_id_by_name( $t_project_name[1] );
$t_access_level = access_get_project_level( $t_project_id );
$t_access_level_string = strtoupper( MantisEnum::getLabel( config_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_access_level ) ); // mantis 1.2.0rc
// $t_access_level_string = strtoupper( get_enum_to_string( config_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_access_level ) );
$t_access_level_string_ex = strtoupper( $t_project_name[1] ) . '_' . $t_access_level_string;
$USERINFO['grps'] = array( $t_access_level_string, $t_access_level_string_ex );
$USERINFO[ 'pass' ] = current_user_get_field ( 'password' );
$USERINFO[ 'name' ] = current_user_get_field ( 'username' );
$USERINFO[ 'mail' ] = current_user_get_field ( 'email' );
$_SERVER[ 'REMOTE_USER' ] = $USERINFO[ 'name' ];
$_SESSION[ $conf[ 'title' ]][ 'auth' ][ 'user' ] = $USERINFO[ 'name' ];
$_SESSION[ $conf[ 'title' ]][ 'auth' ][ 'info' ] = $USERINFO;
$ValidUser = true;
$ValidUser = false;
// Is there a valid user login?
if ( true != $ValidUser )
// No, so make sure any existing authentication is revoked.
auth_logoff ( );
return $ValidUser;
* Logout from Mantis
function logOff(){
* Get user data
* (needed for e-mail subscriptions)
* @author Martin Arends
function getUserData($user)
$data = array();
$t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name( $user );
if (isset($_REQUEST['media'])) {
$t_project_name = explode( ':', getNS( getID("media",false) ) );
} else {
// normal page
$t_project_name = explode( ':', getNS( getID() ) );
$t_project_id = project_get_id_by_name( $t_project_name[1] );
$t_access_level = access_get_project_level( $t_project_id, $t_user_id );
$t_access_level_string = strtoupper( MantisEnum::getLabel( config_get( 'access_levels_enum_string' ), $t_access_level ) );
$t_access_level_string_ex = strtoupper( $t_project_name[1] ) . '_' . $t_access_level_string;
$data['name'] = $user;
$data['grps'] = array( $t_access_level_string, $t_access_level_string_ex );
$data['mail'] = user_get_email( $t_user_id );
return $data;
This codes already contains the following mods:
If you want the original code, you can see the wiki history
This plugin is to be placed in dokuwiki\lib\plugins\mantis\syntax.php
. Create themantis
subdirectory underplugins
if necessary.
'Victor Boctor',
'email' => 'vboctor at users . sourceforge . net',
'date' => '2006-05-18',
'name' => 'Mantis Issues Plugin',
'desc' => 'Support References to Mantis Issues',
'url' => '',
* What kind of syntax are we?
function getType(){
return 'substition'; # typo is intentional
* What about paragraphs?
function getPType(){
return 'normal';
* Where to sort in?
function getSort(){
return 156;
* Connect pattern to lexer
function connectTo($mode) {
$this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~Mantis:[0-9]+~~', $mode, 'plugin_mantis');
* Handle the match
function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){
$match = substr( $match, 9, -2 ); // strip "~~Mantis:" from start and "~~" from end
return array( strtolower( $match ) );
* Create output
function render($format, &$renderer, $data) {
if ( $format == 'xhtml' ) {
$renderer->externallink( MANTIS_URL . 'view.php?id=' . $data[0], $data[0] );
return true;
return false;
If you use mantis 1.1.0rc2 (or later), the following steps are already done and you just need to set
$g_wiki_enable = ON;
in your config_inc.php
If you use a mantis version which is older than 1.1.0rc2 please check if any of the changes below still need to be done.
Create mantis/core/wiki_api.php
with the following content:
Create mantis/core/wiki_dokuwiki_api.php
with the following content:
Add the following with the rest of the includes:
require_once( $t_core_dir . 'wiki_api.php' );
In the print_menu()
function, add the following code after the code which prints the Docs button (the block with the “Project Documentation Page” comment).
# Project Wiki
if ( wiki_is_enabled() ) {
$t_current_project = helper_get_current_project();
$t_menu_options[] = '$t_current_project . '">' . lang_get( 'wiki' ) . '';
Add the following function:
# --------------------
# Print a button to create a wiki page
function html_button_wiki( $p_bug_id ) {
if ( ON == config_get( 'wiki_enable' ) ) {
if ( access_has_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold' ), $p_bug_id ) ) {
html_button( 'wiki.php',
lang_get_defaulted( 'Wiki' ),
array( 'id' => $p_bug_id, 'type' => 'issue' ),
'get' );
Update html_button()
to the following implementation:
# --------------------
# Print an html button inside a form
function html_button ( $p_action, $p_button_text, $p_fields = null, $p_method = 'post' ) {
$p_action = urlencode( $p_action );
$p_button_text = string_attribute( $p_button_text );
if ( null === $p_fields ) {
$p_fields = array();
if ( strtolower( $p_method ) == 'get' ) {
$t_method = 'get';
} else {
$t_method = 'post';
Add the following at the end of the file but before the PHP end block (?>):
# wiki related strings
$s_wiki = 'Wiki';
Create wiki.php file in Mantis root folder:
Add the following code before the tag that comes before the “” comment in both bug_view_page.php and bug_view_advanced_page.php.
print_bracket_link( 'wiki.php?id='.$f_bug_id, lang_get( 'wiki' ) ) ?>