
导出数据库: exp user/password@net名 file=d:\aa.dmp

导入数据库: imp user/password@net名 file=d:\aa.dmp full=y ignore=y


-- Create the user 
create user userName IDENTIFIED BY 密码
  default tablespace USERS
  temporary tablespace TEMP
  profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges 
grant dba to 用户名;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges 
grant create any table to 用户名;
grant create cluster to 用户名;
grant create indextype to 用户名;
grant create operator to 用户名;
grant create procedure to 用户名;
grant create session to 用户名;
grant create trigger to 用户名;
grant create type to 用户名;
grant drop any table to 用户名;
grant unlimited tablespace to 用户名;
