读完第七章,就完成了第一部分的阅读。作者通过7个章节,每个章节以问句为标题。详细阐述了跟批判性思维相关的7个概念,分别是individuality, critical thinking, truth, knowledge, opinion, evidence, argument 。通过认识这几个概念,加深了我们对”思考“的认知,对批判性思维的认识,掌握了批判性思维的基本概念和基本构成元素。
第一颗地雷是:”Mine is better”。
1. premise
Logic a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion
【逻】前提; 假定, 假设:
if the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true.
如果前提正确, 那么结论必定正确。
2. not give a hoot/two hootsinformalphrase
to not care about something
I don’t give two hoots about what people think of me.
impose a misleading belief upon (someone)
欺骗, 迷惑(某人):
too many theorists have deluded the public
verb[with obj.](一般作be mired)
cause to become stuck in mud
sometimes a heavy truck getsmired down.
make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious
使(问题, 伤害, 冒犯)恶化, 加剧:
military action would only aggravate the situation.
Chapter 7 What is Argument?
In the context of critical thinking, argument means the line of reasoning that support a judgement. An argument includes one or more premises and one and only one conclusion. The basic approach to evaluating arguments can be stated simply:
Decide whether the premises are true or false and whether the reasoning that leads from them to the conclusion is valid.
However,not all argument are clearly or fully stated, to evaluate complicated arguments you should try you best to identify the hidden premises.
Chapter 8 The Basic Problem: “ Mine is Better”
In this chapter, we should know we all the “ mine-is-better” perspective more or less. For two kinds of people, egocentric and ethnocentric people, it is very difficult to become proficient in critical thinking. Therefore, to be a critical thinker, we should know how to control “mine-the better” thinking.
One way to gain control of “mine-is-better” thinking is to keep in mind that, like other people, we too are prone to it and that its influence will be strongest when the subject is one we really care about.
Another way to control “mine-is-better” thinking is to be alert for signals of its presence.
1.关于两本书:ATRQ 和Beyond Feelings
读Asking the Right Questions一书的时,最困扰我的一个问题是批判思维中的术语。1.书中每个术语虽然有定义,但是定义是一句话,或者两句话的学术式定义,读起来难免晦涩,对第二语言的读者更加晦涩;2.有些术语在书中没有给出定义,比如Argument, premise等等。说实话,这两方面的问题对我的阅读理解带来了不小的障碍。读书时非常懊恼作者为什么没有附一张术语表。
而Beyond Feelings的作者在解释术语上下足了功夫,花足够的笔墨,用我们熟悉的概念来解释晦涩的术语,让术语变得生动,不再是阅读的障碍,而是清晰的概念。
第一次接触批判思维的书,Beyond Feeling读起来更痛快。
现在想一想,虽然读完一遍ATRQ对有些地方仍有疑问。正如《如何阅读一本书》中所说,对于一本好书,没有解决的问题可以通过其它书籍,反复阅读的方法不断增进理解。读Beyong Feelings从某种程度上也帮助我进一步理解ATRQ。