
win7 win8 win10家庭版安装

如果是win10专业版,可以直接使用docker for windows来安装。
但对于win7 win8 win10家庭版安装,需要使用docker toolbox

Unfortunately, Microsoft’s OS features for Docker and Hyper-V don’t work in these older versions, and “Windows 10Home” edition doesn’t have Hyper-V, so you’ll need to install the Docker Toolbox, which is a slightly different approach to using Docker with a VirtualBox VM. This means Docker will be running in a Virtual Machine that sits behind the IPof your OS, and uses NAT to access the internet.

NOTE:For all examples that use http://localhost, you’ll need to replace withhttp://


Windows下安装和Linux不一样,如果下载docker for windows在win7上安装不会成功。 正确的安装过程如下:


下载并run镜像成功后,访问127.0.0.1:8080,发现不会成功。 后来执行ipconfig发现本机ip是192.168.99.1.

一般情况下这个地址是192.168.99.100,然后在Windows的浏览器中,输入这个地址,加上服务的端口即可启用了。 docker在windows下的安装_第1张图片
